Algebraic Geometry Algebra/Logic DeLong Diversity Functional Analysis Geometry/Analysis Init Conditions Kempner Lie Theory MathClub Math Phys Noncomm Geometry Number Theory Probability Rep Theory Grad Student Seminar Thesis Defenses Topology Ulam Math Edu

Events for December 2020 – April 2021


Apr. 27, 2021
5pm (zoom)
Diversity Committee and Tea
Apr. 15, 2021
5pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Ana Kontrec (University of Zagreb)
Bershadsky-Polyakov vertex algebras at positive integer levels and duality
Dec. 01, 2020
1pm (Zoom)
Tamas Waldhauser (University of Szeged, Hungary)
Solution sets and polymorphism-homogeneity
Dec. 02, 2020
3pm (via zoom)
Math Phys
Andrew Hamilton (CU Boulder Astrophysics Department)
Unification of the four forces in the Spin(11,1) geometric algebra
Dec. 03, 2020
1pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Chiara Damiolini (Rutgers University)
Cohomological Field Theories from vertex operator algebras
Dec. 03, 2020
4pm (Zoom)
Grad Student Seminar
Andrew Stocker (CU Boulder)
Symbolic Dynamics
Dec. 08, 2020
1pm (Zoom)
Michael Hoefnagel (University Stellenbosch, South Africa)
A classification of left exact categories motivated from universal algebra
Dec. 08, 2020
2pm (MATH 350)
Lie Theory
Nat Thiem (CU Boulder)
An introduction to approximating representation theories
Dec. 10, 2020
1pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Shigenori Nagatsuka (University of Tokyo)
Duality of subregular W-algebras and principal W-superalgebras of type A and their representations in rational cases.
Dec. 10, 2020
4pm (Zoom)
Grad Student Seminar
Pat Wynne (CU Boulder)
Turing Computability & Post’s Correspondence Problem
Dec. 17, 2020
1pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Drazen Adamovic (University of Zagreb)
Affine Vertex Algebras, collapsing levels and representation theory
Jan. 14, 2021
9:10am (Zoom 9…
Alexandr Kazda
A brief history of the Constraint Satisfaction Problem
Jan. 14, 2021
1pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Shashank Kanade (University of Denver)
Principal characters of standard A_2^(2)-modules
Jan. 19, 2021
1pm (Zoom)
Charlotte Aten (University of Rochester)
Multiplayer rock-paper-scissors
Jan. 21, 2021
9:10am (Zoom 9…
Alexandr Kazda
Polymorphisms of directed graphs
Jan. 21, 2021
5pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Cuipo Jiang (Shanghai JiaoTong University)
Simplicity of vacuum modules and associated varieties.
Jan. 26, 2021
1pm (Zoom)
Jason Parker (Brandon University)
Isotropy groups of quasi-equational theories
Jan. 27, 2021
4pm (via zoom)
Math Phys
Flor Orosz Hunziker (CU Boulder)
Tensor categories for non rational Virasoro vertex algebras
Jan. 28, 2021
9am (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Ana Ros Camacho (Cardiff University)
Algebra objects in group-theoretical fusion categories.
Jan. 28, 2021
9:10am (Zoom 9…
Alexandr Kazda
Promise CSP: Arise my minions!
