Model structures underpin the modern enterprise of abstract homotopy theory and provide a convenient framework in which we can pass from one notion of sameness (isomorphism) to a weaker one (weak equivalence). Despite their fundamental nature, model structures have historically been studied en masse or applied in specific cases, and very little is known about the totality of model structures on a given category. Homotopical combinatorics is an emerging field that remedies this situation by studying the enumerative combinatorics and structural properties of model structures on finite lattices. Specialized to a finite chain, we find rich connections with Catalan combinatorics, including (intervals in) the Tamari and Kreweras lattices. I will introduce the audience to model structures and sketch homotopical combinatorics as it currently stands, including the surprising assist its development received from equivariant infinite loop space theory.
Counting model structures Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Tue, Apr. 23 1pm (MATH 220)
David Renfrew (Binghamton University)
We consider the density of states of structured Hermitian random matrices with a variance profile. As the dimension tends to infinity the associated eigenvalue density can develop a singularity at the origin. The severity of this singularity depends on the relative positions of the zero submatrices. We provide a classification of all possible singularities and determine the exponent in the density blow-up.
Singularities in the spectrum of random block matrices
We classify the operations which are minimal above the clone generated by a permutation group G acting on a set. Rosenberg (1986) showed that when G is trivial there are only five types of minimal operations. We show that for most permutation groups there are only three types of minimal operations. More generally, we carry such classification for any permutation group and specify the behaviour of the minimal operations on tuples with two or more elements in the same orbit. Our results are especially helpful for the study of constraint satisfaction problems on omega-categorical structures, where we improve and generalise results of Bodirsky and Chen (2007), and answer some questions of Bodirsky (2021). This is joint work with Michael Pinsker.
Minimal operations over permutation groups
Tue, Apr. 23 2:30pm (MATH 3…
Lie Theory
Thomas Creutzig (University of Alberta)
An affine Lie algebra is a central extension of the loop algebra of a finite dimensional Lie algebra. Certain modules, the vacuum modules at any complex level k, of the affine Lie algebra carry themselves an interesting algebraic structure, namely that of a vertex operator algebra (VOA). The representation theory of affine VOAs is rather rich, e.g. suitable categories of modules form ribbon categories and there are exciting connections to geometry, quantum groups, physics and much more. I want to give an overview on the state of the art of this area.
Representation Theory of Affine VOAs Sponsored by the Meyer Fund
Tue, Apr. 23 3:30pm (MATH 3…
Topology Day: Ping Xu (Penn State)
Dg manifolds are a useful geometric notion which unifies many important structures such as homotopy Lie algebras, foliations and complex manifolds. In this talk, we describe a Duflo-Kontsevich type theorem for dg manifolds. The Duflo theorem of Lie theory and the Kontsevich theorem regarding the Hoschschild cohomology of complex manifolds can both be derived as special cases of this Duflo--Kontsevich type theorem for dg manifolds. This is a joint work with Hsuan-Yi Liao and Mathieu Stienon.