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Events for January – May 2017


Jan. 17, 2017
3pm (MATH 350)
Angès Beaudry (CU Boulder)
An Overview of Spectra
Jan. 24, 2017
1pm (MATH 220)
Peter Mayr (CU Boulder)
Size of generating sets of powers
Jan. 24, 2017
2pm (Math 220)
Keith Kearnes (CU)
Equational classes whose finitely generated members are free.
Jan. 24, 2017
3pm (MATH 350)
Sebastian Bozlee and Cherry Ng (CU Boulder)
Cohomology Theories and Brown Representability
Jan. 24, 2017
3pm (Math 220)
Functional Analysis
Judith Packer (CU Boulder)
Organizational Meeting
Jan. 31, 2017
11am (MATH 350)
Number Theory
Tien Trinh (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Estimates on Non-decaying Whittaker functions and the Miatello-Wallach’s conjecture
Jan. 31, 2017
12:10pm (MATH …
Jim Gates (University of Maryland)
Career Talk
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Jan. 31, 2017
3pm (MATH 220)
Nikki Sanderson and Katharine Adamyk (CU Boulder)
Prespectra and Spectra
Feb. 01, 2017
5pm (Math 350)
Markus Pflaum (CU Boulder)
Chemical Topology
Feb. 07, 2017
2pm (MATH 220)
We'll skip this week.
Feb. 07, 2017
2pm (MATH 350)
Lie Theory
Richard Green (CU)
Representation theory of nil Temperley--Lieb algebras and related algebras
Feb. 07, 2017
3pm (MATH 350)
Matthew Pierson (CU Boulder)
The Stable Homotopy Category as a Triangulated Symmetric Monoidal Category
Feb. 07, 2017
3pm (Math 220)
Functional Analysis
Alex Kumjian (University of Nevada, Reno)
Obstructions to Lifting Cocycles on Groupoids and the Associated C*-Algebras (Part I)
Feb. 08, 2017
4pm (MATH 350)
Grad Student Seminar
Cliff Blakestad
Groups without Sets
Feb. 09, 2017
3pm (MATH 350)
Soumik Pal (University of Washington)
Up-down Markov chains on partitions and their diffusion analogs
Feb. 14, 2017
1pm (MATH 220)
Robert Gray (University of East Anglia, UK)
M-CW complexes and topological finiteness properties of monoids
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Feb. 14, 2017
2pm (MATH 350)
Lie Theory
Richard Green (CU)
Representation theory of nil Temperley--Lieb algebras and related algebras II
Feb. 14, 2017
3pm (Math 220)
Functional Analysis
Alex Kumjian (University of Nevada, Reno)
Obstructions to Lifting Cocycles on Groupoids and the Associated C*-Algebras (Part II)
Feb. 14, 2017
3pm (MATH 350)
Jordan Watts (CU Boulder)
Vector Bundles and the Thom Isomorphism Theorem
Feb. 15, 2017
5pm (Math 350)
Nat Thiem (CU Boulder)
Unipotent polytopes
Feb. 21, 2017
11am (MATH 350)
Number Theory
Arthur Baragar (University of Nevada Las Vegas)
Apollonian packings in higher dimensions and ample cones on K3 surfaces
Feb. 21, 2017
12:10pm (Math …
Peter Elliott (CU Boulder)
Asymptotic estimates for mean values of multiplicative functions, then and now
Feb. 21, 2017
1pm (MATH 220)
Jeffrey Shriner (CU Boulder)
NP-hardness Results for the Subpower Membership Problem, Part 1
Feb. 21, 2017
2pm (MATH 220)
Jakub Bulin (CU)
Blockers, loop lemmata and tree formulas, 1
Feb. 21, 2017
3pm (Math 220)
Functional Analysis
Alex Kumjian (University of Nevada, Reno)
Obstructions to Lifting Cocycles on Groupoids and the Associated C*-Algebras (Part III)
Feb. 21, 2017
3pm (Math 350)
Algebraic Geometry
Graeme Wilkin (NUS)
The reverse Yang-Mills-Higgs flow in the neighbourhood of a critical point
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Feb. 21, 2017
4pm (MATH 350)
Andy Riddle (CU Boulder)
Thom Spectra and the Pontryagin-Thom Theorem
Feb. 28, 2017
11am (MATH 350)
Number Theory
Pedro Berrizbeitia (ULAM Visitor)
