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Events for August – December 2020


Sep. 10, 2020
1pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Andrew Linshaw (Denver University)
Trialities of W-algebras
Sep. 17, 2020
2pm (Zoom)
Functional Analysis
Andrew Stocker (CU Boulder)
Hilbert C*-modules - Modules and Maps
Sep. 17, 2020
4pm (Zoom)
Grad Student Seminar
Howie Jordan (CU Boulder)
Noo don’t exclude the middle you’re so constructive aha
Sep. 24, 2020
1pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Jinwei Yang (University of Alberta)
Recent progress on tensor categories of vertex operator algebras
Sep. 24, 2020
2pm (Zoom)
Functional Analysis
Shen Lu (CU Boulder)
Hilbert C*-modules - Multipliers and morphisms
Sep. 24, 2020
4pm (Zoom)
Grad Student Seminar
Chase Meadors (CU Boulder)
Coxeter groups and diagram algebras (pretty pictures included)
Sep. 29, 2020
10:30am (zoom)
Yano Casalaina-Martin (CU-Boulder)
Rationality of cubic hypersurfaces
Sep. 29, 2020
1pm (Zoom)
Peter Mayr (Boulder)
Varieties generated by finite simple algebras
Sep. 29, 2020
1pm (Zoom)
Peter Mayr (CU)
Varieties generated by finite simple algebras
Oct. 01, 2020
2pm (Zoom)
Functional Analysis
Rachel Chaiser (CU Boulder)
Hilbert C*-modules - Projections and Unitaries
Oct. 01, 2020
3pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Reimundo Heluani (IMPA, Brazil)
The singular support of the Ising model.
Oct. 01, 2020
4pm (Zoom)
Grad Student Seminar
Andrew Campbell (CU Boulder)
The Probabilistic Method
Oct. 06, 2020
1pm (Zoom)
Keith Kearnes (Boulder)
Minimal strongly abelian varieties
Oct. 08, 2020
1pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Jethro Van Ekeren (UFF, Brazil)
Schellekens list, the Leech lattice and the very strange Formula
Oct. 08, 2020
2pm (Zoom)
Functional Analysis
Andrew Stocker (CU Boulder)
Tensor products
Oct. 08, 2020
4pm (Zoom)
Grad Student Seminar
Michael Wheeler (CU Boulder)
Reviving the Ghosts of Departed Quantities
Oct. 13, 2020
10:30am (zoom)
Kate Stange (CU-Boulder)
The integer shadows of curves
Oct. 13, 2020
1pm (Zoom)
Stefano Fiovaranti (JKU Linz, Austria)
Expansions of squarefree abelian groups
Oct. 14, 2020
3pm (Zoom)
Math Phys
Daniel Spiegel (CU Boulder Physics Department)
Superselection Sectors and Braid Statistics in Algebraic Quantum Mechanics
Oct. 15, 2020
11am (Zoom)
Noncomm Geometry
Zhengfang Wang (University of Stuttgart)
B-infinity algebra structure on singular Hochschild cohomology
Oct. 15, 2020
1pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Naoki Genra (University of Alberta)
Screenings and applications
Oct. 15, 2020
2pm (Zoom)
Functional Analysis
Shen Lu (CU Boulder)
Induced representations
Oct. 20, 2020
10:30am (zoom)
Braden Balentine (CU Boulder)
Global Time Behavior of Lp-Mild Solutions to the Navier-Stokes Equation on the Hyperbolic Space
Oct. 20, 2020
1pm (Zoom)
Branimir Seselja (University of Novi Sad, Serbia)
Lattices with normal elements
Oct. 21, 2020
4pm (Zoom)
Howie Jordan (CU Boulder)
Oct. 22, 2020
1pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Darlayne Addabbo (University of Arizona)
Higher level Zhu algebras for vertex operator algebras
Oct. 27, 2020
10:30am (zoom)
Judy Packer (CU-Boulder)
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the Heisenberg group
Oct. 27, 2020
1pm (Zoom)
H. Peter Gumm (Philipps University Marburg, Germany)
Free algebra functors as coalgebraic signatures
Oct. 28, 2020
4pm (zoom)
Agnes Beaudry (CU Boulder)
Stacks & Gerbes - Part I
Oct. 29, 2020
1pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Ryo Sato (Academia Sinica,Taipei, Taiwan)
Kazama-Suzuki coset vertex superalgebras at admissible levels.
