Commutators have been generalized from groups to arbitrary algebras in different ways. I will give an overview of the properties of the binary term condition commutator and higher commutators from universal algebra specialized to semigroups and the derived notions of nilpotence, supernilpotence, and solvability.
Finite supernilpotent semigroups
Tue, Feb. 4 2:30pm (MATH 3…
Lie Theory
Nat Thiem (CU)
This talk is a largely expository how-to guide for building a representation theory that categorifies your favorite combinatorial Hopf algebra. The goal is to present a general framework that captures both the classical examples (symmetric group, general linear groups) and more modern examples (upper-triangular groups and tori) with an eye towards new families of examples.
Turning the representation theory of matrix groups into combinatorial Hopf algebras
It is very well known that homological algebra can be very ill behaved when enriched over topological spaces. This begs the question, how should one study geometry over topological fields? One radical idea by Clausen and Scholze is to do away with topology all together and start from scratch in what they call "Condensed Mathematics". In this talk we will discuss the merits of this approach and pose the question "what actually is a space?"