Feb. 02, 2021
10:30am (Zoom)
Kevin Manley (CU-Boulder)
A Little Weirdness from Georg Cantor
Feb. 02, 2021
1pm (Zoom)
Matt Valeriote (McMaster University, Canada)
Near unanimity terms and the Baker-Pixley Theorem
Feb. 04, 2021
9:10am (Zoom 9…
Marcin Wrochna (University of Oxford)
Topology in promise constraint satisfaction
Feb. 04, 2021
1pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Christoph Keller (University of Arizona)
Holographic Families of VOAs
Feb. 04, 2021
4pm (Zoom)
Grad Student Seminar
Adrian Neff (CU Boulder)
A geometric introduction to affine schemes
Feb. 09, 2021
2pm (MATH 350)
Lie Theory
Nicholas Davidson (Reed College)
Type P Webs and Howe Duality
Feb. 10, 2021
10am (via zoom)
Math Phys
Matthias Lesch (University of Bonn)
Spectral Flow
Feb. 11, 2021
9:10am (Zoom 9…
Libor Barto (Charles University)
Finitely tractable PCSPs
Feb. 11, 2021
11am (Zoom)
Noncomm Geometry
Manuel Rivera (Purdue University)
Algebraic models for non-simply connected spaces and their loop spaces
Feb. 11, 2021
4pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Tomoyuki Arakawa (Kyoto University)
4D/2D duality and VOA theory
Feb. 16, 2021
10:30am (zoom)
Keith Kearnes (CU-Boulder)
The structure of projective planes
Feb. 16, 2021
1pm (Zoom)
Erhard Aichinger (JKU Linz, Austria)
The degree as a measure of complexity of functions on a universal algebra
Feb. 18, 2021
9:10am (Zoom 9…
Jakub Opršal (Durham University)
A theory of gadget reductions for promise constraint satisfaction I
Feb. 18, 2021
1pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Bin Gui (Rutgers University)
Conjugation and positivity of conformal blocks
Feb. 23, 2021
1pm (Zoom)
Kristina Asimi (Charles University, Prague)
Finitely tractable PCSPs
Feb. 23, 2021
2pm (MATH 350)
Lie Theory
Monica Vazirani (UC Davis)
The rectangular representation of the double affine Hecke algebra via elliptic Schur-Weyl duality
Feb. 24, 2021
4pm (via zoom)
Math Phys
Howie Jordan (University of Colorado)
The Sheaf Theoretic Approach to Contextuality in Quantum Mechanics
Feb. 25, 2021
9:10am (Zoom 9…
Jakub Opršal (Durham University)
A theory of gadget reductions for promise constraint satisfaction II
Feb. 25, 2021
4pm (Zoom)
Grad Student Seminar
Chase Meadors (CU Boulder)
A Tour of Type Theory
Feb. 25, 2021
5pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Robert McRae (Tshinghua University)
On semisimplicity of modules for C_2-cofinite vertex operator algebras
Feb. 25, 2021
5:15pm (Zoom)
organized by Agnes Beaudry and Jonathan Quartin
Math Research : Demystified
Mar. 02, 2021
10:30am (zoom)
Al Bronstein (CU-Boulder)
Using a card trick to teach discrete mathematics
Mar. 02, 2021
1pm (Zoom)
Andrei Bulatov (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Isomorphisms, homomorphisms, and some algebra
Mar. 02, 2021
2pm (MATH 350)
Lie Theory
Victor Ostrik (University of Oregon)
Two dimensional topological field theories and partial fractions
Mar. 03, 2021
10am (via zoom)
Math Phys
Bernardo Uribe (Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla, Colombia)
Topological electronic structure and Weyl points in nonsymmorphic hexagonal materials
Mar. 04, 2021
9am (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Simon Wood (Cardiff University)
There is always more that can be learnt from the free boson
Mar. 04, 2021
9:10am (Zoom 9…
Alexandr Kazda
The correct category for valued CSP
Mar. 09, 2021
1pm (Zoom)
Alexandra Pasi (Baylor University)
Forcing 1-Free Groups to Be Free
Mar. 09, 2021
4:30pm (MATH 3…
Lie Theory
Liron Speyer (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology)
Semisimple Specht modules indexed by bihooks (Unusual time: 4:30pm)
Mar. 11, 2021
9:10am (Zoom 9…
Alexandr Kazda
Minion homomorphisms and valued CSP
Mar. 11, 2021
11am (Zoom)
Noncomm Geometry
Stefano D'Alesio (ETH Zurich)
Representation schemes and noncommutative Poisson geometry
Mar. 11, 2021
1pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Kang Lu (University of Denver)
Skew representations of super Yangian.
Mar. 11, 2021
4pm (https://c…
Grad Student Seminar
Juan Moreno (CU Boulder)
Bordism and stable homotopy
Mar. 16, 2021
10:30am (zoom)
Janos Englander (CU-Boulder)
Pi, Needles, and Noodles
Mar. 16, 2021
1pm (Zoom)
Matthew Moore (University of Kansas)
The Hidden Subgroup Problem for Universal Algebras
Mar. 18, 2021
9:10am (Zoom 9…
Michael Pinsker (Technische Universität Wien)
The infinite CSP dichotomy conjecture
Mar. 18, 2021
10am (zoom 938…
Thesis Defenses
Braden Balentine (University of Colorado)
Well-Posedness and Global in Time Behavior for Mild Solutions to the Navier-Stokes Equation on the Hyperbolic Space with Initial Data in Lp
Mar. 18, 2021
11am (Zoom)
Noncomm Geometry
Stefano D'Alesio (ETH Zurich)
Noncommutative derived Poisson reduction
Mar. 23, 2021
1pm (Zoom)
Andrew Moorhead (University of Kansas)
Higher Kiss terms for modular varieties
Mar. 25, 2021
9:10am (Zoom 9…
Andrei Bulatov (Simon Fraser University)
Counting homomorphisms modulo primes
Mar. 25, 2021
11am (Zoom Mee…
Thesis Defenses
Matthew Pierson (CU Boulder)
Some Applications of a Duality in Cyclic Homology
Mar. 25, 2021
1pm (Zoom)
Thesis Defenses
Ruofan Li (CU Boulder)
Primitive prime divisors, rings of integers and class numbers in arithmetic dynamics
Mar. 25, 2021
6pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Mamoru Ueda (Kyoto University)
Affine super Yangians and rectangular $W$-superalgebras
Mar. 30, 2021
Markus Pflaum (CU-Boulder)
Can one hear the shape of the drum?