Oct. 29, 2020
2pm (Zoom)
Functional Analysis
Shen Lu (CU Boulder)
Imprimitivity Bimodules
Nov. 03, 2020
1pm (Zoom)
Michael Kompatscher (Oxford University, UK)
CEQV and CSAT for nilpotent Maltsev algebras
Nov. 03, 2020
2pm (zoom)
Lie Theory
Flor Orosz Hunziker (CU)
Tensor Categories arising from the Virasoro algebra
Nov. 04, 2020
4pm (MATH 350)
Marvin Qi (Cu Boulder)
Bundle Gerbes
Nov. 05, 2020
1pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Yi-Zhi Huang (Rutgers University)
Associative algebra and the representation theory of grading-restricted vertex algebras.
Nov. 05, 2020
2pm (Zoom)
Functional Analysis
Rachel Chaiser (CU Boulder)
Morita Equivalence
Nov. 10, 2020
10:30am (zoom)
Kyle Luh (CU-Boulder)
Markovian Kangaroos
Nov. 10, 2020
1pm (Zoom)
Zurab Janelidze (University Stellenbosch, South Africa)
Noetherian forms
Nov. 10, 2020
2pm (zoom)
Lie Theory
Hugh Thomas (Université du Québec à Montréal)
Simply-laced heaps via quiver representations
Nov. 10, 2020
4pm (Zoom)
Morgan Opie (Harvard)
Vector bundles on projective spaces
Nov. 12, 2020
1pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Antun Milas (SUNY-Albany)
Some q-series identities related to characters of vertex algebras
Nov. 12, 2020
2pm (Zoom)
Functional Analysis
Andrew Stocker (CU Boulder)
The Rieffel Correspondence
Nov. 16, 2020
2pm (Zoom)
Barry Simon (Cal Tech)
Tales of Our Forefathers
Nov. 17, 2020
1pm (Zoom)
Erkko Lehtonen (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal)
Associative spectra of graph algebras
Nov. 18, 2020
2pm (via zoom)
Math Phys
Barry Simon (Caltech)
Reflection Positivity as a Tool in the Theory of Phase Transition
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Nov. 19, 2020
9am (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Anne Moreau (Paris-Saclay)
Singularities of nilpotent Slodowy slices and collapsing levels for W-algebras
Nov. 19, 2020
2pm (Zoom)
Barry Simon (Cal Tech)
Poncelet’s Theorem, Paraorthogonal Polynomials and the Numerical Range of Truncated GGT matrices
Nov. 19, 2020
4pm (Zoom)
Grad Student Seminar
Rachel Chaiser (CU Boulder)
An introduction to C*-algebras
Nov. 24, 2020
10:30am (zoom)
Marty Walter (CU-Boulder)
Doing Math As If Survival Matters
Nov. 24, 2020
1pm (Zoom)
David Broodryk (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
Characterisation of co-extensive varieties of universal algebras
Nov. 24, 2020
2pm (MATH 350)
Lie Theory
Tianyuan Xu (CU Boulder)
On Kazhdan--Lusztig cells of a-value 2
Nov. 25, 2020
5pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Shoma Sugimoto (Kyoto University)
On the log W-algebra.
Dec. 01, 2020
1pm (Zoom)
Tamas Waldhauser (University of Szeged, Hungary)
Solution sets and polymorphism-homogeneity
Dec. 02, 2020
3pm (via zoom)
Math Phys
Andrew Hamilton (CU Boulder Astrophysics Department)
Unification of the four forces in the Spin(11,1) geometric algebra
Dec. 03, 2020
1pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Chiara Damiolini (Rutgers University)
Cohomological Field Theories from vertex operator algebras
Dec. 03, 2020
4pm (Zoom)
Grad Student Seminar
Andrew Stocker (CU Boulder)
Symbolic Dynamics
Dec. 08, 2020
1pm (Zoom)
Michael Hoefnagel (University Stellenbosch, South Africa)
A classification of left exact categories motivated from universal algebra
Dec. 08, 2020
2pm (MATH 350)
Lie Theory
Nat Thiem (CU Boulder)
An introduction to approximating representation theories
Dec. 10, 2020
1pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Shigenori Nagatsuka (University of Tokyo)
Duality of subregular W-algebras and principal W-superalgebras of type A and their representations in rational cases.
Dec. 10, 2020
4pm (Zoom)
Grad Student Seminar
Pat Wynne (CU Boulder)
Turing Computability & Post’s Correspondence Problem
Dec. 17, 2020
1pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Drazen Adamovic (University of Zagreb)
Affine Vertex Algebras, collapsing levels and representation theory