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Math 2001-002: Intro to Discrete Math, Fall 2023

Lecture Topics

What we discussed/How we spent our time
Aug 28
Syllabus. Policies. Text.

I define the main goals of the course to be:

(1) To learn what it means to say ``Mathematics is constructed to be well founded.'' To learn which concepts and assertions depend on which others. To learn what are the most primitive concepts ( = set, $\in$) and the most primitive assertions ( = axioms of set theory).

(2) To learn how to unravel the definitions of ``function'', ``number'', and ``infinite'', through layers of more and more primitive concepts, back to ``set'' and ``$\in$''.

(3) To learn the meanings of, and the distinction between, ``truth'' and ``provability''. To learn proof strategies.

(4) To learn formulas for counting.

Axioms of set theory.

I will occasionally post notes for Math 2001 in the form of flash cards on Quizlet. To join our quizlet class, go to

(Test yourself on the Axioms of Set Theory with this Quizlet link:

Aug 30
Read Sections 1.1 and 2.1.

We began discussing `naive' set theory, in which we `define' a set to be an unordered collection of distinct objects. We contrasted this with formal set theory based on the axiom system ZFC (Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory with the Axiom of Choice). We described the language of set theory. We described the directed graph model of set theory. We introduced
(i) the symbol $\in$.
(ii) the Axiom of Extensionality.
(iii) the Axiom of the Empty Set.
(iv) the Axiom of Pairing.

Sep 1
We discussed how to enlarge our language through definitions, and we introduced definitions for $\emptyset, \subseteq$, and ${\mathcal P}(X)$. We discussed Axioms 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 (i) in English, (ii) in terms of Venn diagrams and examples, (iii) in terms of the Directed Graph Model of the Universe of Sets, and (iv) in the formal language of Set Theory.
Sep 6
We took a practice quiz. Then we introduced the successor operation $S(x)=x\cup \{x\}$ and used it to define inductive sets. We stated the Axiom of Infinity.
Sep 8
We discussed the Axiom of Separation. We discussed Unrestricted Comprehension versus Restricted Comprehension. We explained why naive set theory is inconsistent and explained how naive set theory differs from axiomatic set theory . We explained the difference between sets and classes, and discussed some examples of proper classes. (The Russell class, the class of all sets, the class of all $1$-element sets.)
Sep 11
We completed the introduction of the ZFC axioms by discussing the last three axioms (Replacement, Choice, Foundation).

Quiz yourself on set theory terminology with this Quizlet link:
Some of these definitions are illustrated by examples here

Quiz 1!

Sep 13
We discussed the first 6 pages of these notes on Ordered Pairs.
Sep 15
We discussed pages 6-9 of these notes on Ordered Pairs.
Sep 18
We completed these notes on Ordered Pairs. The main topics were:
  • Directed graph representations of binary relations.

  • Functions:
    1. Function Rule
    2. domain, codomain
    3. image, preimage, fiber, coimage
    4. inclusion map, natural map, induced map
    Quiz yourself on terminology for functions!

    Quiz 2!

    Sep 20
    Today we defined
  • The kernel of a function. (If $F\colon A\to B$ is a function, then $\ker(F)=\{(a,a')\in A\times A\;|\;F(a)=F(a')\}$.)
  • Equivalence relation. (= a reflexive, symmetric, transitive binary relation.)
  • Equivalence class. ($[a]=[a]_E=\{b\in A\;|\;(a,b)\in E\}$)
  • The set of $A/E=\{[a]_E\;|\;a\in A\}$ of $E$-equivalence classes. We read $A/E$ as ``$A$ modulo $E$'' or ``$A$ mod $E$''.
  • The natural map associated to an equivalence relation. ($\nu(a)=[a]_E$)
  • We proved that a binary relation $E\subseteq A\times A$ is a kernel of a function with domain $A$ if and only if it is an equivalence relation on $A$. The proof showed that any equivalence relation $E$ on a set $A$ is the kernel of the natural map $\nu\colon A\to A/E\colon a\mapsto [a]_E$ that is associated to $E$.
    Sep 22
    Today we discussed this handout about function terminology. We spent some time relating the four concepts:
  • kernel of a function/equivalence relation
  • coimage of a function/partition
  • The main elements of the relationship are these:

