


Lecture Topics



Math 2001-002: Intro to Discrete Math, Spring 2025

Lecture Topics

What we discussed/How we spent our time
Jan 13
Syllabus. Policies. Text.

I define the main goals of the course to be:

(1) To learn what it means to say ``Mathematics is constructed to be well founded.'' To learn which concepts and assertions depend on which others. To learn what are the most primitive concepts ( = set, $\in$) and the most primitive assertions ( = axioms of set theory).

(2) To learn how to unravel the definitions of ``function'', ``number'', and ``infinite'', through layers of more and more primitive concepts, back to ``set'' and ``$\in$''.

(3) To learn the meanings of, and the distinction between, ``truth'' and ``provability''. To learn proof strategies.

(4) To learn formulas for counting.

Axioms of set theory.

I will occasionally post notes for Math 2001 in the form of flash cards on Quizlet. To join our quizlet class, go to

(Test yourself on the Axioms of Set Theory with this Quizlet link:

Jan 15
Read Sections 1.1 and 2.1.

We began discussing `naive' set theory, in which we `define' a set to be an unordered collection of distinct objects. We contrasted this with formal set theory based on the axiom system ZFC (Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory with the Axiom of Choice). We described the language of set theory. We described the directed graph model of set theory. We introduced
(i) the symbol $\in$.
(ii) the Axiom of Extensionality.
(iii) the Axiom of the Empty Set.
(iv) the Axiom of Union and the definition of the successor function: $S(x)=x\cup \{x\}$.
(v) the definitions of $0, 1, 2, 3, 4$.
(vi) the recursive definition of addition of natural numbers.
Using these definitions, we proved that $2+2=4$.

Jan 17
We discussed how to enlarge our language through definitions and we introduced definitions for $\emptyset, 0, \subseteq$, and $S(X)$. We introduced the notations $A\cup B$ and $\bigcup X$ for the formation of unions of two or arbitrarily many sets.
Note: we may henceforth use the symbols $\cup$ and $\bigcup$. They are defined by $$ \varphi_{((A\cup B)=C)}(A,B,C):\;(\forall z)((z\in C)\leftrightarrow ((z\in A)\vee(z\in B))) $$ and $$ \varphi_{((\bigcup X)=Y)}(X,Y):\;(\forall z)((z\in Y)\leftrightarrow (\exists w)((z\in w)\wedge (w\in X))). $$
We introduced inductive sets. We discussed Axioms 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in English, (ii) in terms of diagrams and examples, (iii) in terms of the Directed Graph Model of the Universe of Sets.
Jan 20
MLK, Jr Day! No meeting.
Jan 22
We reviewed the material from last week and introduced the Axiom of Power Set and the Axiom of Separation. We discussed the relationship between Restricted Comprehension and Unrestricted Comprehension. Our discussion covered pages 1-8 of these slides, pages 1-4 of these slides, and pages 1-3 of these slides.
Jan 24
We discussed why Naive Set Theory is inconsistent following these slides.
We introduced the concept of a class. We explained why every set is a class, but not every class is a set. (The Russell class is an example of a class that is not a set.) If $x$ and $y$ are sets and $X$ and $Y$ are classes, then it is meaningful to write $x\in y$ and $x\in Y$, but not $X\in y$ and not $X\in Y$. That is, a proper class should not appear to the left of the symbol $\in$.
We explained why there is no set of all sets.
We concluded by defining the symbols $\cap$ and $\bigcap$ for intersection and we stated without proof that the class $\bigcap \emptyset$ is not a set. Here intersection behaves differently than union: $\bigcup\emptyset$ IS a set.
Jan 27
  1. We reviewed the difference between sets and classes in terms of the directed graph model of set theory.
  2. We explained why we may form empty unions, but not empty intersections. We explained why we may form the intersection of a class of sets but not the union of a class of sets.
  3. We defined the natural numbers, $\mathbb{N}$, as the intersection of all inductive sets. We showed that $\mathbb{N}$ is inductive itself, so it is the ``least inductive set''.
Quiz yourself on set theory terminology with this Quizlet link:
Some of these definitions are illustrated by examples here

Quiz 1!

Jan 29
We completed the introduction of the ZFC axioms by discussing the last three axioms (Replacement, Choice, Foundation). Some of the new terminology introduced is:
  • class function (used in the Axiom of Replacement)
  • choice set (used in the Axiom of Choice)
  • enumeration of a set, Well-Ordering Principle (consequence of the Axiom of Choice)
  • epsilon-minimal element ($\in$-minimal element) (used in the Axiom of Foundation)
Jan 31
We discussed Ordered Pairs.
Feb 3
We spent the first 10 minutes working on practice problems from this handout. Solutions!

