Lecture Topics
Math 2001-002: Intro to Discrete Math, Spring 2025
Lecture Topics
What we discussed/How we spent our time
Jan 13
Syllabus. Policies. Text.
I define the main goals of the course to be:
(1) To learn what it means to say
``Mathematics is constructed to be well founded.'' To learn
which concepts and assertions depend on which others.
To learn what are the most primitive
concepts ( = set, $\in$) and the most primitive
assertions ( = axioms of set theory).
(2) To learn how to unravel the definitions of
``function'', ``number'', and ``infinite'',
through layers of more and more primitive
concepts, back to ``set'' and ``$\in$''.
(3) To learn the meanings of, and the distinction between,
``truth'' and ``provability''.
To learn proof strategies.
(4) To learn formulas for counting.
Axioms of set theory.
I will occasionally post notes for Math 2001
in the form of flash cards on Quizlet. To join
our quizlet class, go to
(Test yourself on the Axioms of Set Theory with this
Quizlet link:
Jan 15
Read Sections 1.1 and 2.1.
We began discussing `naive' set theory,
in which we `define' a set to be
an unordered collection of distinct objects.
We contrasted this with formal set theory
based on the axiom system ZFC (Zermelo-Fraenkel
set theory with the Axiom of Choice).
We described the language of set theory.
We described the directed graph model of set theory. We
(i) the symbol $\in$.
(ii) the Axiom of Extensionality.
(iii) the Axiom of the Empty Set.
(iv) the Axiom of Union and the definition of the
successor function: $S(x)=x\cup \{x\}$.
(v) the definitions of $0, 1, 2, 3, 4$.
(vi) the recursive definition of addition of natural numbers.
Using these definitions, we proved that $2+2=4$.
Jan 17
We discussed how to enlarge our language through definitions
and we introduced definitions for $\emptyset, 0, \subseteq$,
and $S(X)$. We introduced the notations $A\cup B$ and
$\bigcup X$ for the formation of unions of two or
arbitrarily many sets.
Note: we may henceforth use the symbols $\cup$ and $\bigcup$.
They are defined by
\varphi_{((A\cup B)=C)}(A,B,C):\;(\forall z)((z\in C)\leftrightarrow ((z\in A)\vee(z\in B)))
\varphi_{((\bigcup X)=Y)}(X,Y):\;(\forall z)((z\in Y)\leftrightarrow
(\exists w)((z\in w)\wedge (w\in X))).
We introduced inductive sets.
We discussed Axioms 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in English, (ii)
in terms of diagrams and examples, (iii) in terms
of the Directed Graph Model of the Universe of Sets.
Jan 20
MLK, Jr Day! No meeting.
Jan 22
We reviewed the material from last week
and introduced the Axiom of Power Set
and the Axiom of Separation.
We discussed the relationship
between Restricted Comprehension
and Unrestricted Comprehension.
Our discussion covered pages 1-8 of
these slides,
pages 1-4 of
these slides,
and pages 1-3 of
these slides.
Jan 24
We discussed why Naive Set Theory is inconsistent
following these slides.
We introduced the concept of a class.
We explained why every set is a class, but
not every class is a set.
(The Russell class is an example of a class that is not a set.)
If $x$ and $y$ are sets and $X$ and $Y$ are classes,
then it is meaningful to write $x\in y$ and $x\in Y$,
but not $X\in y$ and not $X\in Y$. That is,
a proper class should not appear to the left of the symbol
We explained why there is no set of all sets.
We concluded by defining the symbols
$\cap$ and $\bigcap$ for intersection
and we stated without proof that
the class $\bigcap \emptyset$ is not a set.
Here intersection behaves differently than union:
$\bigcup\emptyset$ IS a set.
Jan 27
- We reviewed the difference between sets and classes
in terms of the directed graph model of set theory.
- We explained why we may form empty unions,
but not empty intersections. We explained why we may form
the intersection of a class of sets but not the
union of a class of sets.
- We defined the natural numbers, $\mathbb{N}$,
as the intersection of all inductive
sets. We showed that $\mathbb{N}$
is inductive itself, so it is the ``least inductive set''.
Quiz yourself on set theory terminology with this
Quizlet link:
Some of these definitions are illustrated
by examples here
Quiz 1!
Jan 29
We completed the introduction of the ZFC axioms
by discussing the last three axioms
(Replacement, Choice, Foundation). Some of the new terminology
introduced is:
- class function (used in the Axiom of Replacement)
- choice set (used in the Axiom of Choice)
- enumeration of a set, Well-Ordering Principle (consequence of the Axiom of Choice)
- epsilon-minimal element ($\in$-minimal element)
(used in the Axiom of Foundation)
Jan 31
We discussed
Ordered Pairs.