Algebraic Mersenne Numbers
Feb. 28, 2017
12:10pm (Math …
Timothy Trujillo (Colorado School of Mines)
Topological Ramsey theory
Feb. 28, 2017
1pm (MATH 220)
Jeffrey Shriner (CU Boulder)
NP-hardness Results for the Subpower Membership Problem, Part 2
Feb. 28, 2017
2pm (Math 220)
Jakub Bulin (CU)
Blockers, loop lemmata and tree formulas, 2
Feb. 28, 2017
3pm (MATH 350)
Cliff Blakestad (CU Boulder)
Quillen's Theorem: MU and Formal Group Laws
Feb. 28, 2017
3pm (Math 220)
Functional Analysis
Leonard Huang (CU Boulder)
Uniqueness of the Heisenberg Commutation Relations from the Viewpoint of Unbounded Operator Theory
Mar. 01, 2017
4:03pm (MATH 3…
Grad Student Seminar
Sarah Salmon
An introduction to groups you don't know you've met
Mar. 07, 2017
11am (MATH 350)
Number Theory
Beth Malmskog (Villanova University)
The S-unit equation and Picard curves good away from p=3
Mar. 07, 2017
3pm (MATh 350)
Markus Pflaum (CU Boulder)
Mar. 07, 2017
3pm (Math 220)
Functional Analysis
Timothy Rainone (Arizona State University)
A K-Theoretic Approach to the Blackadar-Kirchberg Question
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Mar. 08, 2017
4:03pm (MATH 3…
Grad Student Seminar
Michael Wheeler
Nonstandard Analysis: A Talk about Almost Nothing
Mar. 14, 2017
12:10pm (MATH …
Mark Behrens (Notre Dame)
Detectors in homotopy theory
Mar. 14, 2017
2pm (Math 220)
Peter Jipsen (Chapman University)
Residuated Heyting algebras and intuitionistic relation algebras
Mar. 14, 2017
2pm (MATH 350)
Lie Theory
Sarah Wolff (Denison University)
Fourier Analysis on Groups and Algebras: an Algorithm and a Walk
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Mar. 14, 2017
3pm (MATH 350)
Mark Behrens (University of Notre Dame)
A generalization of Quillen-Sullivan rational homotopy theory
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Mar. 14, 2017
4pm (MATH 350)
Xiang Tang (Washington University at St. Louis)
A Leray-Hirsch Principle for Gerbes on Orbifolds
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Mar. 21, 2017
1pm (MATH 220)
Miklos Maroti (Vanderbilt University)
The shape of quasiorder lattices of varieties
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Mar. 21, 2017
2pm (MATH 220)
Joshua Wiscons (California State University, Sacramento)
Geometries and small groups of finite Morley rank
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Mar. 21, 2017
3pm (MATH 350)
Agnès Beaudry (CU Boulder)
Mar. 21, 2017
4pm (MATH 220)
Chi Hin Chan (National Chiao Tung University)
The Holder Regularity of Solutions to Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
Mar. 23, 2017
12:10pm (MATH …
Elizabeth Gillaspy (University of Munster)
Wavelets, spectral triples, and Hausdorff measure for directed graphs
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Mar. 23, 2017
3pm (MATH 350)
Nathaniel Eldredge (University of Northern Colorado)
Strong hypercontractivity on stratified Lie groups
Apr. 04, 2017
12:10pm (Math …
Andrew Linshaw (University of Denver)
Introduction to vertex algebras
Apr. 04, 2017
2pm (MATH 350)
Lie Theory
Megan Ly and Shawn Burkett (CU)
Centralizer Algebras of Unipotent Upper Triangular Matrices AND Constructing supercharacter theories from lattices of normal subgroups
Apr. 04, 2017
3pm (Math 350)
Algebraic Geometry
Dhruv Ranganathan (MIT / IAS)
The space of equations for an algebraic curve
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Apr. 06, 2017
1pm (Math 350)
Noncomm Geometry
Jacek Brodzki (University of Southampton)
A differential complex for CAT(0) spaces.
