The Course

Contact Info Course details Homework Exams

Some references

  • Representations and characters of groups by G. James and M. Liebeck,
  • Linear representations of finite groups by J-P. Serre,
  • Representation theory: A first course by W. Fulton and J. Harris,
  • Lie groups: An approach through invariants and representations by C. Procesi,
  • Character theory of finite groups by M. Isaacs.
  • Abridged notes from a former student, .pdf


Vocabulary quizzes 10%
Homework 50%
Midterm 15%
Final 25%

(Very) Tentative Schedule

Week 1 (January 12 - January 16). Introduction, algebras and representations

Week 2 (January 21 - January 23). Irreducibility, Semisimplicity, and Maschke's Theorem

Week 3 (January 26 - January 30). Schur's Lemma and the regular representation

Week 4 (February 2 - February 6). Semisimplicity and matrix algebras

Week 5 (February 9 - February 13). Representations of the symmetric group

Week 6 (February 16 - February 20). Character theory

Week 7 (February 23 - February 27).

Week 8 (March 2 - March 6).

Week 9 (March 9 - March 13).

Week 10 (March 16 - March 20).

Week -- (March 23 - March 27). Spring break

Week 11 (March 30 - April 3).

Week 12 (April 6 - April 10).

Week 13 (April 13 - April 17).

Week 14 (April 20 - April 24).

Week 15 (April 27 - May 1).

Finals Week (May 2 - May 7). Official time: 1:30 - 4:00pm, Saturday, May 2.