Mon, Feb. 10 3:35pm (MATH 3… |
Grad Student Seminar Alex LaJeunesse (CU Boulder)
Delooping Primes
Tue, Feb. 11 1:25pm (MATH 2… |
Algebra/Logic Mateo Muro (CU) View Online:
A characterization of finitely based abelian Mal'cev varieties
Tue, Feb. 11 2:30pm (MATH 3… |
Lie Theory Jinwei Yang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Representation and tensor category of affine sl_2 Lie algebra at positive rational level
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Tue, Feb. 11 2:30pm (MATH 2… |
Grad Algebra/Logic Keith Kearnes (CU) View Online: The structure of finite algebras, 3
Tue, Feb. 11 3:30pm (MATH 3… |
Topology James Woodcock TBD
Wed, Feb. 12 3:30pm (MATH350) |
Math Phys Sheagan John (CU Boulder)
Foundations of Measure Theory
Thu, Feb. 13 11:15am (MATH … |
Algebraic Geometry Daniel Lyness
Introduction to D-Modules (continued)
Fri, Feb. 14 11:15am (Math … |
Math Edu Rebecca Machen
Enhancing Mathematical Problem-Solving Skills and Academic Mindsets for Undergraduate Mathematics Students Through Interactions with Generative AI
Mon, Feb. 17 3:30pm (Kitt C… |
DeLong Laura DeMarco (Harvard University)
From the solar system to the Mandelbrot set
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Tue, Feb. 18 12pm (MATH 350) |
Algebraic Geometry Mihnea Popa (Harvard)
Hodge symmetries of singular varieties
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Tue, Feb. 18 1:25pm (MATH 2… |
Algebra/Logic Johanna Brunar (TU Wien, Austria) View Online:
The sorrows of a smooth digraph
Tue, Feb. 18 2:30pm (MATH 2… |
Grad Algebra/Logic Keith Kearnes (CU) View Online: The structure of finite algebras, 4
Tue, Feb. 18 3:30pm (MATH 3… |
Topology Alex Lajeunesse TBD
Tue, Feb. 18 3:30pm (Kitt C… |
DeLong Laura DeMarco (Harvard University) The geometry (and algebra) of the Mandelbrot set
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund