Walter Taylor

Some watercolor paintings 2016.

I continue my mad quest to examine what rivers, lakes (etc.) look like.

For earlier paintings, click on these years: 2003 2004 2005-6 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013. 2014. 2015.

Click on each small image to bring up a larger version. The originals measure 12 x 19 inches (painted area).

Switzerland Trail, Boulder County, September 2015

Photographed late 2015, but not painted until some time in Spring, 2016. I have visited this group of aspens many times; for example see these paintings from earlier years: 2007, 2008, 2008, 2009, 2009, 2011. This painting was done at home from a photograph.

Wonderland Lake, Boulder, Colorado, October 2015

Photographed late 2015, but not painted until some time in Spring, 2016. A walk with Joel and Gail on October 15, which must have been the most beautiful day of the year there. It is rare to reach the fifteenth without having had any wind to speak of. Hard to choose which photo to paint from.

Buena Vista, Chaffee County, Colorado, July, 2016

We begin with three paintings of what may be called the Main Arkansas River Rapid, since I have painted it so often. For example see the first two BV paintings of last year ( 2015), and links given there. I came a month earlier last year and the water was much higher. This year many rocks were visible. These three paintings were mostly plein-air, with some rocks and foliage filled out later. First day, a middle day, and then the last day. I say hello and goodbye by visiting this rapid.

Now two more Arkansas River pictures. First looking down from bluff on a warm afternoon. (Similar to 2014 but probably not the same location.) And then a long view of the river from the bluff, looking north. (For earlier takes on this view, see 2009 and 2005.) Both paintings done plein-air with later touch-up.

One plein-air painting of Cottonwood Creek above BV on the road to Cottonwood Lake. I worked two days and two or three drafts of this; still not really satisfied. It isn't really this green, but the general idea is conveyed here; and I'll be back to try it again next year. Nice spot to relax, and some fellow hikers invited me to lunch, and later to a dinner in town. Richard and Linda Wood, along with Lisa and John. Thanks for adopting me for a day!!

Finally one painting of the Arkansas six miles out of BV. On the east bank looking north, at Ruby Mountain campground. For three earlier paintings of this view see 2015. A big surprise when John and Lisa also found me painting here!

Red Rocks Lake, Boulder County, Colorado, August, 2016

There are many paintings of this lake in my portfolio. This one was plein-air except for the trees. Late season, and painting was interrupted about 3:00 by clouds and cold. The nenuphar have advanced since 2013.