- Spring 2022
- Math 3430: Ordinary Differential Equations
- MWF 9:05am-9:55am @ DUAN G2B41
- Office Hours: Mon: 11am - 12pm, Fri: 10am - 11 am, and by appointment @ MATH 225 .
- Math 2130: Introduction to Linear Algebra for Non-Mathematics Majors
- MWF 1:25pm-2:15pm @ DUAN G2B60
- Office Hours: Mon: 10am - 11am, Fri: 11am - 12 pm, and by appointment @ MATH 225 .
Upcoming Teaching at CU Boulder
- Fall 2025
- Math 8304: Topics in Functional Analysis
Past Teaching
- Math 3430: Ordinary Differential Equations
- Math 3001: Analysis I
- Math 2130: Introduction to Linear Algebra for Non-Mathematics Majors
- Math 341: Elementary Linear Algebra I
- Math 307: Introduction to Proof
- Math 231: Elementary Discrete Math I
- Math 251: Calculus I
- Math 112: Elementary Functions
- Math 111: College Algebra
- Math 105: University Math I
- Mat 12102: Cálculo III (Economistas)
- Mat 14101: Cálculo Diferencial e Integral II
Past Grading and TAing
- Mat 14100: Cálculo Diferencial e Integral I
- Mat 14001: Introdución a las Matemáticas Superiores