Sun | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Sat |
1Birthdays: • Charles de La Faille [Tiffany]10:00a-11:00a MATH 2510 SIGMI |
2Birthdays: • Julius Weingarten |
3Birthdays: • Georg Cantor |
4Birthdays: • Jules Antoine Lissajous [Tiffany]10:00a-11:00a MATH 1212 SIGMI [shlu6807]12:00p-1:00p Dept. Tea [Tiffany Dowd]3:00p-4:00p ULAM Seminar [Tiffany Dowd]4:00p-5:00p 1300 SIGMI [Lee Roberson]7:00p-9:00p MATH 1300 Exam |
5Birthdays: • William Oughtred [Tiffany]9:00a-10:00a MATH 2300 SIGMI [macz9339]10:00a-11:00a GeometryAnalysis [kearnes] Lie groups and Lie algebras11:00a-12:00p Lie groups [Donna Maes]12:00p-1:00p Faculty Meeting [Tiffany]1:00p-2:00p MATH 1112 SIGMI [thiemn]2:00p-3:00p ALT Seminar [Yano] The Topology, and Algebraic Geometry seminars3:00p-5:15p Topology/AG [stade]5:30p-6:30p MATH1310review |
6Birthdays: • Ettore Bortolotti [thiemn]9:30a-10:30a TQF [Markus Pflaum]3:00p-4:00p Mathematical Phy [Tiffany]4:00p-5:00p Slow Pitch |
7Birthdays: • John Herschel [macz9339]10:00a-11:00a Dispersive PDE [ORourke] Kempner Colloquium12:00p-1:00p Kempner [Yano] Hodge theory and log geometry reading seminar1:00p-2:00p Hodge Theory [Deeley]2:00p-3:00p FA seminar [ORourke]3:00p-4:00p Probability |
8Birthdays: • George Chrystal [shlu6807]8:00a-10:00a Wlcm Wkn [Tiffany]10:00a-11:00a MATH 2510 SIGMI [shlu6807]11:00a-2:00p Wlcm Wkn [shlu6807]4:00p-5:00p Wlcm Wkn |
9Birthdays: • Howard Aiken |
10Birthdays: • Johann Heinrich Rahn |
11Birthdays: • Joseph Bertrand [Tiffany]10:00a-11:00a MATH 1212 SIGMI [tubbs]11:00a-12:00p Make-up quiz [shlu6807]12:00p-1:00p Dept. Tea [Tiffany Dowd]3:00p-4:00p ULAM Seminar [Tiffany Dowd]4:00p-5:00p 1300 SIGMI [Cherry]7:00p-9:00p 2400 Grading |
12Birthdays: • Simon Newcomb [Tiffany]9:00a-10:00a MATH 2300 SIGMI [macz9339]10:00a-11:00a GeometryAnalysis [Tiffany]11:00a-2:00p Willis Defense [thiemn]2:00p-3:00p ALT Seminar [Yano] The Topology, and Algebraic Geometry seminars3:00p-5:15p Topology/AG |
13Birthdays: • Jules Joseph Drach [Noah Williams]11:00a-12:00p Practice Talk [Markus Pflaum]3:00p-4:00p Mathematical Phy [Tiffany]4:00p-5:00p Slow Pitch |
14Birthdays: • Albert Einstein • Waclaw Sierpinski [kearnes] Berg thesis defense10:00a-12:00p Thesis defense [Yano] Hodge theory and log geometry reading seminar1:00p-2:00p Hodge Theory [Deeley]2:00p-3:00p FA seminar [ORourke]3:00p-4:00p Probability [Noah Williams]4:00p-5:30p Practice Talk |
15Birthdays: • Grace Chisholm Young [Tiffany]10:00a-11:00a MATH 2510 SIGMI [Lucas Gagnon]4:00p-5:00p Slow Pitch? [sasa4279]5:00p-5:30p practice |
16Birthdays: • Caroline Herschel |
17Birthdays: • Ernest Esclangon [Lucas Gagnon]12:00p-4:00p |
18Birthdays: • Jakob Steiner [Tiffany]10:00a-11:00a MATH 1212 SIGMI [shlu6807]1:00p-2:00p Dept. Tea [Tiffany Dowd]3:00p-4:00p ULAM Seminar [Tiffany Dowd]4:00p-5:00p 1300 SIGMI |
19Birthdays: • Jacob Wolfowitz [Tiffany]9:00a-10:00a MATH 2300 SIGMI [macz9339]10:00a-11:00a GeometryAnalysis [kearnes] Lie groups and Lie algebras11:00a-12:00p Lie groups [ORourke]12:00p-1:00p Kempner [Tiffany]1:00p-2:00p MATH 1112 SIGMI [thiemn]2:00p-3:00p ALT Seminar [Yano] The Topology, and Algebraic Geometry seminars3:00p-5:15p Topology/AG |
20Birthdays: • Philipp Frank Spring Begins [thiemn]9:30a-10:30a TQF [Noah Williams]11:00a-12:30p Practice Talk [Agnes Beaudry]1:00p-2:00p Special seminar [Markus Pflaum]3:00p-4:00p Mathematical Phy [Tiffany]4:00p-5:00p Slow Pitch [divya]5:00p-6:00p mathclub |
21Birthdays: • Jean Joseph Fourier [macz9339]10:00a-11:00a Dispersive PDE [ORourke]12:00p-1:00p Kempner [Yano] Hodge theory and log geometry reading seminar1:00p-2:00p Hodge Theory [Deeley]2:00p-3:00p FA seminar [ORourke]3:00p-4:00p Probability [Noah Williams]4:00p-5:30p Thesis Defense |
22Birthdays: • Irving Kaplansky [Tiffany]10:00a-11:00a MATH 2510 SIGMI [ORourke]11:00a-12:00p Make up exam |
23Birthdays: • Emmy Noether [farsi] research with Alex Kumjian2:00p-5:00p |
24Birthdays: • Harold Marston Morse |
25Birthdays: • Christopher Clavius [Tiffany]10:00a-11:00a MATH 1212 SIGMI [shlu6807]1:00p-2:00p Dept. Tea [Tiffany Dowd]3:00p-4:00p ULAM Seminar [Tiffany Dowd]4:00p-5:00p 1300 SIGMI |
26Birthdays: • Paul Erdös [Tiffany]9:00a-10:00a MATH 2300 SIGMI [kearnes] Lie groups and Lie algebras11:00a-12:00p Lie groups [ORourke]12:00p-1:00p Kempner [Tiffany]1:00p-2:00p MATH 1112 SIGMI [thiemn]2:00p-3:00p ALT Seminar [Yano] The Topology, and Algebraic Geometry seminars3:00p-5:15p Topology/AG |
27Birthdays: • Karl Pearson [Markus Pflaum]3:00p-4:00p Mathematical Phy [Tiffany]4:00p-5:00p Slow Pitch |
28Birthdays: • Israel Nathan Herstein [Yano] Hodge theory and log geometry reading seminar1:00p-2:00p Hodge Theory [ORourke]3:00p-4:00p Probability |
29Birthdays: • Wilhelm Ackermann Spring Break [Tiffany]10:00a-11:00a MATH 2510 SIGMI |
30Birthdays: • Alfréd Rényi |
31Birthdays: • René Descartes |