Groupoidfest 2017 — Titles and Abstracts

Speaker: Jonathan Brown (University of Dayton)
Title: Diagonal-Preserving Ring $ \ast $-Isomorphisms of Leavitt Path Algebras
Abstract: In this talk, we show that the path groupoids of directed graphs $ E $ and $ F $ are topologically isomorphic if and only if there is a diagonal-preserving $ \ast $-isomorphism between the Leavitt path algebras of $ E $ and $ F $. This helps make progress on a conjecture by Abrams and Tomforde, which states that if the Leavitt path algebras of $ E $ and $ F $ are isomorphic as rings, then the $ C^{\ast} $-algebras of $ E $ and $ F $ are $ \ast $-isomorphic. This is joint work with L. Clark and A. an Huef.

Speaker: Danny Crytser (Kansas State University)
Title: Traces Arising from Regular Inclusions
Abstract: In this talk, I will explain how to define and parametrize tracial states using conditional expectations. The basic question is: If $ E: A \to B $ is a conditional expectation onto an abelian $ C^{\ast} $-subalgebra and $ \phi $ is a state on $ B $, then what conditions must be met by $ \phi $ in order for the composition $ \phi \circ E $ to be a tracial state on $ A $? The answer involves normalizers of the $ C^{\ast} $-subalgebra and is analogous to the notion of an invariant measure for a group action on a topological space. We give an application to graph $ C^{\ast} $-algebras, parametrizing all tracial states and giving a necessary and sufficient condition for all tracial states on a graph $ C^{\ast} $-algebra to be gauge-invariant. This is joint work with Gabriel Nagy.

Speaker: Valentin Deaconu (University of Nevada, Reno)
Title: Cuntz-Pimsner Algebras from Groupoid Actions
Abstract: We recall the concept of a groupoid action on spaces, on $ C^{\ast} $-algebras, on graphs, and on $ C^{\ast} $-correspondences. Groups act on objects, but groupoids act on fibered objects. We construct several $ C^{\ast} $-correspondences arising from groupoid actions and study the associated Cuntz-Pimsner algebras. We discuss connections with crossed products, graph $ C^{\ast} $-algebras, Doplicher-Roberts algebras, and algebras of self-similar actions. We illustrate with some examples.

Speaker: Elizabeth Gillaspy (University of Münster, Germany)
Title: Twists over Étale Groupoids and Twisted Vector Bundles
Abstract: Given a twist over an étale groupoid, one can construct an associated $ C^{\ast} $-algebra that carries a good deal of geometric and physical meaning; for example, the $ K $-theory group of this $ C^{\ast} $-algebra classifies D-brane charges in string theory. Twisted vector bundles, when they exist, give rise to particularly important elements of this $ K $-theory group. In this talk, we will explain how to use the classifying space of the étale groupoid to construct twisted vector bundles, under some mild hypotheses on the twist and the classifying space. This is joint work with Carla Farsi.

Speaker: Leonard Huang (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Title: Hilbert $ C^{\ast} $-Modules over Groupoid Dynamical Systems and Square-Integrable Representations
Abstract: In a 2000 paper, Ralf Meyer gave a reformulation of Rieffel’s theory of proper group actions on $ C^{\ast} $-algebras in terms of Hilbert $ (G,A,\alpha) $-modules, where $ (G,A,\alpha) $ is a $ C^{\ast} $-dynamical system. Meyer’s results were later generalized by Alcides Buss to dynamical systems for a co-action of a locally compact quantum group on a $ C^{\ast} $-algebra, and to continuous twisted $ C^{\ast} $-dynamical systems by myself. In this talk, we outline how one may also generalize his results to groupoid dynamical systems. To do this, one works with an upper-semicontinuous bundle of Hilbert $ C^{\ast} $-modules corresponding to an upper-semicontinuous bundle of $ C^{\ast} $-algebras. It is hoped that such a generalization can be applied to $ C^{\ast} $-correspondences of directed graphs equipped with a groupoid action.

Speaker: Daniel Ingebretson (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Title: Hausdorff Dimensions of Kuperberg Minimal Sets
Abstract: The Seifert Conjecture was answered negatively in 1994 by Kuperberg who constructed a smooth aperiodic flow on a $ 3 $-manifold. This construction was later found to contain a minimal set with a complicated topology. This minimal set is embedded as a lamination by surfaces with a Cantor transversal of Lebesgue measure $ 0 $. In this talk, we will discuss the pseudogroup dynamics on the transversal, the induced symbolic dynamics, and the Hausdorff dimension of the Cantor set.

