Algebraic Geometry Algebra/Logic DeLong Diversity Functional Analysis Geometry/Analysis Init Conditions Kempner Lie Theory MathClub Math Phys Noncomm Geometry Number Theory Probability Rep Theory Grad Student Seminar Thesis Defenses Topology Ulam Math Edu

Events for February – June 2019


Feb. 04, 2019
3pm (Math 350)
Mitsuru Wilson (IMPAN)
Pseudo-differential operators and their symbols on theta-deformation of compact quantum groups
Feb. 05, 2019
1pm (MATH 220)
Athena Sparks (CU Boulder)
NP-hardness of PCSPs (part 1)
Feb. 05, 2019
2pm (MATH 350)
Lie Theory
Nat Thiem (CU)
Hopf structures in algebra and combinatorics
Feb. 05, 2019
2pm (MATH 220)
Michael Wheeler (CU Boulder)
p = t via Nonstandard Models of Set Theory, Part 2
Feb. 05, 2019
4pm (MATH 350)
Agnes Beaudry (CU Boulder)
Classifying spaces and tangential structures
Feb. 06, 2019
3pm (Math350)
Math Phys
Markus J. Pflaum (University of Colorado, Math Department)
The spectral theorem for operators on Hilbert spaces and its application in quantum mechanics.
Feb. 06, 2019
4pm (MATH 350)
Grad Student Seminar
Mariusz Tobolski (IMPAN)
A (locally) trivial talk
Feb. 07, 2019
3pm (MATH 350)
Isaac Sonin (UNC at Charlotte)
Locks, Bombs and Testing
Feb. 11, 2019
3pm (Math 350)
Piotr M. Hajac (CU Boulder / IMPAN)
From pushouts to pullbacks in the equivariant setting
Feb. 12, 2019
1pm (MATH 220)
Athena Sparks (CU Boulder)
NP-hardness of PCSPs (part 2)
Feb. 12, 2019
2pm (MATH 220)
Michael Wheeler (CU Boulder)
p = t via Nonstandard Models of Set Theory, Part 3
Feb. 12, 2019
5pm (ECCR 1B40)
Kristin Lauter (Microsoft Research)
Private AI (or: How to Keep your Location Data Secret)
Feb. 13, 2019
3pm (Math350)
Math Phys
Mike Hermele (University of Colorado, Physics Department)
Lattice models Part 1
Feb. 13, 2019
4pm (ECCR 265)
Kristin Lauter (Microsoft Research)
Supersingular Isogeny Graphs in Cryptography (or: How to Keep your Secrets in a Post-Quantum World)
Feb. 14, 2019
2pm (MATH 350)
Functional Analysis
Leonard Huang (University of Nevada)
The Covariant Stone-von Neumann Theorem for Actions of Abelian Groups on C*-Algebras of Compact Operators
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Feb. 18, 2019
3pm (Math 350)
Frederic Latremoliere (University of Denver)
Convergence of spectral triples
Feb. 19, 2019
11am (MATH 350)
Number Theory
Dang-Khoa Nguyen (University of Calgary)
An Extension of Results by Mahler and Corvaja-Zannier
Feb. 19, 2019
12:10pm (MATH …
Brian Rider (Temple)
Operator limits of random matrices
Feb. 19, 2019
2pm (MATH 220)
Michael Wheeler (CU Boulder)
p = t via Nonstandard Models of Set Theory, Part 4
Feb. 19, 2019
2pm (MATH 350)
Lie Theory
Sarah Salmon (CU)
Exploring the nil Temperley–Lieb algebra of type affine A
Feb. 19, 2019
3pm (MATH 350)
Brian Rider (Temple)
A general beta crossover ensemble
Feb. 19, 2019
4pm (MATH 350)
Jonathan Quartin (CU Boulder)
Symmetric monoidal categories and other categorical preliminaries
Feb. 20, 2019
3pm (Math350)
Math Phys
Mike Hermele (University of Colorado, Physics Department)
Lattice models Part 2
Feb. 20, 2019
4pm (MATH 220)
Functional Analysis
Ulrik Enstad (University of Oslo)
Heisenberg modules and their connection to Gabor frames
Feb. 20, 2019
5pm (Math 350)
Peter Elliott (CU Boulder)
Sometimes it all comes together
Feb. 25, 2019
3pm (Math 350)
Alexandru Chirvasitu (SUNY Buffalo)