  • The kernel of a function is an equivalence relation. Any equivalence relation is the kernel of a function. Hence the definition of ``equivalence relation'' correctly axiomatizes kernels.
  • The coimage of a function is a partition. Any partition is the coimage of a function. Hence the definition of ``partition'' correctly axiomatizes coimages.
  • Equivalence relations on $A$ and partitions of $A$ ``carry the same information''. The main difference is that equivalence relations are sets of pairs, while partitions are sets of sets.
  • Sep 25
    We reviewed function terminology, and discussed when a function is injective or surjective.

    Quiz 3!

    Sep 27
    Today we completed this handout about function terminology. We spent most of the time discussing injective, surjective, bijective, and invertible functions along with composition of functions. We discussed the injectivity/surjectivity of these examples (among others): $f\colon \mathbb R\to \mathbb R\colon x\mapsto e^x$, $g\colon \mathbb R\to \mathbb R\colon x\mapsto x\cdot \sin(x)$, $h\colon \mathbb R\to \mathbb R\colon x\mapsto x+\sin(x)$. We explained why a function is injective if and only if it is left cancellable if and only if its kernel is as small as possible (equal to the equality relation). We explained why a function is surjective if and only if it is right cancellable if and only if its image is as large as possible (equal to the codomain).
    Sep 29
    We defined the natural numbers as the intersection of all inductive sets. We proved that the set of natural numbers is inductive itself, hence it is the ``least inductive set''. We discussed the definitions of the order relation and the arithmetic on $\mathbb N$. We discussed the Principle of Induction following these slides.

    Review sheet for the midterm.

    Oct 2
    We discussed (the Parametrized version of) the Recursion Theorem. We applied it to define $x+y, x\cdot y$ and $x^y$ on $\mathbb N$. We discussed how to prove the Laws of Arithmetic in this handout.

    Review sheet for the midterm.

    Quiz 4!

    Oct 4
    We reviewed for the midterm following this review sheet. (The midterm will be held in class on October 6.) We discussed this handout on how to answer a question. We also solved Problem 1 of HW4 as an example of a proof by induction.
    Oct 6

    Midterm Answer Key

    Oct 9
    Read Section 2.7.

    We began to discuss cardinality following this handout.

    Oct 11
    Read Section 2.7.

    Today we discussed the definitions of finite and infinite, the Pigeonhole Principle, and we explained why $\mathbb N$ is infinite. While discussing these topics, we introduced the concept of the restriction of a function $f\colon A\to B$ to a subset $A'\subseteq A$ of the domain.

    Oct 13
    We discussed the disjoint union construction: given sets $A$ and $B$, we construct $$\widehat{A}=\{(a,0)\in A\times\{0\}\;|\;a\in A\}$$ and $$\widehat{B}=\{(b,1)\in B\times\{1\}\;|\;b\in B\}.$$ There exist bijections $f\colon A\to \widehat{A}\colon a\mapsto (a,0)$ (so $|A|=|\widehat{A}|$) and $g\colon B\to \widehat{B}\colon b\mapsto (b,1)$ (so $|B|=|\widehat{B}|$) and we have $\widehat{A}\cap \widehat{B}=\emptyset$.

    We showed that $|A|=|A'|, |B|=|B'|$ and $|A|\leq |B|$ imply $|A'|\leq |B'|$.

    We discussed and prove the Cantor-Bernstein-Schröder Theorem and used it to show that $|\mathbb N\times \mathbb N|=|\mathbb N|$.

    Oct 16
    We proved Cantor's Theorem.

    Quiz 5!

    Oct 18
    We explain why $|\mathbb R| = |(0_{\mathbb R},1_{\mathbb R})| = |{\mathcal P}(\mathbb N)|$. Then we sketched how the integers are constructed from the natural numbers.
    Oct 20
    Read Section 3.1.

