Lecture notes

  • Lecture 1: Differential forms (lecture1.pdf)
  • Lecture 2: Euclidean spaces, affine spaces, and homogenous spaces in general (lecture2.pdf)
  • Lecture 3: Curves in Euclidean and affine spaces (lecture3.pdf)
  • Lecture 4: Surfaces in Euclidean and affine spaces (lecture4.pdf)
  • Lecture 5: Surfaces in projective space (lecture5.pdf)
  • Lecture 6: Pseudospherical surfaces and Backlund's Theorem (lecture6.pdf)
  • Lecture 7: Minimality and variational calculations (lecture7.pdf)
  • Lecture 8: Weierstrass formulae (lecture8.pdf)
  • Lecture 9: Moving frames in the nonhomogenous case: frame bundles (lecture9.pdf)

  • Videotapes of the lectures are on MSRI's web page here; click on the link and then scroll down to "Lie groups and the method of the moving frame."  You will need RealPlayer to watch the videos.