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About me

I am a Burnett Meyer Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Mathematics at CU Boulder. My mentor at CU Boulder is Agnes Szendrei.

I got my PhD at Carnegie Mellon in June 2021. My advisor was Rami Grossberg and the title of my thesis was " Remarks on classification theory for abstract elementary classes with applications to abelian group theory and ring theory". For this work, I received the 2021 Sacks Prize from the Association for Symbolic Logic for the best thesis in mathematical logic in the world.

My research primarily focuses on finding connections between logic and algebra. More specifically, I work at the interface between model theory and module theory. I mostly study classes of modules and abelian groups as abstract elementary classes in an effort to better understand algebraic and model theoretic concepts. Most of the classes I study are not first-oder axiomatizable. Some of the classes I have studied are: torsion abelian groups with pure embeddings, flat modules with pure embeddings and absolutely pure modules with embeddings CV , Publication list with abstracts.


Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences,
Advisor : Rami Grossberg,
Department of Mathematical Sciences,
Carnegie Mellon University.

M. Sc. in Mathematics,
Department of Mathematical Sciences,
Carnegie Mellon University.

2010- 2015:
Licenciatura en Matemáticas (B.S. in Mathematics),
Advisor: Timothy Gendron,
Facultad de Ciencias,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.