Quantum-rigid manifolds
Feb. 26, 2019
10am (Math 350)
Nathan Glatt-Holtz (Tulane University)
Scalings and saturation in infinite-dimensional control problems with applications to stochastic partial differential equations
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Feb. 26, 2019
11am (MATH 350)
Number Theory
Damien Roy (University of Ottawa)
Simultaneous rational approximation to exponentials of algebraic numbers
Feb. 26, 2019
2pm (MATH 350)
Lie Theory
Bruce Sagan (Michigan State University)
Combinatorial and algebraic interpretations of Lucas analogues
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Feb. 26, 2019
3pm (MATH 350)
Amit Patel (CSU)
Persistent Homology (Pretalk)
Feb. 26, 2019
4pm (MATH 350)
Amit Patel (CSU)
Persistent Local Systems
Feb. 27, 2019
3pm (Math350)
Math Phys
Markus J. Pflaum (University of Colorado, Math Department)
Algebraic QFT a la Haag-Kastler Part 1
Feb. 27, 2019
5pm (Math 350)
Agnes Szendrei (CU Boulder)
Are Random Algebras Really `Random' ?
Mar. 04, 2019
3pm (Math 350)
Konrad Aguilar (Arizona State University, Tempe)
Inductive limits of C*-algebras and compact quantum metric spaces
Mar. 05, 2019
10am (Math 350)
Noncomm Geometry
John Lott (University of California, Berkeley)
Eigenvalue estimates and differential form Laplacians on Alexandrov spaces
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Mar. 05, 2019
10am (MATH 350)
John Lott (UC Berkeley)
Eigenvalue estimates and differential form Laplacians on Alexandrov spaces
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Mar. 05, 2019
2pm (MATH 220)
Agnes Szendrei (CU Boulder)
Ultrafilters with Model-Theoretically Significant Properties
Mar. 05, 2019
2pm (MATH 350)
Lie Theory
Stephanie van Willigenburg (University of British Columbia)
The e-positivity of chromatic symmetric functions
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Mar. 05, 2019
3pm (MATH 220)
Anna Marie Bohmann (Vanderbilt University)
Mar. 05, 2019
3pm (MATH 350)
Algebraic Geometry
Damiano Fulghesu (Minnesota State Moorehead)
Intersection Theory of Irreducible Plane Curves
Mar. 05, 2019
4pm (MATH 350)
Anna Marie Bohmann (Vanderbilt University)
The Generating Hypothesis with G-actions
Mar. 06, 2019
3pm (Math350)
Math Phys
Markus J. Pflaum (University of Colorado, Math Department)
Algebraic QFT a la Haag-Kastler Part 2
Mar. 06, 2019
4pm (Math 35)
Thesis Defenses
Paul Lessard (CU Boulder)
Spectra as Locally Finite \Z-Groupoids
Mar. 07, 2019
12:10pm (MATH …
Laura Scull (Fort Lewis College)
Homotopy theory for graphs
Mar. 07, 2019
2pm (Math 350)
Functional Analysis
Laura Scull (Lewis College)
An equivariant fundamental group for orbifolds
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Mar. 08, 2019
4pm (MATH 350)
Grad Student Seminar
Sebastian Bozlee (CU Boulder)
An Application of Finite Fields
Mar. 11, 2019
3pm (Math 350)
Albert J. L. Sheu (University of Kansas, Lawrence)
The Quantum family of maps
Mar. 12, 2019
11am (Math 350)
Thesis Defenses
John Willis (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Topological foundations of tropical geometry
Mar. 12, 2019
1pm (MATH 220)
Nik Ruskuc (St Andrews)
Congruence lattices of diagram monoids, 1
Mar. 12, 2019
2pm (MATH 220)
Peter Mayr (CU Boulder)
Results from AAA 97
Mar. 12, 2019
2pm (MATH 350)
Lie Theory
Richard Green (CU Boulder)
