Algebraic Geometry Algebra/Logic DeLong Diversity Functional Analysis Geometry/Analysis Init Conditions Kempner Lie Theory MathClub Math Phys Noncomm Geometry Number Theory Probability Rep Theory Grad Student Seminar Thesis Defenses Topology Ulam Math Edu

Events for January – May 2023


Jan. 19, 2023
9am (MATH 350)
Algebraic Geometry
Fumiaki Suzuki (UCLA)
Non-algebraic geometrically trivial cohomology classes over finite fields
Sponsored by the Simons Foundation
Jan. 25, 2023
3:30pm (Math350)
Math Phys
Markus J. Pflaum (Department of Mathematics, CU Boulder)
Classical variational calculus
Jan. 25, 2023
4:40pm (MATH 3…
Grad Student Seminar
Dan Lyness (CU Boulder)
Galois Connections and the Zariski Topology
Jan. 31, 2023
1:25pm (Online)
Žaneta Semanišinová (Technische Universität Dresden)
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Complexity Classification Transfer for CSPs via Algebraic Products
Feb. 01, 2023
3:30pm (Math350)
Math Phys
Howy Jordan (CU Boulder)
Banach and Hilbert Manifolds
Feb. 02, 2023
5pm (MATH 350)
Grad Student Seminar
Chase Meadors (CU Boulder)
Coalgebra 1
Feb. 07, 2023
3:30pm (MATH 3…
Organizational Meeting
Organizational Meeting
Feb. 08, 2023
3:30pm (Math350)
Math Phys
Rebecah Storms (CU Boulder)
Jets and jet bundles
Feb. 08, 2023
4:40pm (MATH 3…
Grad Student Seminar
Alex LaJeunesse (CU Boulder)
Group Completion of Monoids and Monoidal Categories
Feb. 09, 2023
4pm (MATH 220)
Init Conditions
Adrian Neff
Naturality and Equivalence of Categories
Feb. 14, 2023
12:20pm (MATH …
Mandi Schaeffer Fry (Metropolitan State University of Denver)
Character Tables and Brauer’s Legacy
Feb. 14, 2023
1:25pm (Online)
Will Brian (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
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Partitions of the real line into Borel sets
Feb. 14, 2023
3:30pm (MATH 3…
Agnes Beaudry, Robin Deeley and Markus Pflaum
An Introduction to the CU Boulder Topology Group
Feb. 15, 2023
3:30pm (Math350)
Math Phys
Connor Mccranie (CU Boulder)
Locally convex topological vector spaces
Feb. 15, 2023
4:40pm (MATH 3…
Grad Student Seminar
Evan Young (CU Boulder)
The One Transform to Rule Them All
Feb. 21, 2023
12:10pm (MATH …
Klaus Hulek (Leibniz University Hannover)
Classification in algebraic geometry and the geometry of moduli spaces
Feb. 21, 2023
3:30pm (MATH 3…
Daniel Spiegel (CU Boulder)
Topological Results on Pure State Space Inspired by Parametrized Quantum Phases
Feb. 21, 2023
5pm (Online)
Zarathustra Brady (MIT)
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Simplifying clones with partial semilattice operations
Feb. 22, 2023
3:30pm (Math350)
Math Phys
Calum Shearer (CU Boulder)
Differentiability notions in infinite dimensional vector spaces
Feb. 23, 2023
9am (MATH 350)
Algebraic Geometry
Klaus Hulek (Leibniz University Hannover)
Moduli of polarized Enriques surfaces
Sponsored by the Simons Foundation
Feb. 23, 2023
2:30pm (MATH 3…
Functional Analysis
Angel Roman (University of Washington at St. Louis)
C*-Algebraic Mackey Analogy of Reductive Groups
Feb. 23, 2023
4pm (MATH 220)
Init Conditions
Bob Kuo
Examples & the art of the diagram chase
Feb. 28, 2023
1:25pm (Online)
Albert Vucaj (Technical University Vienna, Austria)
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Clones over finite sets up to minor-equivalence
Feb. 28, 2023
2:30pm (MATH 3…
Lie Theory
Richard Green (CU)
A generalization of the positive roots of type D_n
Feb. 28, 2023
3:30pm (MATH 3…
Juan Moreno (CU Boulder)
Duality for Morava E-Theory
Mar. 01, 2023
3:30pm (Zoom)
Math Phys
John Baez (University of California at Riverside)
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The Tenfold Way
Mar. 02, 2023
2:30pm (MATH 3…
Functional Analysis
Robin Deeley (CU Boulder)
Solenoids and their C*-algebras
Mar. 02, 2023
3:35pm (MATH 3…
Manuel Lladser (CU Boulder)
Resolvability of Jaccard Metric Spaces
Mar. 02, 2023
4pm (MATH 220)
Init Conditions
Stephanie Oh
Representable functors and the Yoneda Lemma
Mar. 07, 2023
1:25pm (Online)
