Dear Alumni and Friends:
Welcome to AfterMath, the Department of Mathematics portal for everything having to do with our cherished alumni and friends. This website is in development, so please email any suggestions for improvements to mathalumni@colorado.edu
Starting in 2017 the Department started hosting an annual reception at CU Homecoming for our alumni. Take a look at past and future events.
We have collected all the online version of our Departmental Newsletter, Prime Bits, for your viewing pleasure.
We are beginning to collect information on the storied history of our Department, its students, and faculty. Please send us information on your recollections to mathalumni@colorado.edu.
The excellence we provide our students depends on the generous support of our alumni and friends. We are most grateful for the help we have received over the years from so many of you.
We have information on how you can help provide support for our current and future students.
We are beginning to collect information on the faculty and donors who many of you may remember, but are no longer with us. Please feel free to send us information on your recollections to mathalumni@colorado.edu.
(Page coming soon)