Apr. 06, 2017
3pm (MATH 350)
Boguslaw Zegarlinski (Imperial College London)
Dissipative Dynamics for Large Interacting Systems
Apr. 11, 2017
2pm (MATH 350)
Lie Theory
Monica Vazirani (UC Davis)
Representations of the affine BMW algebra
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Apr. 11, 2017
2pm (MATH 220)
Stan Wagon (Macalester College)
A Paradox Due to the Absence of the Axiom of Choice; and a Proof of the Tetrahedral Loop Conjecture
Apr. 11, 2017
3pm (Math 220)
Functional Analysis
Marty Walter (CU Boulder)
Abelian Groups Revisited
Apr. 11, 2017
3pm (MATH 350)
Paul Lessard (CU Boulder)
Symmetric Spectra
Apr. 12, 2017
4:03pm (MATH 3…
Grad Student Seminar
Jordan DuBeau
Two-Point Sets: Applying the Mathematical Sledgehammer
Apr. 13, 2017
3pm (MATH 350)
Rinaldo Schinazi (University of Colorado, Colorado Springs)
Apr. 18, 2017
10am (MATH 350)
Peter Vassiliou (Australian National University)
Symmetry & Geometric Control Theory
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Apr. 18, 2017
Number Theory
Alan Reid (University of Texas)
Apr. 18, 2017
12:10pm (Math …
Rafael Frongillo (CU Boulder)
Complexity of conjugacy in 1-dimensional symbolic dynamics
Apr. 18, 2017
1pm (MATH 220)
Arash Rafiey (Computer Science, Indiana State University)
Dichotomy for Digraph Homomorphism Problems, Part 1
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Apr. 18, 2017
2pm (MATH 350)
Lie Theory
James Wilson (Colorado State University)
Tools to tame tensors
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Apr. 18, 2017
2pm (MATH 220)
Arash Rafiey (Computer Science, Indiana State University)
Dichotomy for Digraph Homomorphism Problems, Part 2
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Apr. 18, 2017
3pm (Math 220)
Functional Analysis
Konrad Aguilar (University of Denver)
Convergence of Quotients of AF Algebras in Quantum Propinquity by Convergence of Ideals
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Apr. 18, 2017
3pm (MATH 350)
Paul Lessard (CU Boulder)
Symmetric Spectra Part II
Apr. 19, 2017
4:03pm (MATH 3…
Grad Student Seminar
Matthew Pierson
Apr. 20, 2017
10am (ECCR 110)
Benjamin Dodson (Johns Hopkins)
Global well-posedness and scattering for the 3D cubic nonlinear wave equation
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Apr. 20, 2017
2pm (Math 220)
Lie Theory
Steve Butler (Iowa State)
Parking functions and parking functions on trees
Apr. 20, 2017
3pm (MATH 220)
Miklos Z. Racz (Microsoft Research, Redmond)
Braess's paradox for the spectral gap in random graphs and delocalization of eigenvectors
Apr. 25, 2017
11am (MATH 350)
Number Theory
Hershey Kisilevsky (Concordia University)
Decomposition of Ramified primes in Minimally Ramified extensions
Apr. 25, 2017
12:10pm (MATH …
Boris Hanin (MIT)
Pairing between zeros and critical points of random polynomials
Apr. 25, 2017
1pm (MATH 220)
Trevor Jack (CU Boulder)
Checking regularity in semigroups
Apr. 25, 2017
2pm (Math 220)
Steve Weinell (CU)
Jonsson lattices
Apr. 25, 2017
2pm (MATH 350)
Lie Theory
Marty Walter (CU)
Abelian Groups Revisited
Apr. 25, 2017
3pm (MATH 350)
Jonathan Wise (CU Boulder)
Infinity Categories
Apr. 25, 2017
3pm (Math 220)
Functional Analysis
Nathan Davidoff (CU Boulder)
Spectral Triples and the Bunce-Deddens Algebra
Apr. 27, 2017
3pm (MATH 350)
Boris Hanin (MIT)
Airy Scaling of Random Hermite Functions at the Caustic
May. 02, 2017
10am (MATH 350)
Robert Bryant (Duke University)
Curvature-homogeneous metrics in dimension 3
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
May. 02, 2017
11am (MATH 350)
Number Theory
Cam Stewart (University of Waterloo)
On the representation of k-free integers by binary forns
May. 02, 2017
1pm (MATH 220)
Peter Mayr (CU Boulder)
A loop that is not supernilpotent but finitely based
May. 02, 2017
3pm (Math 220)
Functional Analysis
Leonard Huang (CU Boulder)
Number-Theoretical Aspects of Averaging a Function on the Unit Circle on Roots of Unity
May. 02, 2017
3pm (Math 350)
Algebraic Geometry
Philip Engel (Harvard University)
The Hurwitz theory of elliptic orbifolds
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
May. 03, 2017
4:03pm (MATH 3…
Grad Student Seminar
Robert Hines
The Banach-Tarski paradox
May. 04, 2017
3pm (MATH 350)
Yuval Peres (Microsoft Research)
Gravitational allocation to uniform points on the Sphere