Applications of the nil Temperley--Lieb algebra of type affine C
Mar. 12, 2019
4pm (MATH 350)
Robin Deeley (CU Boulder)
Bordism and classical invariants
Mar. 13, 2019
5pm (Math 350)
Piotr M. Hajac (ULAM visitor)
Game of Theorems
Mar. 14, 2019
10am (Math 350)
Thesis Defenses
Kevin M. Berg
The Complexity of Homomorphism Factorization
Mar. 18, 2019
3pm (ECCR 155)
Functional Analysis
Alex Kumjian (University of Nevada)
The homology of ample groupoids and the Matui conjecture (Joint with the Ulam Seminar)
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Mar. 18, 2019
3pm (Math 350)
Alexander Kumjian (University of Nevada, Reno)
The homology of ample groupoids and the Matui conjecture
Mar. 19, 2019
12:10pm (MATH …
Alex Kumjian (University of Nevada/Reno)
Higher Rank Graphs and the Associated C^*-algebras
Mar. 19, 2019
1pm (MATH 220)
Nik Ruskuc (St Andrews)
Congruence lattices of diagram monoids, 2
Mar. 19, 2019
2pm (MATH 220)
Peter Mayr (CU Boulder)
More results from AAA 97
Mar. 19, 2019
4pm (MATH 350)
Markus Pflaum (CU Boulder)
Topological field theories
Mar. 20, 2019
3pm (Math350)
Math Phys
Daniel Spiegel (University of Colorado, Physics Department)
Quantum Field Theory from a physicists point of view
Mar. 20, 2019
4pm (MATH 350)
Grad Student Seminar
Lucas Laird (CU Boulder)
Resolvability of Hamming Graphs for Applications in Computational Biology
Mar. 21, 2019
12:10pm (MATH …
Boris Hanin (Texas A&M)
Deep Learning for Mathematicians
Mar. 21, 2019
3pm (MATH 350)
Thesis Defenses
Noah Williams (CU Boulder)
Apr. 01, 2019
3pm (Math 350)
Sarah Reznikoff (Kansas State University, Manhattan)
A Renault-type correspondence between groupoid twists and C*-algebras acted upon by abelian groups
Apr. 02, 2019
10am (MATH 350)
Peter Olver (University of Minnesota)
Moving frames, differential invariants, and the reassembly of broken objects
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Apr. 02, 2019
1pm (MATH 220)
Agnes Szendrei (CU Boulder)
Flexible Ultrafilters and the Theory of the Random Graph
Apr. 02, 2019
2pm (MATH 350)
Lie Theory
John Shareshian (Washington University in St. Louis)
Chromatic quasisymmetric functions and regular semisimple Hessenberg varieties
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Apr. 02, 2019
4pm (MATH 350)
Paul Lessard (CU Boulder)
Higher categories and the Grothendieck Homotopy Hypothesis
Apr. 03, 2019
3pm (Math350)
Math Phys
Sheng-Jie Huang (University of Colorado, Physics Department)
Chern-Simons Theory
Apr. 03, 2019
5pm (Math 350)
Jeanne Clelland (CU Boulder)
The Will of the People: How we vote and why it matters
Apr. 04, 2019
10am (MATH 220)
Thesis Defenses
Robert Hines
Applications of hyperbolic geometry to continued fractions and Diophantine approximation
Apr. 04, 2019
11am (Math 350)
Thesis Defenses
Paul Lessard (CU Boulder)
Spectra as Locally Finite Z-groupoids
Apr. 04, 2019
2pm (MATH 350)
Functional Analysis
Robin Deeley (CU Boulder)
Index theory for manifolds with fibered Baas-Sulivan singularities
Apr. 04, 2019
3pm (MATH 350)
Zhenhua Wang (CU Boulder)
The ‘coin-turning walk’ and its scaling limit
Apr. 08, 2019
3pm (Math 350)
Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder)
Index pairing with Alexander-Spanier cocycles
Apr. 09, 2019
12:10pm (MATH …
Adam Sikora (State University of New York at Buffalo)
From the Jones polynomial to Quantum Teichmuller Theory
