Catalogue description:
Introduces the ideas of rigor and proof through an
examination of basic set theory, existential and universal quantifiers,
elementary counting, discrete probability, and additional topics.
Requires MATH 1300 or MATH 1310 or APPM 1345 or APPM 1350.
(All with minimum grade C-).
Duplicate Degree Credit Not Granted for MATH 2002
Logic and Discrete Mathematics: A Concise Introduction, 1st ed., 2015
by Conradie and Goranko.
You have free online access to this book through
Chinook. (Follow the ProQuest link.)
Homework, Quizzes and Exams:
During the semester there will be
regularly assigned homework and quizzes, one midterm and
a final exam. Your course grade will be
computed according to the formula:
Grade = HW(30%) + Quiz(20%) + Mid(20%) + Final(30%).
You must take the final exam to pass the course.
Homework should be typed and submitted in pdf form.
(There is a Latex homework template on the course HW page.)
Late homework will not be accepted and missed quizzes
cannot be made up. However, I will not
count your two lowest homework scores nor your
two lowest quiz scores. So, try to do all the HW and quizzes,
and if for some reason you find you are unable to
meet a deadline for HW/quiz consider
that week as one where your HW/quiz will not be counted.
You will be graded only on your written work.
This work will be judged on the basis of
correctness, completeness, and clarity.
Strings of formulas without explanation will not be accepted.
Paragraph organization (where appropriate), complete sentences
and correct punctuation are expected.
Quiz: Usually on Monday
HW: Usually on Wednesday
First Day: Jan 13 (Monday)
MLK, Jr Day: Jan 20 (Monday)
Midterm: Feb 28 (Friday)
Spring Break: Mar 24-28 (Monday-Friday)
Last Day: May 1 (Thursday)
Final Exam: Sat 3, 4:30-7pm (Saturday)
Getting Help:
Don't wait until it is too late if you need help.
Ask questions! I am available
during the office hours listed
here and also at many other times.
If you can't see me during office hours, then make an appointment
with me to see me at a different time. I will also give short
answers to questions sent by email. One can get
help for some lower division math courses in the
Math Academic Resource Center,
and it might happen that someone there can answer
your Math 2001 questions.
Information concerning our class will be posted
on my teaching web page under the link for
A copy of any document I hand out in class will be accessible
from this page.