    We began a discussion of logic following some handouts logic.pdf, logic2.pdf, and prac1.pdf. We showed how to write Goldbach's Conjecture as a formal statement. We discussed the alphabet of symbols for a formal statement and how to draw the parse tree (=formula tree) for a formal statement. We discussed the first four pages of these slides about Propositional Logic. These pages discuss truth tables for the propositional connectives $\wedge, \vee, \neg, \to ,\leftrightarrow$, and how to determine the truth table for a compound proposition. We defined tautology and contradiction.

    Quiz yourself on terminology for Propositional Logic!

    XKCD on Mathematical Symbols.

    Oct 23
    We reviewed these slides about Propositional Logic up to Slide 8. The topics considered include:

  • Propositions. Propositional variables. Compound propositions.
  • Logical connectives.
  • Truth tables.
  • Tautologies. Contradictions. Logical equivalence.
  • Disjunctive Normal Form.
  • We explained how to convert any proposition into an equivalent proposition written in Disjunctive Normal Form.

    Quiz yourself on terminology for Propositional Logic!

    Quiz 6!

    Oct 25
    We completed these slides about Propositional Logic. New topics included:

  • Logical equivalence, logical inequivalence, logical independence.
  • A comparison of: direct implication, contrapositive implication, converse implication, inverse implication.
  • Disjunctive Normal Form. Completeness of any set of connectives containing AND, OR, and NOT.
  • DNF depends on the set of variables.
  • We completed these slides about predicates (one definition + examples).

    We began this handout on quantifiers.

    Arnie has no respect for those who have no respect for logic.

    Oct 30
    We gave the recursive definition of formula. We practiced determining tables for atomic formulas following this handout. Solutions!

    Quiz 7!

    Nov 1
    The due date for HW7 was moved from Nov 1 to Nov 8.

    We completed the discussion of how to determine whether a sentence is true in a structure. Most of the time was spent following this handout, which discusses how to handle quantifiers. We completed the first two pages of this handout on quantifiers. This handout was circulated, but we didn't get to work on it.

    Nov 3
    The due date for HW7 was moved from Nov 1 to Nov 8.

    We discussed prenex form following these slides. We then discussed part of page 3 of this handout.

    Nov 6
    We discussed quantifier games and worked through some problems on this handout.

    Quiz 8!

    Nov 8
    We discussed truth versus provability. The discussion included
    (1) The definition of ``proof''.
    (2) Semantic versus syntactic consequence. ($\Sigma\models P$ versus $\Sigma\vdash P$.)
    (3) The role of axioms.
    (4) Examples of rules of deduction (e.g. ``Modus Ponens'').
    (5) Silly proof systems. (The empty proof system, the proof system where every sentence in the language is an axiom.) (6) Soundness and completeness of a proof system.
    (7) First-order sentences.
    (8) Gödel's Completeness Theorem.
    (9) The structure of a theorem statement.
    (10) Proof strategies.
    (11) Direct proof, proof of the contrapositive, and proof by contradiction.
    Nov 10
    We reviewed the material from the previous lecture. We then extended the material in the following ways:

    (1) We discussed `mixed' proof strategies. For example, we indicated that a theorem of the form $(H_1\wedge H_2)\to C$ could be proved in any of the following ways:

  • $H_1, H_2, S_3, \ldots, S_k, C$

  • $H_1, \neg C, S_3, \ldots, S_k, \neg H_2$

  • $H_1, H_2, \neg C, S_4, \ldots, S_k, \bot$

  • (2) We discussed how to handle quantifiers in proofs. The example proofs we considered were:

    For any nonempty structure, $(\forall x)\varphi(x)$ implies $(\exists x)\varphi(x)$.

    Suppose that $f\colon A\to B$ and $g\colon B\to C$ are functions. If $(\forall b)(\exists a)(f(a)=b)$ and $(\forall c)(\exists b)(g(b)=c)$, then $(\forall c)(\exists a)(g\circ f(a)=c)$.

