Tue, Mar. 11 11am (MATH 350) |
Number Theory Sarah Arpin
Generalized class group actions on oriented elliptic curves with level structure
Tue, Mar. 11 12:10pm (MATH … |
Kempner Edmund Harriss (University of Arkansas)
Mathematical Manufacturing since Euclid
Tue, Mar. 11 1:15pm (MATH 3… |
Geometry/Analysis Tristan Léger (Yale University)
Spectral projector bounds on hyperbolic surfaces of infinite area
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Wed, Mar. 12 3:30pm (MATH350) |
Math Phys Ezzeddine El Sai (CU Boulder)
Statistics and Mathematical Physics
Wed, Mar. 12 3:30pm (MATH 2… |
Algebra/Logic Joel David Hamkins (Notre Dame University)
Introduction to modal model theory
Thu, Mar. 13 11:15am (MATH … |
Algebraic Geometry Leo Herr
"Birational geometry for number theorists" for log geometers
Thu, Mar. 13 1:30pm (MATH 2… |
Grad Student Seminar Édouard Heitzmann
An irreducibility result for districtings of triangular subsets of the triangular lattice
Thu, Mar. 13 2:30pm (MATH 3… |
Functional Analysis Jordan Watts (University of Central Michigan)
Infinite-Dimensional Calculus and Symplectic Topology
Fri, Mar. 14 11:15am (Math … |
Math Edu Rebekah Jones & Courtney Hauf
Building Thinking Classrooms Discussion
Tue, Mar. 18 2:30pm (MATH 2… |
Grad Algebra/Logic Keith Kearnes (CU) View Online:https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/96896272260 The structure of finite algebras, 7
Tue, Mar. 18 3:30pm (MATH 3… |
Topology Alex LaJeunesse (CU Boulder) TBD
Wed, Mar. 19 3:30pm (MATH350) |
Math Phys Ezzeddine El Sai (CU Boulder)
Statistical Learning
Thu, Mar. 20 11:15am (MATH … |
Algebraic Geometry Ruijie Yang (Kansas)
Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Thu, Mar. 20 2:30pm (MATH 3… |
Functional Analysis Laura Scull (Fort Lewis College)
Localising Action Groupoids
Thu, Mar. 20 3:35pm (MATH 3… |
Probability Giorgio Cipolloni (University of Arizona)
Logarithmically correlated fields from non-Hermitian random matrices