Calculus 2 MATH 2300 Fall 2018

Written Homework

Calculus 2

MATH 2300

Written homework is due once a week, on Thursdays, at the start of your recitation section, and must be stapled with your name, section number, and homework number on it to receive credit. Late homework will not be accepted.

There is also WebAssign (EWA) homework, which is separate from the written homework described on this page.

You will be graded on the clarity of your exposition. Your homework should be written using complete sentences to explain your steps. Here is some information about how to do a good job writing up your homework.

Please read the suggested texts before class, and then after class make sure to attempt the homework for the sections we covered that day.

You may find it useful to use a computer algebra system to check your work. The program Mathematica, for instance, is available free to students via the University of Colorado.  Another popular resource is Desmos.

The Mathematics Academic Resource Center ("MARC" MATH 175) is a great place to get help, and discuss homework with your classmates.

The .pdf below can be downloaded here.