Speaker: Marius Ionescu (United States Naval Academy)
Title: Obstructions to Lifting Cocycles on Groupoids and the Associated $ C^{\ast} $-Algebras
Abstract: Let $ G $ be an amenable locally compact groupoid, and let $ A $ be a closed subgroup of a locally compact abelian group $ B $. Given a $ B / A $-valued $ 1 $-cocycle $ \phi $ on $ G $, there is a central extension $ \Sigma_{\phi} $ of $ G $ by $ A $ that is trivial if and only if $ \phi $ lifts to a $ B $-valued cocycle. We prove that $ {C^{\ast}}(\Sigma_{\phi}) $ is isomorphic to the induced algebra of the natural action $ \widehat{B / A} $ on $ {C^{\ast}}(G) $. We also consider a simple class of examples arising from Čech $ 1 $-cocycles. This is joint work with Alex Kumjian.

Speaker: Olga Lukina (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Title: Wild Solenoids
Abstract: The dynamics of weak solenoids is described in terms of a pseudogroup action on a transversal to the foliation on the solenoid. A localization of the pseudogroup is the étale groupoid, associated to the transversal of the foliation. In weak solenoids, the transversal is totally disconnected, and the action of the holonomy pseudogroup is equicontinuous. Our goal is to find invariants that classify solenoids up to a homeomorphism type. The choice of a transversal in a weak solenoid is not well-defined, and so it is natural to ask for characteristics of the action that are invariant under restriction to a clopen set. We show that there exist actions that never ‘stabilize’ under such restrictions. To classify such actions, we introduce an invariant, called the ‘asymptotic discriminant’. We also construct an uncountable collection of wild solenoids with pairwise distinct asymptotic discriminant.

Speaker: Alan Paterson (University of Mississippi (Professor Emeritus))
Title: The Dual of $ {C^{\ast}}(G) $
Abstract: The talk describes the dual of the $ C^{\ast} $-algebra of a locally compact groupoid in terms of positive-definite measures.

Speaker: Laura Scull (Fort Lewis College)
Title: Mapping Spaces for Orbispaces
Abstract: Orbifolds, and more generally orbispaces, are a class of spaces that have well-behaved singularities. These are often modeled using topological groupoids. The category of orbispaces can be described as a bicategory of fractions of groupoids, where a certain class of maps — the Morita equivalences — have been inverted. Using this approach, we can define a mapping object that is another groupoid. Our goal is to give this groupoid a topology so that it becomes another orbispace and (with certain compactness conditions) becomes an exponential object in the category of orbispaces. I will discuss the main difficulties in doing this and the results that allow us to overcome them. This is joint work with D. Pronk at Dalhousie University.

Speaker: Jack Spielberg (Arizona State University)
Title: Groupoids from Permutations, Continued
Abstract: Given a permutation $ f $ of a set $ S $, one can define a semigroup (with identity) by the presentation: $ \langle S \mid \forall a,b \in S: ~ a f(a) = b f(b) \rangle $. It turns out that this semigroup is left-cancellative, and hence there is well-oiled machinery for producing $ C^{\ast} $-algebras from it. However, it seems that the groupoid approach is particularly well-suited for sorting out the details. This is (still) work in progress, joint with Tron Omland, David Pask and Adam Sørensen.

Speaker: Thomas Timmermann (University of Münster, Germany)
Title: Quantum Groupoids — Why, What and How
Abstract: We indicate how the notion of a quantum groupoid appears in various situations and how this notion can be made precise, and discuss some examples including quantum transformation groupoids. Along the way, we try to assume the perspective of a groupoids person (rather than that of a quantum-groups person).

Speaker: Jordan Watts (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Title: Symplectic Quotients by Circle Actions Are Not Representable
Abstract: Let the circle act on a symplectic manifold in a Hamiltonian fashion, and fix a value of the momentum map. There is a question of whether the symplectic quotient at this value is diffeomorphic to the orbit space of some proper Lie-group action. Besides defining what exactly we mean by ‘diffeomorphism’, we will prove that this only occurs if the symplectic quotient is diffeomorphic to an effective orbifold. In this case, the corresponding level set of the momentum map has at most one positive weight or at most one negative weight about each fixed point.

Last updated: May 15, 2017.