Michael Kinyon (University of Denver)
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Conjugacy in semigroups
Mar. 07, 2023
2:30pm (MATH 3…
Lie Theory
Nat Thiem (CU)
The problems with canonical maps
Mar. 07, 2023
3:30pm (MATH 3…
Sheagan John (CU Boulder)
"Lifts and Extensions" of Generalized Coincidence Value Properties
Mar. 08, 2023
3:30pm (Math350)
Math Phys
Ezzedine El Sai (CU Mathematics)
The geometry (and algebra) of PDEs
Mar. 09, 2023
2:30pm (MATH 3…
Functional Analysis
Levi Lorenzo (CU Boulder)
Finitely Summable K-homology
Mar. 09, 2023
3:35pm (Online)
Ewain Gwynne (University of Chicago)
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Permutons, meanders, and SLE-decorated Liouville quantum gravity
Mar. 09, 2023
4pm (MATH 220)
Init Conditions
Henry Maher
Universal Properties
Mar. 14, 2023
12:10pm (MATH …
David Renfrew (Binghamton University)
Eigenvalues of minors of random matrices and roots of derivatives of random polynomials
Mar. 14, 2023
1:25pm (Online)
Dmitriy Zhuk (Charles University, Prague, Czechia)
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Clones on 3 Elements: A New Hope
Mar. 14, 2023
3:30pm (MATH 3…
Howy Jordan (CU Boulder)
Stratified Spaces
Mar. 15, 2023
3:30pm (Math350)
Math Phys
Calum Shearer (CU Boulder)
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Infinite dimensional Lie groups a la Milnor
Mar. 16, 2023
2:30pm (MATH 3…
Functional Analysis
Rachel Chaiser (CU Boulder)
Flat manifolds and the HK-conjecture
Mar. 16, 2023
3:35pm (Online)
Sung-Soo Byun (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
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Real eigenvalues of elliptic random matrices
Mar. 16, 2023
4pm (MATH 220)
Init Conditions
Jon Kim
Limits and Colimits
Mar. 17, 2023
3:30pm (MATH 3…
Grad Student Seminar
Chase Meadors (CU Boulder)
CH or ¬CH? That is the question (among others)
Mar. 21, 2023
12:20pm (Math …
Teresa Wroe (Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance)
Mitigating Unconscious Bias in the Classroom
Mar. 21, 2023
1:25pm (Online)
Pawel Idziak (Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland)
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Circuits over finite algebras
Mar. 22, 2023
4:40pm (MATH 3…
Grad Student Seminar
Andrew Campbell (CU Boulder)
Conformal maps, the Riemann mapping theorem, and (Schramm--)Loewner evolution
Mar. 23, 2023
9:05am (Math 3…
Algebraic Geometry
Jarod Alper (University of Washington)
Advances in moduli theory
Sponsored by the Simons Foundation
Apr. 04, 2023
1:25pm (MATH 2…
Wentao Yang (Carnegie Mellon University)
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An NIP-like notion in abstract elementary classes
Apr. 04, 2023
2:30pm (Math 3…
Lie Theory
Aparna Upadhyay (University of Arizona)
The asymptotics of the decomposition of tensor powers of modules
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Apr. 04, 2023
3:30pm (MATH 3…
Emily Montelius (CU Boulder)
Segal's Gamma-Spaces and the Barratt-Priddy-Quillen Theorem
Apr. 05, 2023
3:30pm (Math350)
Math Phys
Rebecah Storms (CU Boulder)
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Profinite dimensional manifolds
Apr. 06, 2023
9:05am (RAMY N…
Thesis Defenses
Michael Wheeler (CU)
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A Nonstandard Approach to Keisler's Order
Apr. 06, 2023
3:35pm (MATH 3…
Hoi Nguyen (Ohio State University)
Central Limit Theorem for the number of real roots of gaussian random polynomials
Apr. 06, 2023
4pm (MATH 220)
Init Conditions
Colin Jackson
Limits and colimits in set
Apr. 11, 2023
10am (MATH 350)
Thomas Ivey (College of Charleston)
Geometry of Elliptic Darboux-Integrable Systems
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Apr. 11, 2023
12:20pm (MATH …
Andrew Linshaw (Denver University)
Trialities of W-algebras
Apr. 11, 2023
1:25pm (Online)
Guram Bezhanishvili (New Mexico State University)
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Varieties of Heyting algebras: what we (still don’t) know
Apr. 11, 2023
3:30pm (MATH 3…
