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Math 6270: Theory of Groups, Fall 2021

Lecture Topics

What we discussed/How we spent our time
Aug 23
Prerequisites. Syllabus. Text.
Aug 25
We reviewed (and gave examples where appropriate) the following:
(i) given a function $f\colon A\to B$:
$\textrm{dom}(f)$, $\textrm{cod}(f)$, $\textrm{im}(f)$, $\textrm{coim}(f)$, $\textrm{ker}(f)$, inclusion map, natural map, induced map, and the canonical factorization of $f$.
(ii) The definition of `algebraic structure'.
(iii) The purpose of fixing an algebraic language.
(iv) The definition of `homomorphism'.
(v) The definition of `subalgebra' and `quotient algebra'.
(vi) The definition of `group' and `abelian group'.
(vii) given a group homomorphism $f\colon \mathbb A\to \mathbb B$:
$\textrm{dom}(f)$, $\textrm{cod}(f)$, $\textrm{im}(f)$, $\textrm{coim}(f)$, $\textrm{ker}(f)$, $\textrm{Ker}(f)$.
(viii) The definition of `exact sequence' of algebras that are expansions of groups.
Aug 27
We talked about:
(i) products, coproducts, biproducts.
(ii) Retractions and sections. Exact sequences split on the left or split on the right. We explained why an exact sequence of groups that is split on the left must also be split on the right.
(iii) Projective and injective modules. We explained why free modules are projective.
Aug 30
We talked about:
(i) the structure theorem for finitely generated modules over a PID applied to finitely generated abelian groups. In particular, every finitely generated abelian group is a direct sum of cyclic groups. Also, every finitely generated torsion free abelian group is free.
(ii) the set of torsion elements of an abelian group is a subgroup $A_T$. This fact also holds for nilpotent groups, but fails for some solvable groups like $D_{\infty}$ or the triangle group $(3,3,3)$.
(iii) if $A$ is an $n$-generated abelian group and $A_T$ is the set of torsion elements of $A$, then
(a) $A_T$ is an $n$-generated torsion group.
(b) $A/A_T$ is torsion-free.
(c) the exact sequence $$(E):\;\;0\to A_T\to A\to A/A_T\to 0$$ splits.
(d) $A_T$ is finite and a direct sum of cyclic groups.
(e) $A/A_T$ is free on at most $n$ generators.
(iv) We introduced the Prufer $p$-groups ($p$-quasicyclic groups) and explained why the exact sequence $$(E):\;\;0\to \oplus_p \mathbb Z_{p^{\infty}}\to \prod_p \mathbb Z_{p^{\infty}} \to \mathbb Q^{\aleph_0}\to 0$$ fails all parts of (c), (d), and (e) from above.
(v) We proved that if $P$ is projective, then any exact sequence $0\to A\to B\to P\to 0$ splits. We started a proof of the converse, by showing that if $0\to K\to F\to P\to 0$ splits when $F$ is free, then $F=K\oplus P$, so $P$ is a direct summand of a free abelian group. To complete the converse we need to show that a direct summand of a free module is projective.
Sep 1
We expanded the statement of the characterization of projective abelian groups so that it reads: TFAE
(i) $P$ is projective.
(ii) Every SES $0\to A\to B\to P\to 0$ splits.
(iii) Some SES $0\to K\to F\to P\to 0$ splits, where $F$ is free.
(iv) Some SES $0\to K\to F\to P\to 0$ splits, where $F$ is projective.
(v) $P$ is a direct summand of a free abelian group.

We discussed the dualization of this proof, noting that item (iii) does not dualize well. Instead, the proof should be that TFAE
(i) $I$ is injective.
(ii) Every SES $0\to I\to B\to C\to 0$ splits.
(iv) Some SES $0\to I\to J\to K\to 0$ splits, where $J$ is injective.
(v) $I$ is a direct summand of an injective group.

The proof of this dual theorem requires the knowledge that every abelian group is embeddable in an injective abelian group (to go from (i) to (iv)). We sketched the reason for this: if $A^{\partial}=\textrm{Hom}(A,\mathbb T)$ for $\mathbb T$ = circle group $\cong \mathbb R/\mathbb Z$, then $A^{\partial}$ is called the character group (or dual group) of $A$. $A$ is embeddable in its double dual by $a\mapsto (\chi\mapsto \chi(a))$. The double dual group is a subgroup of $\mathbb T^{A^{\partial}}$, which is injective since $\mathbb T$ is injective and the class of injective groups is closed under the formation of products. Thus $A\to (A^{\partial})^{\partial}\to\mathbb T^{A^{\partial}}$ is an embedding of $A$ into an injective abelian group.

