The Mathematics Academic Resource Center (MARC) is a free service provided by the Department of Mathematics that offers students additional support for their CU Mathematics courses.

The MARC is staffed by graduate students (G), undergraduates (U), and Learning Assistants (respective course number). Tutors are trained to help assist with specific questions. They are not able to work through homework assignments. The MARC is extremely busy before assignments are due, so make a habit of visiting the MARC well before assignments are due, have some coffee and tea (freshly brewed by MARC staff!), and start a conversation with our wonderful tutors.

MARC will continue to offer remote assistance, albeit on a limited basis. To access a remote tutor, go to, and log in with your Identikey. Once you have logged into Zoom, on this webpage, click on a tutor’s name in blue you would like to visit during the present time/day slot and you will be taken to their Zoom meeting waiting room and they should be with you shortly. If you are not taken to a waiting room, try a different tutor. All times are MDST. Hang in there, the MARC is here for you!

If you are interested in working for the MARC as a tutor, please contact Daniel Moritz at

For comments and suggestions, please visit the Mathematics comment page

MARC Tutors are trained to answer specific questions. Please do not expect them to walk you through entire homework assignments or present material. Do not contact tutors outside of their MARC time for assistance. All times are MDST. For paid tutoring, please see the math department tutor list, or contact Chayenne Theberge. Hang in there, the MARC is here for you!

Location: Math 175
Fall Hours: MARC follows CU Boulder schedule and is closed during CU holidays and snow days.

Key: (G) Graduate Student, (U) Undergraduate (#) Learning Assistant for that specific course

