Childcare and family information


General information.

The website KidInfo is all about kids in Rhode Island and lists many many resources.


Lactation Room.

There is a lactation room available near the conference building. In fact, there are two: one is available by reservation (contact us), while the other (repurposed office Kassar 116 in the Mathematics building across from McMillan) will be available for drop in use. An information sheet will be at the registration table.


Childcare options in Providence.

We do not endorse any specific childcare group; this is strictly informational.

  3. Johnston KinderCare (offers drop-in daycare, contact them for info)
  4. Childcare listing on KidInfo Listing

Children's activities in Providence.

Here are some places to start.

  1. Trip Advisor has reviews.
  2. Providence Tourism's List of family activities.
  3. Wikitravel's more comprehensive list of attractions.
  4. Roger Williams Park Zoo
  5. RISD Museum
  6. Providence Children's Museum
  7. Providence Waterfire the Saturday night after the conference.