We concluded by remarking that the class of injective abelian groups coincides with the class groups isomorphic to direct sums of copies of the groups $\mathbb Q$ and $\mathbb Z_{p^{\infty}}$ for $p$ prime.

Sep 3
We talked about:
(i) the proof that a subgroup of a free abelian group is free abelian. (Hence an abelian group is projective if and only if it is free.)
(ii) the fact that an injective group is divisible (= principally injective).
Sep 8
Injective versus divisible abelian groups:

(i) proof that an abelian group is divisible if and only if it is injective.
(ii) Remarks: (some stated, some proved)
(a) If $\gcd(m,n)=1$ and $a\in A$ is divisible by both $m$ and by $n$, then $a$ is divisible by $mn$.
(b) The class of injective groups is closed under the formation of products and retractions.
(c) The class of divisible groups is closed under the formation of direct sums and quotients.
(d) Every abelian group is embeddable in a divisible group.

Sep 10
We explained why:

(i) the torsion subgroup and torsion-free quotient of a divisible group $D$ are divisible, and $D\cong D_T\oplus D/D_T$.
(ii) A torsion-free divisible group is isomorphic to a direct sum of copies of $\mathbb Q$.
(iii) A torsion group is a direct sum if its $p$-primary components.

Sep 13
We completed the proof of the structure theorem for divisible groups. (New terminology: essential embedding, socle, semisimple module.) We defined the Steinitz numbers and explained how they classify the intermediate fields $\mathbb F_p\leq \mathbb E\leq \overline{\mathbb F}_p$.
Sep 15
Let $A$ be an abelian group and let $a$ be an element of $A$. We defined the $p$-height of $a$, the characteristic of $a$, and the type of $a$. We started the proof of Baer's Theorem, which states that the nonzero elements of a torsion-free abelian group of rank 1 have the same type, and this type determines the isomorphism type of the group.
Sep 17
We completed the classification of t.f. abelian groups of rank $1$. (All nonzero elements have the same type, and the type determines the isomorphism type of the group.)
We examined an indecomposable, t.f., abelian group of rank $2$, which has the properties that (i) it has elements of different types, (ii) its only automorphisms are of the form $\alpha(x) = \pm x$, and (iii) its only endomorphisms are of the form $\varepsilon(x) = n x$, $n\in\mathbb Z$.
Sep 20
We discussed torsion abelian groups.
Sep 22
We defined the commutator following this handout, and discussed properties of commutators of elements and commutators of normal subgroups.
Sep 24
We continued discussing the commutator following this handout. We applied the commutator to classify groups whose normal subgroup lattice has height 2 and size at least 5. We noted that $[G,G]$ is verbal, that $Z(G)=(0:G)$ is marginal, and that it is a general fact that verbal subgroups are fully invariant and marginal subgroups are characteristic.
Sep 27
We discussed
(1) Derived series, central series.
(2) The groups $\textrm{GL}(n,\mathbb F), \textrm{UT}(n,\mathbb F), \textrm{U}(n,\mathbb F)$. We explained why the unipotent group $\textrm{U}(n,\mathbb F)$ is nilpotent for every $n$ and $\mathbb F$, and why the group $\textrm{UT}(n,\mathbb F)$ is solvable for every $n$ and $\mathbb F$. We explained why, for every $n$ and finite field $\mathbb F$ of characteristic $p$, the group $\textrm{U}(n,\mathbb F)$ is a $p$-group (in fact a Sylow $p$-subgroup of $\textrm{GL}(n,\mathbb F)$). We also explained why, for any finite field $\mathbb F$ of characteristic $p$, any given finite $p$-group can be embedded in $\textrm{U}(n,\mathbb F)$ for sufficiently large $n$.
(3) Commutator collection.
Sep 29
We discussed the classification of $p$-groups. After some generalities, we described the groups of order $p^3$ ($D_4, Q_8$, and the Sylow $p$-subgroups of $\textrm{GL}(3,p)$ and $\textrm{AGL}(1,\mathbb Z_{p^2})$). We then defined extraspecial $p$-groups and made some observations.
(1) The normal subgroup lattice of a nonabelian group $P$ of order $p^3$ has one element $\{1\}$ at height $0$, one element $Z(G)$ at height $1$, and $p+1$ elements at height $2$, and one element $P$ at height $3$.
(2) If $1\neq N\lhd G$ and $G$ is nilpotent, then $N\cap Z(G)\neq 1$.
(3) The number of abelian groups of order $p^k$ is given by the partition function, which grows roughly at the rate $e^{\Theta(\sqrt{k})}$.
(4) (Higman-Sims) The number of groups of order $p^k$ is $p^{\frac{2}{27}k^3+O(n^{\frac{8}{3}})}$.
(5) In an extraspecial $p$-group $G$, $Z(G)=G'=\Phi(G)$ and $G/Z$ is elementary abelian.
Oct 1
We discussed Philip Hall's 1940 paper in which he introduced isoclinism of groups. We saw that in an extraspecial $p$-group $G$, the Hall structure Hall($G,[x,y]$) ``is'' a vector space over $\mathbb F_p$ equipped with a nondegenerate, alternating, bilinear form.
Oct 4
We showed that simplectic spaces over $\mathbb F$ are determined up to isomorphism by their dimension. We outlined how this could be used to help classify extraspecial $p$-groups.
Oct 6
We discussed central products and outlined how they are used to describe extraspecial $p$-groups.
Oct 8
We defined nongenerators, the Frattini subgroup, and the Fitting subgroup. We explained why