We then reviewed ordered pairs, Cartesian products, and relations.

We turned to new material concerning Functions. The new concepts are described on pages 10-12 of these slides.

  • Functions:
    1. Function Rule
    2. domain, codomain
    3. image, preimage, fiber, coimage
    4. inclusion map, natural map, induced map
    Quiz yourself on terminology for functions!

    Quiz 2!

    Feb 5
    We discussed functions following these notes. We completed Page 1 of these notes. The main concepts we discussed were

    1. the function rule
    2. the notation $F\colon A\to B$ or $A\stackrel{F}{\to} B$.
    3. domain, codomain
    4. image, preimage, fiber, coimage
    5. inclusion map, natural map, induced map
    6. canonical decomposition of a function: $F = \iota\circ\overline{F}\circ \nu$.
    7. injection (=injective function), surjection (=surjective function), bijection (=bijective function = injective +surjective function).
    8. In response to a comment about coimages, we introduced the concept of a partition of a set $A$. A partition of $A$ is a set $P=\{A_0, A_1, \ldots\}$ of nonempty subsets of $A$ satisfying (i) $\bigcup P=A$ and (ii) $A_i\cap A_j=\emptyset$ when $i\neq j$. Coimages are typical examples of partitions.
    Quiz yourself on terminology for functions!
    Feb 7
    We reviewed the definitions of
    1. function (= map)
    2. domain, codomain
    3. image, preimage, fiber, coimage
    4. inclusion map, natural map, induced map
    5. canonical decomposition of a function: $F = \iota\circ\overline{F}\circ \nu$.
    6. injection (=injective function), surjection (=surjective function), bijection (=bijective function = injective +surjective function).
    Then we explained why an inclusion map is injective, a natural map is surjective, and an induced map is bijective.

    Next, we turned to the definition of definition. I discussed the three elements of a definition, which answer the questions:

    1. What is the word or phrase you are trying to define? (Example: mammal)
    2. What type of object is it? To which class does it belong? (Example: member of the animal kingdom)
    3. Which properties distinguish your object from others in it class? (Example: a vertebrate animal, warm blooded, gives birth to live young, has body hair, etc)
    We then gave the definition of a partition according to the above pattern. A partition of a set $A$ is
    (0) a set $P=\{A_0,A_1,A_2,\ldots\}$ of nonempty subsets of $A$ which are
    (1) pairwise disjoint ($A_1\cap A_j=\emptyset$ when $i\neq j$) and which satisfy
    (2) $\bigcup P=A_0\cup A_1\cup \cdots = A$.
    If $P=\{A_0,A_1,A_2,\ldots\}$ is a partition of $A$, then the nonempty sets $A_0, A_1, A_2,\ldots$ are called the cells of the partition (or the blocks, or the parts).

    We explained why the coimage is a partition of the domain and why, conversely, every partition of the domain is a coimage. (So coimages = partitions. More precisely, the concept of a partition is the abstraction of the concept of a coimage.)

    I mentioned that it is possible to encode the data of a partition into a binary relation, called an equivalence relation. The equivalence relation associated to $P=\{A_0,A_1,A_2,\ldots\}$ is $K=(A_0\times A_0)\cup(A_1\times A_1)\cup\cdots$. If $P$ is the coimage of $F$, then $K$ is the kernel of $F$.

    Quiz yourself on terminology for functions!

    Quiz yourself on terminology for binary relations!

    Feb 10
    Today we continued discussing function terminology. We spent some time relating the concepts:

  • image/subset. In particular, the image of a function with codomain $B$ is a subset of $B$ and conversely any subset of $B$ is the image of a function with codomain $B$. For the latter part of this claim, for every subset $S$ of $B$ the inclusion map $\iota_S\colon S\to B\colon b\mapsto b$ is a function with image $S$.
  • coimage/partition. In particular, the coimage of a function with domain $A$ is a partition of $A$ and conversely any partition of $A$ is the coimage of a function with domain $A$. For the latter part of this claim, for every partition $P$ of $A$ the natural map $\nu_P\colon A\to P\colon a\mapsto [a]$ is a function with coimage $P$.
  • Next we discussed kernel of a function/equivalence relation. We defined both and argued that:
    the kernel of a function is an equivalence relation and any equivalence relation is a kernel. Equivalence relations on $A$ and partitions of $A$ ``carry the same information''. The main difference is that equivalence relations are sets of pairs, while partitions are sets of sets.

    Quiz 3!

