Math 2300-015, Fall 2017 [back]
Here is the official website with all the important stuff.
webassign online homework, ~daily assignments (see here).
an overview of precalc, i.e. stuff you should already know.
Convergence/Divergence of series problems and solutions (without details).
Notes/examples for trig sub
Some differentiation practice with solutions.
Some integration practice with solutions.
Some separable differential equations with solutions.
OFFICE HOURS: MTWF, 14:00-15:00 (or by appointment,
quiz 1 (in class option), solutions
quiz 1 (take home option), solutions
quiz 2 (in class portion), solutions
quiz 2 (take home portion), solutions
quiz 3 (take home only), solutions
quiz 4, solutions
quiz 5, solutions
quiz 6, solutions
quiz 7, solutions
quiz 8, short solutions, detailed solutions
quiz 9 (in class)
quiz 9 (take home) solutions
quiz 10, solutions
quiz 11, solutions
quiz 12, solutions
quiz 13 (in class portion), solutions
quiz 13 (take home), solutions

Robert Hines MATH 340