(1) $\textrm{Frat}(G)$ and $\textrm{Fit}(G)$ are characteristic subgroups.
(2) The Frattini subgroup of $G$ is the set of nongenerators of $G$.
(3) The Frattini subgroup of a finite group is nilpotent.
(4) Fitting's Theorem: the join of two nilpotent normal subgroups is a nilpotent normal subgroup.
(5) If $G$ is a finite solvable group and $F$ is its Fitting subgroup, then $C_G(F)=(0:F)_G$ is equal to $Z(F)$.

We discussed how the Fitting subgroup ``controls/determines'' the structure of a finite solvable group. Namely, if $\textrm{Fit}(G)=F$ and $\Gamma\colon G\to \textrm{Aut}(F)\colon g\mapsto \gamma_g$ has kernel $(0:F)_G = Z(F)$ and image $I\leq \textrm{Aut}(F)$, then there is an exact sequence $$ 0\to Z(F)\to G\to I\to 0$$ where $I$ is a solvable subgroup of $\textrm{Aut}(F)$ containing $\textrm{Inn}(F)$. This shows that, given finite nilpotent $F$, there are finitely many finite, solvable $G$ such that $F=\textrm{Fit}(G)$.

Oct 11
We began discussing the definition and basic properties of the transfer (Section 10.1 only).

(1) We discussed the transfer (Verlagerung) $V_{G\to H}(x)$ of $G$ into an abelian subgroup $H\leq G$ of finite index and transfer $V_{G\to K}(x)$ of $G$ into an arbitrary abelian group $K$.
(2) If $R=(r_1,\ldots,r_n)$ and $S=(s_1,\ldots,s_n)$ are ordered transversals for $H$ in $G$, and $Hr_i=Hs_i$ holds for all $i$, then define $(R|S)= \overline{\prod r_is_i^{-1}}$. We showed
(i) $(R|S)^{-1}=(S|R)$.
(ii) $(R|S)(S|T)=(R|T)$.
(iii) $(\forall g\in G)$ $(Rg|Sg)=(R|S)$.
(iv) $(\forall R, S)(\forall g\in G)$ $(Rg|R)=(Sg|S)$.
(v) $V(g)=(Rg|R)$.
(vi) $V$ is a group homomorphism.
(3) Formula for $V$: $V(g)=\overline{(s_1g^{k_1}s_1^{-1})\cdots (s_ug^{k_u}s_u^{-1})}$.
(4) If $H\leq Z(G)$, $[G:H]=n$, then $V_{G\to H}(x)=x^n$.

Oct 13
We continued discussing basic properties of the transfer. We noted that if $[G:H]=n$ and $H$ has a normal complement $T$, then $V_{G\to H}(x)\equiv x^n\pmod{[H,H]}$ for $x\in H$ and $V_{G\to H}(x)\equiv 1\pmod{[H,H]}$ for $x\in T$. We began discussing whether the converse is true, and stated the Burnside Normal $p$-Complement Theorem.
Oct 15
We proved:
(1) If $P\in \textrm{Syl}_p(G)$, then $N_G(P)$ controls fusion in $C_G(P)$.
(2) If $P\in \textrm{Syl}_p(G)$ and $N_G(P)=C_G(P)$, then $P$ is abelian and no $x,y\in P$, $x\neq y$, are conjugate in $G$.
(3) The Burnside Normal $p$-Complement Theorem.
(4) B's N/C Theorem leads to a quick classification of simple groups of order $60$.