Apr. 09, 2019
1pm (Math 245)
Thesis Defenses
Jon Belcher (CU Boulder)
Bridge Cohomology
Apr. 09, 2019
1pm (MATH 220)
Thesis Defenses
Steven Weinell (CU Boulder)
On the Descending Central Series of Higher Commutators
Apr. 09, 2019
1pm (MATH 220)
Steven Weinell (CU Boulder)
On the Descending Central Series of Higher Commutators (Thesis defense)
Apr. 09, 2019
2pm (MATH 220)
Steven Weinell (CU Boulder)
On the Descending Central Series of Higher Commutators (Thesis defense)
Apr. 09, 2019
2pm (MATH 350)
Lie Theory
Farid Aliniaeifard (University of Colorado Boulder)
Hopf structures in algebra and combinatorics: The peak algebra
Apr. 09, 2019
4pm (MATH 350)
Michael Hermele (CU Boulder)
Extended Topological Field Theories and the Cobordism Hypothesis
Apr. 10, 2019
3pm (Math350)
Math Phys
Markus J. Pflaum (University of Colorado, Math Department)
Algebraic QFT a la Haag-Kastler Part 3: The Doplicher-Haag-Roberts theory
Apr. 10, 2019
4pm (MATH 350)
Grad Student Seminar
Jun Hong (CU Boulder)
Summation of Divergent Series
Apr. 11, 2019
Functional Analysis
Hao Guo (Texas A&M)
A Lichnerowicz vanishing theorem for the maximal Roe algebra
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Apr. 15, 2019
3pm (Math 350)
Kenny De Commer (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Quantum symmetric spaces and quantizations of semisimple real Lie groups
Apr. 16, 2019
10am (MATH 350)
Taylor Klotz (CU Boulder)
The Partial Contact Curve Reduction Step in Cascade Linearization
Apr. 16, 2019
11am (MATH 350)
Number Theory
Chong Gyu Lee (Soongsil University)
Multiplicative functions, additive on polygonal numbers
Apr. 16, 2019
12pm (MATH 350)
Satyan Devadoss (University of San Diego)
Unfolding Mathematics at Burning Man
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Apr. 16, 2019
12pm (MATH 350)
Satyan Devadoss (University of San Diego)
Unfolding Mathematics at Burning Man
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Apr. 16, 2019
1pm (MATH 220)
Keith Kearnes (CU)
Congruence n-permutability is not join prime
Apr. 16, 2019
2pm (MATH 220)
Jordan DuBeau (CU)
An uncountable Jonsson Jonsson-Tarski Algebra
Apr. 16, 2019
2pm (MATH 350)
Lie Theory
Farid Aliniaeifard (University of Colorado Boulder)
Hopf structures in algebra and combinatorics: The peak algebra in non-commuting variables
Apr. 16, 2019
3pm (MATH 350)
Ezra Getzler (Northwestern University)
Derived stacks and symplectic forms
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Apr. 17, 2019
3pm (Math350)
Math Phys
Victor Gurarie (University of Colorado, Physics Department)
Conformal Field Theory Part 1
Apr. 17, 2019
4pm (MATH 350)
Grad Student Seminar
Hunter Davenport (CU Boulder)
Tree-Decompositions and the Graph Minor Theorem
Apr. 17, 2019
5pm (Math 350)
Panel: Faculty and Graduate Students (CU Boulder)
Panel on Graduate School
Apr. 18, 2019
2pm (MATH 350)
Functional Analysis
Hao Guo (Texas A&M)
A Lichnerowicz vanishing theorem for the maximal Roe algebra
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Apr. 18, 2019
3pm (MATH 350)
Hoi Nguyen (Ohio State University)
Random eigenfunctions on flat tori: universality for the number of intersections
Apr. 22, 2019
3pm (Math 350)
Masoud Khalkhali (University of Western Ontario, London)
Curvature in noncommutative geometry
Apr. 23, 2019
10am (MATH 350)