Mar. 30, 2021
1pm (Zoom)
Marcin Kozik (University of Krakow, Poland)
Minimal (clones with a Taylor term)
Mar. 31, 2021
4pm (via zoom)
Math Phys
Eugene Rabinovich (University of California at Berkeley)
Factorization algebras for Bulk-boundary Systems
Apr. 01, 2021
9:10am (Zoom 9…
Patrick Wynne (CU Boulder)
Some Finiteness Results in Universal Algebraic Geometry via Clonoids
Apr. 06, 2021
10am (zoom: 98…
Thesis Defenses
Albany Thompson (CU Boulder)
Foundations of the steady Navier-Stokes equation on the hyperbolic space
Apr. 06, 2021
1pm (Zoom)
Nick Galatos (University of Denver)
Amalgamation for certain conic idempotent residuated lattices
Apr. 06, 2021
4pm (zoom: 994…
Thesis Defenses
Carlos E. Pinilla (CU Boulder)
Hodge decomposition for the Sobolev space H(λk) on a space form of nonpositive sectional curvature
Apr. 07, 2021
4pm (via zoom)
Math Phys
Marcelo Disconzi (Vanderbilt University)
The relativistic Euler equations with a physical vacuum boundary.
Apr. 08, 2021
9:10am (Zoom 9…
Vladimir Kolmogorov (IST Austria)
The Complexity of General-Valued CSPs
Apr. 08, 2021
5pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Shunsuke Tsuchioka (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
A proof of conjectured partition identities of Nandi.
Apr. 13, 2021
10:30am (zoom)
Carla Farsi (CU-Boulder)
The magic of prime numbers (and their twin pairs)
Apr. 13, 2021
1pm (Zoom)
Marcos Mazari-Armida (Carnegie Mellon University)
Stability in abstract elementary classes of modules
Apr. 15, 2021
9:10am (Zoom 9…
Dmitriy Zhuk (Moscow State University)
Algebraic approach to the Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problem
Apr. 20, 2021
10am (via Zoom)
Teemu Saksala (North Carolina Stat University)
Stable reconstruction of simple Riemannian manifolds from unknown interior sources
Apr. 20, 2021
1pm (Zoom)
Ross Willard (University of Waterloo)
Inherently nonfinitely based nonassociative algebras
Apr. 20, 2021
1:30pm (https:…
Ysatiz M. Piñero (Center for Inclusion and Social Change)
Recognizing & Interrupting Sexism
Apr. 20, 2021
2pm (MATH 350)
Lie Theory
Riccardo Biagioli (University of Bologna)
Temperley-Lieb algebra and fully commutative elements in type affine C
Apr. 22, 2021
9:10am (Zoom 9…
Zarathustra (Zeb) Brady
Stable subalgebras and weaker consistency for bounded width CSPs
Apr. 22, 2021
1pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Fei Qi (University of Manitoba)
Bosonic and fermionic constructions of meromorphic open-string vertex algebras.
Apr. 27, 2021
1pm (Zoom)
Alexander Hulpke (Colorado State)
Rewriting systems and group extensions
Apr. 28, 2021
5pm (via zoom)
Math Phys
Mayuko Yamashita (RIMS, Kyoto, Japan)
The classification problem of non-topological invertible QFT’s and a physically motivated model for the Anderson duals
Apr. 29, 2021
9:10am (Zoom 9…
Manuel Bodirsky (TU Dresden)
Finite structures ordered by pp constructability
Apr. 29, 2021
1pm (Zoom (vir…
Rep Theory
Gaywalee Yamskulna (Illinois State University)
A remark on $\mathbb{N}$-graded vertex algebras