For earlier paintings, click on these years: 2003 2004 2005-6 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013. 2014. 2015.
Click on each small image to bring up a larger version. The originals measure 12 x 19 inches (painted area).
We begin with three paintings of what may be called the Main Arkansas River Rapid, since I have painted it so often. For example see the first two BV paintings of last year ( 2015), and links given there. I came a month earlier last year and the water was much higher. This year many rocks were visible. These three paintings were mostly plein-air, with some rocks and foliage filled out later. First day, a middle day, and then the last day. I say hello and goodbye by visiting this rapid.
Now two more Arkansas River pictures. First looking down from bluff on a warm afternoon. (Similar to 2014 but probably not the same location.) And then a long view of the river from the bluff, looking north. (For earlier takes on this view, see 2009 and 2005.) Both paintings done plein-air with later touch-up.
One plein-air painting of Cottonwood Creek above BV on the road to Cottonwood Lake. I worked two days and two or three drafts of this; still not really satisfied. It isn't really this green, but the general idea is conveyed here; and I'll be back to try it again next year. Nice spot to relax, and some fellow hikers invited me to lunch, and later to a dinner in town. Richard and Linda Wood, along with Lisa and John. Thanks for adopting me for a day!!
Finally one painting of the Arkansas six miles out of BV. On the east bank looking north, at Ruby Mountain campground. For three earlier paintings of this view see 2015. A big surprise when John and Lisa also found me painting here!
There are many paintings of this lake in my portfolio. This one was plein-air except for the trees. Late season, and painting was interrupted about 3:00 by clouds and cold. The nenuphar have advanced since 2013.