Markus Pflaum (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Introduction to Lie groupoids from a geometric point of view
Apr. 23, 2019
1pm (MATH 220)
Keith Kearnes (CU)
Congruence n-permutability is not join prime, 2
Apr. 23, 2019
2pm (MATH 220)
Agnes Szendrei (CU Boulder)
Flexible Ultrafilters and the Theory of the Random Graph, Part 2
Apr. 23, 2019
2pm (MATH 350)
Lie Theory
Nathan Lindzey (CU)
Harmonic Analysis on Matchings
Apr. 24, 2019
3pm (Math350)
Math Phys
Victor Gurarie (University of Colorado, Physics Department)
Conformal Field Theory Part 2
Apr. 24, 2019
4pm (MATH 350)
Grad Student Seminar
Taylor Klotz (TK) (CU Boulder)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind of Distribution
Apr. 25, 2019
2pm (MATH 350)
Functional Analysis
Mahya Ghandehari (University of Delaware)
On non-commutative weighted Fourier algebras
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Apr. 29, 2019
3pm (Math 350)
Paul F. Baum (Penn State University, State College)
Index theory on odd-dimensional manifolds
Apr. 30, 2019
10am (MATH 350)
Elaine Cozzi (Oregon State University)
Incompressible Euler equations and the effect of changes at a distance
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Apr. 30, 2019
11am (MATH 350)
Number Theory
Clayton Petsche (Oregon State University)
Attractors associated to a family of hyperbolic p-adic plane automorphisms
Apr. 30, 2019
12:10pm (MATH …
Anton Dzhamay (University of Northern Colorado)
Geometry of Discrete Integrable Systems: QRT Maps and Discrete Painlevé Equations
Apr. 30, 2019
2pm (MATH 220)
Agnes Szendrei (CU Boulder)
Flexible Ultrafilters and the Theory of the Random Graph, Part 3
Apr. 30, 2019
2pm (MATH 350)
Lie Theory
Shawn Burkett (Kent State)
Characterizations of nested GVZ groups in terms of vanishing-off subgroups of characters
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Apr. 30, 2019
3pm (MATH 350)
Algebraic Geometry
Yuchen Liu (Yale University)
K-stability of cubic threefolds
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Apr. 30, 2019
4pm (MATH 350)
Katharine Adamyk (CU Boulder)
Madsen Tillman Spectra
May. 01, 2019
3pm (Math350)
Math Phys
Ravishankar Sundararaman (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Functional approximations for Density-Functional Theory
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
May. 01, 2019
3pm (MATH 350)
Ravishankar Sundararaman (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Functional approximations for Density-Functional Theory
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
May. 01, 2019
4pm (MATH 350)
Grad Student Seminar
Yu Wang (CU Boulder)
From symplectic manifolds to Kahler manifolds
May. 02, 2019
3pm (MATH 350)
Steven N. Evans (Departments of Statistics and Mathematics, University of California at Be…)
Lipschitz minorants of L\'evy processes
May. 06, 2019
2pm (MATH 350)
Lie Theory
Julianne Rainbolt (Saint Louis University)
Supercharacter Theory and Degrees of the Irreducible Characters of a Group
May. 06, 2019
3:30pm (MATH 3…
Jonathan Wise (CU Boulder)
Jun. 03, 2019
1pm (350)
Jonathan Belcher (CU Boulder)
Bridge cohomology: a generalization of Hochschild and cyclic cohomologies with applications to Chern-Weil theory
Jun. 20, 2019
2pm (MATH 350)
Henry Adams (Colorado State University)
An introduction to applied topology