    (3) We discussed `restricted quantifiers', like the ones that appear in the definition $\lim_{x\to a} f(x) = L$. This definition is
    $(\forall \varepsilon >0)(\exists \delta > 0)(0<|x-a|<\delta\to |f(x)-L|<\varepsilon).$
    The expression $(\forall \varepsilon >0)$ means that we are universally quantifying $\varepsilon$ subject to the restriction $\varepsilon > 0$, and similarly the expression $(\exists \delta >0)$ means that we are existentially quantifying $\delta$ subject to the restriction $\delta > 0$. The two main things to remember from this are that (i) sentences with restricted quantifiers, like $(\forall x P(x))Q(x)$ or $(\exists x P(x))Q(x)$, are abbreviations for sentences that involve only unrestricted quantifiers:

  • $(\forall x P(x))Q(x) \equiv (\forall x)(P(x)\to Q(x))$ and
  • $(\exists x P(x))Q(x)\equiv (\exists x)(P(x)\wedge Q(x))$,
  • and (ii) restricted quantifiers follow the same rules as unrestricted quantifiers. For example, $\neg (\forall x P(x))Q(x)\equiv (\exists x P(x))\neg Q(x)$, $\neg (\exists x P(x)) Q(x)\equiv (\forall x P(x)) \neg Q(x)$, and (for example) $R\wedge ((\forall x P(x)) Q(x)\equiv (\forall x P(x) (R\wedge Q(x))$ if $R$ does not depend on $x$.
    Nov 13
    Read Section 6.1

    We began discussing counting following these slides. Today we only covered the first three slides.

    Quiz 9!

    Nov 15
    We continued discussing these slides. Today we got to the first item on the last slide.

    Review sheet for the final exam.

    Nov 17
    Read Section 6.2.

    We finished these slides. We began discussing the Binomial Coefficients. We discussed:

  • The definition:${n \choose k}=$ the number of $k$-element subsets of an $n$-element set.
  • A formula for ${n \choose k}$.
  • A recursion for computing ${n \choose k}$.
  • Pascal's Triangle.
  • $\sum_{k=0}^n {n \choose k} = 2^n$.
  • Review sheet for the final exam.

    Nov 27
    Read Section 6.6.

    We reviewed binomial coefficients and the binomial theorem and then introduced multinomial coefficients and the multinomial theorem. We introduced the concept of a multiset. We followed these slides up to the middle of slide 8.

    Quiz 10!

    Nov 29
    We reviewed the solutions to Quiz 10 (with special attention to `and' versus `or'). We discussed all formulas on the distributions handout except the formula $n!\cdot S(k,n)$. Solutions to the problems on the handout!

    Quiz yourself on Counting Formulas!

    Review sheet for the final exam.

    Dec 1
    We reviewed the distribution formulas. We reviewed the answers to the problems on the distributions handout. We started discussing the principle of inclusion and exclusion.

    Review sheet for the final exam.

    Dec 4
    We generalized the Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion so that it applies to more than $2$ sets. The proof of the generalization depended on a fact about binomial coefficients: $$ {k \choose 0} - {k \choose 1} + {k \choose 2} - \cdots + (-1)^k{k \choose k} = 0. $$ We used the Inclusion/Exclusion formula to count the number of surjective functions $f\colon 5\to 3$.

    Quiz 11!

    Dec 6
    We discussed some problems from the Inclusion/Exclusion handout. We showed that the number of surjective functions from an $n$-element set to a $k$-element set is $$ \sum_{r=0}^k (-1)^r{k \choose r}(k-r)^n. $$ From this we derived that the number of partitions of an $n$-element into $k$ cells is $$ \frac{1}{k!}\sum_{r=0}^k (-1)^r{k \choose r}(k-r)^n. $$ We started discussing the Stirling numbers of the second kind following these slides. You can learn about Stirling numbers of the first kind here, but we will not discuss them.

    Review sheet for the final exam.

    Dec 8
    We completed the slides on the Stirling numbers of the second kind and the Bell numbers. The material is summarized on this handout, but the handout has some extra practice problems. The most important definitions are:
  • $S(n,k)$ denotes the number of partitions of an $n$-element set into $k$ cells. (This is a Stirling number of the second kind.)
  • $B_n$ denotes the number of partitions of an $n$-element set. ($B_n$ is a Bell number.)
  • Review sheet for the final exam.

    Dec 11
    We worked on practice problems.

    Review sheet for the final exam.

    Dec 13
    We discussed the Review sheet for the final exam.

    The Final Exam will be held at December 17, 1:30-4pm (Sunday), in our usual classroom DUAN G2B41.