Fall 2024 Schedule

9am Eli Orvis(G)
Breeann Wilson(G)
Orlando Reyes(G)
Joseph Macula(G)
Darwin Tallana(G)
Allie Plocki(U)
Tuscany McCann(G)
Allie Plocki(U)
Egan Goh(2400)
Joseph Macula(G)
Édouard Heitzmann (G)
Sangman Lee (G,R)
10:05am Nate Ward-Chene(G)
Storey Peacock(G)
Helena Davenport(G)
Aidan Powers(G)
Rebecah Deans (G)
Allie Plocki(U)
Emmett Fitz(U)
Nate Ward-Chene(G)
Storey Peacock(G)
Nick Jamesson(G)
Tuscany McCan(G)
Alex Spiegel(U)
Tuscany McCann(G)
Nicholas Christoffersen(G)
Allie Plocki(U)
Egan Goh(2400)
David Debretsion(U)
Nate Ward-Chene(G)
Storey Peacock(G)
Darwin Tallana(G)
Danny B(1300)
Sangman Lee (G,R)
11:10am Jackson Carpenter(G)
Olivia Dalfollo-Daley(2300)
Christopher Garrington (U)
Cody DiCesare(U)
Ari Glass(G)
Orlando Reyes(G)
Aidan Powers(G)
Summer Haag(G)
Alex LaJeunesse(G)
Allie Plocki(U)
Connor McCranie(G)
Olivia Dalfollo-Daley(2300)
Christopher Garrington(U)
Jenna Beagle(U)
Alex Spiegel(U)
Ben Kitchen(G)
Tuscany McCann(G)
Allie Plocki(U)
Emmett Fitz(U)
Sam Reeder(G)
Egan Goh(2400)
Gabe Rey(U)
Édouard Heitzmann (G)
Daniel Lyness(G)
Darwin Tallana(G)
Thomas Whitehead(2300)
Olivia Dalfollo-Daley(2300)
Cody DiCesare(U)
Sangman Lee (G,R)
12:15pm Chris Eblen(G)
Meredith Overton(2400)
Gabi Boyle(1150)
Catalina Holly(1300)
Christopher Garrington (U)
Lauren Swartwout(U)
Aidan Powers(G)
Jasmin Rodriguez (G)
Allie Plocki(U)
Gabe Rey(U)
Austin Walsh(U)
Connor McCranie(G)
Gabi Boyle(1150)
Christopher Garrington(U)
Lauren Swartwout(U)
Alex Spiegel(U)
Eyosiyas Asefa(1500)
Gabi Boyle(1150)
Eyosiyas Asefa(1500)
Austin Walsh(U)
Gabe Rey(U)
Ella Chambers(U)
Andrew Doumont(G)
Aditi Jegannath(2300)
Lauren Swartwout(U)
Bryn Favakeh(2400)
Zunni Abbasi (2300)
Yi Liao(U)
Daniel Lyness(G)
Sangman Lee (G,R)
1:20pm Catalina Holly(1300)
Meredith Overton(2400)
Sydney Young(U)
Bryn Favakeh(2400)
Ian Smith(2300)
Lauren Swartwout(U)
Aidan Powers(G)
Wei Wu Lu(G)
Aditi Jegannath (2300)
Zunni Abbasi (2300)
Austin Walsh(U)
Arthur Carvalho(1300)
Bryn Favakeh(2400)
Beau Cave(U)
Sydney Young(U)
Ian Smith(2300)
Lauren Swartwout(U)
Chase Meadors(G)
Jenna Beagle(U,floater)
Danny B(1300)
Eyosiyas Asefa(1500)
Austin Walsh(U)
Cody DiCesare(U)
Andrew Doumont(G)
Ian Smith(2300)
Aditi Jegannath (2300)
Jenna Beagle(U)
Lauren Swartwout(U)
Xintan Xia(G)
Édouard Heitzmann (G)
Emily Montelius(G)
Jenna Beagle (U, R)
2:25pm Xintan Xia(G)
Sam Reeder(G)
Meredith Overton(2400)
Catalina Holly(1300)
Beth Daino(2300)
Yi Liao(U)
Wei Wu Lu(G)
Ari Gass(G)
Orlando Reyes(G)
Emmett Fitz(U)
Beth Daino(2300)
Jacob McConnell(U)
Antonio Aceto(U)
Beau Cave(U)
Vishnu Duriseti(U)
Zunni Abbasi (2300)
Connor McCranie(G)
Jenna Beagle(U)
Andrew Doumont(G)
Antonio Aceto(U)
Cody DiCesare(U)
Gabriel Schebel(U)
Gabe Rey(U)
Daniel Lyness(G)
laura sinsko(2400)
Ankit Mukkamala(2510)
Antonio Aceto(U)
Beau Cave(U
Édouard Heitzmann(G)
Jenna Beagle (U,R)
3:30pm Darwin Tallana(G)
Yanxin Li(G)
Isabel Adler(U)
Xintan Xia(G)
Sam Reeder(G)
Wei Wu Lu(G)
Ezzeddine El Sai(G)
Sam Reeder(G)
Ari Glass(G)
Wei Wu Lu(G)
Beth Daino(2300)
Anna Nedelcu (1150)
Antonio Aceto(U)
Vishnu Duriseti(U)
Jacob McConnell(U)
Isabel Adler(U)
Noah Vilas(U)
Arthur Carvalho(1300)
Andrew Doumont(G)
Antonio Aceto(U)
Jacob McConnell(U)
Ella Chambers(U)
Alex Spiegel(U)
Daniel Lyness(G)
Anna Nedelcu (1150)
Laura sinsko (2400)
Jacob McConnell(U)
Dharma Johnson(U)
Noah Vilas(U)
Jenna Beagle (U,R)
4:35pm Yanxin Li(G)
Evelyn Batategas (1300)
Jenna Beagle(U)
Jacob McConnell(U)
Ankit Mukkamala (2510)
Austin Walsh(U)
Yanxin Li(G)
Anna Nedelcu (1150)
Dharma Johnson(U)
Lauren Swartwout(U)
Yi Liao(U)
Evelyn Batategas(1300)
Vishnu Duriseti (G)
Jacob McConnell(U)
Gabriel Schebel(U)
Ella Chambers(U)
Arthur Carvalho(1300)
Aiden Carroll(2400)
Cody DiCesare(U)
Yi Liao (U)
Kenji Roley(U)
Ella Chambers(U)
Alex Spiegel(U)
Jacob McConnell(U))
Anna Nedelcu (1150)
Dharma Johnson(U)
Noah Vilas(U)
Ian Smith(2300)
5:35pm Dharma Johnson(U)
Jenna Beagle(U)
Beau Cave(U)
Zoe Flynn(U)
Lauren Swartwout(U)
Ankit Mukkamala (2510)
Eyosiyas Asefa(1500)
Dharma Johnson(U)
Lauren Swartwout(U)
Yi Liao(U)
Gabe Rey (U)
Evelyn Batategas (1300)
Gabriel Schebel(U)
Noah Vilas(U)
Ella Chambers(U)
David Debretsion(U)
Jon Lee(1300)
Aiden Carroll(2400)
Kenji Roley(U)
Levi Sarmiento(U)
Alejandro Valenzuela(U)
Emily Koontz(2300)
6:30pm Alexander Zhu(G)
Jackson Fletcher (1300)
Dharma Johnson(U)
Ankit Mukkamala (2510)
Dharma Johnson(U)
Hunter McDonald (U)
June Means(U)
Alessandra Calin(U)
Gabriel Schebel(U)
Jackson Fletcher (1300)
Noah Vilas(U)
David Debretsion(U)
Jon Lee(1300)
Thomas Whitehead(2300)
Levi Sarmiento(U)
Alejandro Valenzuela(U)
Emily Koontz(2300)
7:30pm Alexander Zhu(G)
Ankit Mukkamala (2510)
Dharma Johnson(U)
Hunter McDonald (U)
June Means(U)
Levi Sarmiento(U)
Alessandra Calin(U)
Gabriel Schebel(U)
Noah Vilas(U)
Jackson Fletcher (1300)
Jon Lee(1300)
Thomas Whitehead(2300)
Levi Sarmiento(U)
Emily Koontz(2300)
8:30pm Alexander Zhu(G)
Dharma Johnson(U)
Ankit Mukkamala(2510)
Hunter McDonald (U)
Levi Sarmiento(U)
Alessandra Calin(U) June Means(U)
Levi Sarmiento(U)
Alessandra Calin(U)
9pm Sydney Young (U) Sydney Young (U) Sydney Young (U, R) XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX
10pm Sydney Young (U, R) Sydney Young (U, R) Sydney Young (U, R) XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX