For earlier paintings, click on these years: 2003 2004 2005-6 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013. 2014. 2015. 2016.
Click on each small image to bring up a larger version. The originals measure 12 x 19 inches (painted area).
I stayed a week in BV, at the Vista Court Motel, once again cheerfully hosted by Rick and Pam Rucker. First two paintings are at the usual spot at the foot of South Main St.
A couple more shots of the Arkansas River, one upstream two blocks or so from South Main, and the other seven miles downstream. I resolved this year to include more sky in the Arkansas paintings; I think I managed to remember this aspiration when painting.
And now one more painting of Cottonwood Creek at about 9,000 feet.