Sarah Petersen (CU Boulder)
Brown-Gitler Spectra: An introduction & current directions
Apr. 12, 2023
3:30pm (Math350)
Math Phys
Connor Mccranie (CU Boulder)
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Holomorphic functions in infinite dimensional vector spaces
Apr. 12, 2023
4:40pm (MATH 3…
Grad Student Seminar
Calum Shearer (CU Boulder)
A friendly introduction to fiber bundles
Apr. 13, 2023
2:30pm (MATH 3…
Functional Analysis
Matt Lorentz (Michigan State University)
The Hochschild Cohomology of Roe Type Algebras
Apr. 13, 2023
3:35pm (MATH 3…
Tom Trogdon (University of Washington)
Local laws for random matrices, random orthogonal polynomials and algorithms
Apr. 18, 2023
11am (Online)
Peter Jipsen (Chapman University)
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Using Prover9 for research on ortholattices and locally integral involutive po-monoids
Apr. 18, 2023
11:15am (MATH …
Facilitators: Howy Jordan and Maya Ornstein
CHAT+ Disabilities in academia
Apr. 18, 2023
2:30pm (MATH 3…
Lie Theory
ALT Faculty
ALT Open House
Apr. 18, 2023
3:30pm (MATH 3…
Guchuan Li (University of Michigan)
Vanishing results in Chromatic homotopy theory at the prime 2
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Apr. 18, 2023
3:35pm (MATH 2…
Todd Kemp (University of California San Diego)
Tightness for eigenvalues of GLN Brownian Motion
Apr. 19, 2023
5pm (MATH 350)
Grad Student Seminar
Michael Wheeler
A Glimpse of the Nonstandard Landscape
Apr. 20, 2023
2:30pm (Math350)
Math Phys
Bruno Nachtergaele (UC Davis)
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Stability of the bulk gap for quantum lattice systems
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Apr. 20, 2023
3:35pm (MATH 3…
Bojan Basrak (University of Zagreb)
On stationary branching models and random walks in random environment
Apr. 20, 2023
4pm (MATH 220)
Init Conditions
Howy Jordan
Apr. 25, 2023
1:25pm (Online)
Ralph Freese (University of Hawaii)
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New old results
Apr. 25, 2023
2:30pm (MATH 3…
Lie Theory
Angela Carnevale (University of Galway)
Board and card games... and matrices
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Apr. 25, 2023
3:30pm (MATH 3…
Rachel Chaiser (CU Boulder)
Flat manifolds and the HK-conjecture
Apr. 26, 2023
3:30pm (Math350)
Math Phys
Howy Jordan (CU Boulder)
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Infinite dimensional stratifications
Apr. 27, 2023
9am (MATH 350)
Algebraic Geometry
Bob Kuo
An arithmetic count of the lines on a smooth cubic surface
Apr. 27, 2023
4pm (MATH 220)
Init Conditions
Henry Maher
The density theorem and free cocompletion
May. 02, 2023
11am (MATH 350)
Hiro Lee Tanaka (Texas State University)
Topology Day: Streams of water, the shapes of things, and the geometry of associativity
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
May. 02, 2023
1:25pm (online)
Will Boney (Texas State University)
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Building generalized indiscernibles in AECs with set theory
May. 02, 2023
2:30pm (MATH 3…
Teena Gerhardt (Michigan State University)
Topology Day: Algebra in topology and topology in algebra: an introduction to algebraic K-theory
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
May. 02, 2023
3:30pm (MATH 3…
Yuriy Mileyko (University of Hawaii)
Topology: Day Recovering homology from samples: from global to local
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
May. 03, 2023
4:40pm (MATH 3…
Grad Student Seminar
Maya Ornstein (CU Boulder)
May. 04, 2023
9am (MATH 350)
Algebraic Geometry
Jonathan and Yano
Algebraic geometry open house
May. 04, 2023
3:35pm (MATH 3…
Oanh Nguyen (Brown University)
Hole radii for the Kac polynomials
May. 04, 2023
4pm (MATH 220)
Init Conditions
Howy Jordan
The Category of Sets, The Category of Hilbert Spaces
May. 08, 2023
10am (Math 350)
Thesis Defenses
Connor Meredith (CU)
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Nilpotence and Dualizability of Algebras of Finite Type