Karen Strung (Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
One of the most dramatic recent advances in operator algebras is the classification of separable, unital, simple, nuclear C*-algebras which are Jiang–Su stable and satisfy the UCT. With this abstract classification theorem in hand, we are left with questions about which ”naturally occurring” C*-algebras are covered by the theorem. By “naturally occurring” I mean operator algebraic models of various mathematical structures. These have long played an important role, as they allow one to use a well-stocked toolkit consisting of both algebraic and analytic equipment to study such various mathematical objects. An example of this is the relationship between topological dynamical systems and C*-algebras. In this talk I will discuss examples of classifiable C*-algebras given by various constructions arising from topological dynamical systems.
Classifiable C*-algebras from topological dynamics Sponsored by the Simons Foundation