Lecture Topics
Math 2001-002: Intro to Discrete Math, Spring 2025
Homework text should be typed and submitted to Canvas in pdf form.
Latex HW template.
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Rather, you may submit hand-drawn images
to accompany your solutions when convenient and desirable.
HW0 |
Read Section 1.1 and 2.1.
HW1 |
1. Define
V_0=\emptyset, V_1={\mathcal P}(V_0),
V_2={\mathcal P}(V_1),
V_3={\mathcal P}(V_2), and so on.
(a) List the elements of V_0, V_1, V_2 and V_3.
(b) Draw a directed graph whose ``dots'' are the sets in V_3
and where x\to y means x\in y. (Hint: your graph
should have four ``dots'' and four edges.)
2. Find sets A and B satisfying the given conditions.
(a) A\in B and A\not\subseteq B.
(b) A\in B and A\subseteq B.
(c) A\notin B and A\subseteq B.
3. Show that \bigcup {\mathcal P}(x) = x.
(Remember the proper way to show two sets are equal.)
HW1 Problems (dischw1.tex),
Solution sketches (dischw1sol.tex),
Solution sketches (dischw1sol.pdf),
Solution sketches (video).
HW2 |
Sections 2.2 and 2.3 (Functions and binary relations, pages 28-45).
1. We have explained why
the Russell class {\mathcal R}=\{x\;|\;x\notin x\}
is not a set.
Explain why the following classes are also not sets.
(a) The class \mathcal C of all sets.
(b) The class \mathcal D of all 1-element sets.
(Hints: For (a), show that the assumption that \mathcal C
is a set allows you to construct \mathcal R as a set.
For (b), show that the assumption that \mathcal D
is a set allows you to construct \mathcal C as a set.)
2. Your friend offers a wager that, under
the Kuratowski encoding,
the ordered pair (0,1) equals the natural number three.
Should you take the wager? Explain.
(More detail: You friend is offering money to support
the claim that the set (0,1) equals the set 3.
If you believe that your friend is correct, then you
should not take the wager. Otherwise,
to take the wager, you should offer money saying that this is false.
Whoever is correct will get all the money.)
3. Show that \emptyset\times A = \emptyset.
HW2 Problems (dischw2.tex)
Solution sketches (dischw2sol.tex),
Solution sketches (dischw2sol.pdf)
HW3 |
Read Sections 2.4 and 2.5 (Functions as relations,
Equivalence relations and partitions, pages 47-59).
Make sure you know all the information on the
Quizlet card sets
called Axioms of Set Theory, Vocabulary for Set Theory,
Set Theory Examples, and Vocabulary for Functions.
1. Explain why it is true that the function
F: A\to {\mathcal P}(A):
a\mapsto \{a\} is injective.
2. In this problem, f: A\to B and g:B\to C will be
composable functions.
(a) Show that if g\circ f is injective, then f is injective.
(b) Show that if g\circ f is surjective, then g is surjective.
3. This is a continuation of Problem 2,
so assume that f: A\to B and g:B\to C are
composable functions.
(a) Give an example where g\circ f is injective,
but g is not injective.
(b) Give an example where g\circ f is
surjective but f is not surjective.
Solution sketches (dischw3sol.pdf)
HW4 |
Read pages 65-69 (Subsections 2.6.4-2.6.5:
Well-ordered sets, Induction).
1. Prove that m(n+k)=(mn)+(mk) holds for all m, n, k\in \mathbb N.
2. Prove that m(nk)=(mn)k holds for all m, n, k\in \mathbb N.
3. Prove that mn=nm holds for all m, n\in \mathbb N.
(Some lemmas will be needed.)
You may use any properties of addition that we have proved.
Remark: On Friday, Feb 14,
we discussed all ideas needed to solve
these three problems. BUT, we will prove all the laws
of addition on Monday Feb 17, so you might want
to wait until then before trying these problems. I think that
it might help to see similar examples worked out before you start on these.
Solution sketches (dischw4sol.pdf)
HW5 |
Read pages 69-80 (Sections 2.7-2.8: Ordinals and Cardinals).
1. Show that
f\colon \mathbb N\times \mathbb N\to \mathbb N\colon
(m,n)\mapsto 2^m(2n+1)-1 is a bijection.
(You may use any facts that you know about addition
and multiplication of natural numbers, not just the facts proved in class.)
2. Show that if |X|=|Y|, then |{\mathcal P}(X)|=|{\mathcal P}(Y)|.
(Hint: You must show that if there is a bijection f\colon X\to Y,
then there must also be a bijection
g\colon {\mathcal P}(X)\to {\mathcal P}(Y).)
3. Let \textrm{Eq}(\mathbb N) be the set of equivalence relations
on \mathbb N. Show that
|{\mathcal P}(\mathbb N)|\leq |\textrm{Eq}(\mathbb N)|\leq
|{\mathcal P}(\mathbb N\times \mathbb N)|. Use the results
of Problems 1 and 2 and use the CBS Theorem to
conclude that
|\textrm{Eq}(\mathbb N)| =
|{\mathcal P}(\mathbb N)|.
(Hint: For the first part, you must show that there exist injective functions
h\colon {\mathcal P}(\mathbb N)\to \textrm{Eq}(\mathbb N)
and k\colon \textrm{Eq}(\mathbb N)\to {\mathcal P}(\mathbb N\times \mathbb N).)
Solution sketches (dischw5sol.pdf)
HW6 |
Read Subsections 3.1, 3.5.1, 3.6.1.
1. Determine whether the negation
of the proposition P logically implies,
is logically equivalent to, or is logically independent
of proposition Q:
(i) P= a\to b, Q = a\wedge (\neg b).
(ii) P=(a\to b)\to a, Q=\neg a.
(iii) P=(a\to b)\wedge (b\to c), Q=(a\to c)
2. Write the following propositions in disjunctive normal form,
assuming that
each proposition is a function of
p, q and r.
(i) p\to r
(ii) ((p\to q)\to ((\neg p)\leftrightarrow r)).
(iii) q
3. Write the following axioms of set theory as formal sentences.
(i) Extensionality.
(ii) Pairing.
(iii) Power set.