Sebastian Casalaina

Homework and Syllabus

Functions of a Complex Variable 2

MATH 6360 Fall 2023

This page was last modified on: 08/26/2023 17:57:03

The following is a rough outline of the topics we will cover. The dates and topics have yet to be updated, and the topics will be updated again after the start of the course depending on the interests of the students.

Date Topics Reading Homework
Monday August 28
Introduction to the course, and review of complex analysis
Review of results from complex analysis in one variable.
We will be following D. Huybrechts, Complex Geometry: an introduction, Springer 2005, available in .pdf for free from the library.

The following .pdf has a brief review of complex analysis in a single variable.

Wednesday August 30
Local theory
Holomorphic functions of several variables.
Section 1.1

Friday September 1
Local theory continued
Holomorphic functions of several variables (continued).
Section 1.1
HW 1

Huybrechts Section 1.1
Monday September 4
Wednesday September 6
Local theory continued
Complex and Hermitian structures.
Section 1.2

Friday September 8
Local theory continued
Differential forms.
Section 1.3
HW 2

Huybrechts Section 1.2
Monday September 11
Complex manifolds
Definitions and examples.
Section 2.1

Wednesday September 13
Complex manifolds continued
Holomorphic vector bundles.
Sections 2.2

Friday September 15
Complex manifolds continued
Divisors and line bundles.
Sections 2.3 HW 3

Huybrechts Section 1.3, 2.1, 2.2
Monday September 18
Complex manifolds continued
Projective space
Section 2.4
Wednesday September 20
Complex manifolds continued
Blow-ups along complex submanifolds.
Section 2.5
Friday September 22
Complex manifolds coninued
Differential calculus on complex manifolds.
Section 2.6 HW 4

Huybrechts Section 2.3, 2.4.
Monday September 25
Kahler manifolds
Kahler identities.
Section 3.1

Wednesday September 27
Kahler manifolds continued
Hodge theory on Kahler manifolds.
Section 3.2

Friday September 29
Kahler manifolds continued
Lefschetz theorems.
Section 3.3
HW 5

Huybrechts Section 2.5, 2.6
Monday October 2
Kahler manifolds continued
Formality on compact Kahler manifolds.
Section 3.A

Wednesday October 4
Kahler manifolds continued
SUSY for Kahler manifolds.
Section 3.B

Friday October 6
Kahler manifolds continued
Hodge structures.
Section 3.C
HW 6

Chapter 3
Monday October 9
Vector bundles
Hermitian vector bundles and Serre duality.
Section 4.1

Wednesday October 11
Vector bundles continued
Section 4.2

Friday October 13
Vector bundles continued
Section 4.3
HW 7

Chapter 3
Monday October 16
Vector bundles continued
Chern classes.
Section 4.4

Wednesday October 18
Vector bundles continued
The Levi-Civita connection and holonomy on complex manifolds.
Section 4.A

Friday October 20
Vector bundles continued
Hermite--Einstein and Kahler--Einstein metrics.
Section 4.B
HW 8

Chapter 4
Monday October 23
Vector bundles continued
Hermite--Einstein and Kahler--Einstein metrics continued.

Wednesday October 25
Applications of cohomology
The Hirzebruch--Riemann--Roch theorem.
Section 5.1

Friday October 27 Applications of cohomology continued
The Kodaira vanishing theorem and applications.
Section 5.2
HW 9

Chapter 4
Monday October 30
Applications of cohomology continued
The Kodaira embedding theorem.
Section 5.3

Wednesday October 1
Applications of cohomology continued
Further topics.

Friday November 3
Applications of cohomology continued
Further topics.

HW 10

Chapter 5
Monday November 6

Wednesday November 8

Friday November 10

HW 11

Chapter 5
Monday November 13

Wednesday November 15

Friday November 17
Deformation of complex structures continued
The Maurer--Cartan equation.
Section 6.1 HW 12

Chapter 6
Monday November 27
Deformation of complex structures continued
General results.
Section 6.2
Wednesday November 29
Deformation of complex structures continued
General results continued.
Section 6.2
Friday December 1
Introduction to moduli spaces
Projective space, Grassmanians, moduli of smooth curves.

HW 13

Chapter 6
Monday December 4
Introduction to moduli spaces
Projective space, Grassmanians, moduli of smooth curves, continued.

Wednesday December 6
Introduction to moduli spaces
Moduli space of stable curves

Friday December 8
Introduction to moduli spaces
Moduli space of abelian varieties

HW 14

Chapter 6
Monday December 11

Wednesday December 13

Saturday December 16
Final Exam 4:30 PM -- 7:00 PM MATH 350 (Lecture Room)


I strongly encourage everyone to use LaTeX for typing homework.  If you have a mac, one possible easy way to get started is with texshop. If you are using linux, there are a number of other possible ways to go, using emacs, ghostview, etc. If you are using windows, you're on your own, but I'm sure there's something online. Here is a sample homework file to use: (the .tex file, the .bib file, and the .pdf file).