    Feb 12
    Class canceled due to a fire alert in Muenzinger Hall. (If the link no longer contains the alert, then a record of the alert can be found here.)
    Feb 14
    The main topics today were
    1. Induction
    2. Recursion
    3. Arithmetic on $\mathbb N$.
    We completed these slides and viewed this worksheet. We explained the truth of Statements (a) and (b) for the successor function from the worksheet. [Statement (a) follows from the fact that $x\in S(x)$ (so $\emptyset$ is not the successor of any set). Statement (b) was proved on the 6th page of these slides from Jan 29.]
    Feb 17
    The main topics today were
    1. Induction review.
    2. Addition on $\mathbb N$.
    We proved many rules of addition of natural numbers following these slides. (We completed the first 10 pages of these slides.)

    Quiz 4!

    Feb 19
    We completed a proof that addition of natural numbers is commutative. (Page 11 of these slides.) Then we turned to a deeper discussion of the method of Proof by Induction following these slides. Some important points were:
    1. If the statements to be proved are $S_0, S_1, S_2, \ldots$, then we do not have to prove $S_0$ as the base case. For example, if we prove $S_5$ as the base case, and then we prove the inductive step ($S_k\to S_{k+1}$) for $k\geq 5$, then we will have established that $S_5, S_6, S_7, \ldots$ are true.
    2. We introduced and discussed Strong Induction.
    3. We examined faulty induction proofs to practice detecting mistakes.
    Feb 21
    Read Section 2.7.

    Today we discussed the definitions of finite and infinite, countable and uncountable, and the Pigeonhole Principle following these slides. We explained why $\mathbb N$ is infinite. While discussing these topics, we introduced the concept of the restriction of a function $f\colon A\to B$ to a subset $A'\subseteq A$ of the domain.

    Midterm review sheet! (The midterm will be held in class on February 28. You are invited to read this handout on how to answer a question.)

    Feb 24
    Today we discussed the Cantor-Bernstein-Schröder Theorem following these slides.

    Midterm review sheet! (The midterm will be held in class on February 28. You are invited to read this handout on how to answer a question.)

    Quiz 5!

    Feb 26
    Midterm review!

    Midterm review sheet! (The midterm will be held in class on February 28. You are invited to read this handout on how to answer a question.)

    Feb 28
    Mar 3
    Read Section 3.1.

    We began a discussion of logic following these slides. We showed how to write Goldbach's Conjecture as a formal statement. We discussed the first four pages of these slides about Propositional Logic. The topics considered include:

  • Propositions. Propositional variables. Compound propositions.
  • Logical connectives.
  • Truth tables.
  • Tautologies and Contradictions.

    Quiz yourself on terminology for Propositional Logic!

    XKCD on Mathematical Symbols.

  • Mar 5
    Read Section 3.1.

    We continued our discussion of propositional logic following pages 5-8 of these slides. The most important topics were:

  • Tautologies, contradictions, and logical equivalence.
  • Logical implication and logical independence.
  • Direct implication ($H\to C$), contrapositive ($(\neg C)\to (\neg H)$), converse ($C\to H$), and inverse ($(\neg H)\to (\neg C)$).
  • Mar 7
    Read Section 3.1. (Pages 89-100)

    We began by working on these practice problems. After that, we discussed Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF) and Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) following pages 9-13 of these slides Altogether, the practice problems and the DNF/CNF discussion together show that both $A=\{\wedge, \vee, \neg\}$ and $B=\{\to \neg\}$ are `complete' sets of logical connectives. `Completeness' means that any proposition is logically equivalent to an expression using only the connectives in set $A$, and also any proposition is logically equivalent to an expression using only the connectives in set $B$.

    Mar 10
    We discussed the first half of this handout. We started with examples where we converted informal sentences to formal sentences. The examples we considered were:
    • $f\colon \mathbb R\to \mathbb R$ is continuous.
    • There are at least three elements.
    • There are exactly three elements.
    • (About an ordered set) Any two elements have a least upper bound.
    • If $a$ is a child of $A$ and $b$ is a child of $B$ and $A$ and $B$ are siblings, then $a$ is a cousin of $b$.
    We discussed the common elements of these sentences (variables, predicates, logical connectives, quantifiers, punctuation). We finished the day by discussing the difference between predicates and relations.

    Quiz 6!

    Arnie has no respect for those who have no respect for logic.

    Mar 12
    We discussed the relationship between predicates and relations. The main points were:
    • To each relation $R\subseteq A^n$ on $A$, there is an associated predicate $P_R\colon A^n\to \{0,1\}$.
    • $P_R$ is the characteristic function of $R$.
    • $R$ is the support of $P_R$.
    We practiced determining tables for some compound expressions following this handout. Solutions!