We stated:
(5) (Thm 10.1.6 of Robinson) If $P\in \textrm{Syl}_p(G)$ is abelian and $N=N_G(P)$, then $\textrm{im}(V_{G\to P})= C_P(N)$, $\textrm{ker}(V_{G\to P})|_P= [P,N]$, and $P\cong C_P(N)\times [P,N]$.
(6) (Thm 5.20 of Isaacs) If $P\in \textrm{Syl}_p(G)$, then $\textrm{ker}(V_{G\to P_{\tt ab}})= {\bf A}^p(G)$.
(7) The classification of finite groups with cyclic subgroups.

Oct 18
We proved Item (7) from October 15: a group with cyclic Sylow subgroups has the form $\mathbb Z_m\rtimes \mathbb Z_n$ for some $m, n$ satisfying $\gcd(m,n)=1$. (The theorem of Hölder-Burnside-Zassenhaus.) As a corollary, we obtain a characterization of those numbers $n$ such that the only group of order $n$ is the cyclic group $\mathbb Z_n$.
Oct 20
We discussed
(1) Theorem. (Schur) If $[G:Z(G)]<\infty$, then $|[G,G]|<\infty$.
(2) Theorem. If $G$ is f.g. and $[G:H]<\infty$, then $H$ is f.g.
(3) Theorem. If $\mathbb A$ is a f.g. algebraic structure with finitely many basic operations and $\theta$ is a congruence of finite index on $\mathbb A$, then $\theta$ is finitely generated.
Oct 22
We discussed the group determinant.
Oct 25
We finished the group determinant slides, and introduced some of the basic definitions concerning the representation of groups.
Oct 27
We discussed the main ideas for the representation theory of finite groups over the complex numbers. We discussed the isomorphism types for $\mathbb Q[\mathbb Z_p]$, $\mathbb R[Q_8]$, and $\mathbb C[Q_8]$. We defined and discussed $k$-algebras in the case where $k$ is a field. (E.g., $k, M_n(k), k[G]$.) We noted that there are $2^{2^{\aleph_0}}$-many distinct ways to view $\mathbb C$ as a $\mathbb C$-algebra, but the most natural one arises from the identity embedding $\mathbb C\hookrightarrow\mathbb C$.
Oct 29
We proved that $\textrm{Hom}_{k-\textrm{alg}}(k[G],\mathbb A)\cong \textrm{Hom}_{\textrm{Grp}}(G,\mathbb A^{\times})$. We proved Maschke's Theorem. We discussed semisimple modules and algebras.
Nov 1
We discussed the structure of the $\mathbb C$-algebra $\mathbb C[G]$ when $G$ finite, along with some properties of its category of modules.
Nov 3
We completed the semisimplicity handout. We discussed the representations of $S_3$.
Nov 5
We started discussing properties of characters.
Nov 8
We computed $K_{\chi_i}$ and $Z_{\chi_i}$ for $S_3$ and $Q_8$, for all $i$, and showed how to recover the normal subgroup lattice of the group from this information. We saw how to determine the indices between normal subgroups. We started explaining how to determine solvability of a group from the character table. For this we showed:
(1) If $G$ is a finite subdirect product of simple groups, then it is a full product of some subset of the factors.
(2) If $G$ is a finite characteristically simple group, then $G$ is a power of a finite simple group.
Nov 10
We compared the character tables for $S_3$ and $S_4$, computing $K_{\chi}$ for all $\chi\in\textrm{Irr}(G)$ for both groups. We completed part of the Monday discussion by explaining why:
(3) A minimal normal subgroup of a finite group is characteristically simple.
(4) A subset of a finite group $G$ is a normal subgroup iff it is the intersection of kernels of irreducible characters.
(5) A finite group is solvable iff it has a chief series whose factors have prime-power order.
(6) A group of order $p_1^{e_1}\cdots p_r^{e_r}$ is nilpotent iff it has normal subgroups of order $p_i^{e_i}$ for all $i$.

We defined the regular representation of a group. We defined inflation of a representation or character. We explained the relationship between the irreducible characters of $G/N$ and the irreducible characters $\chi$ of $G$ satisfying $K_{\chi}\supseteq N$.

Nov 12
We discussed the relationship between the character tables of $Q_8$ and $Q_8/Z(Q_8)$. We discussed Theorems (12) and (13) of this handout.
Nov 15
We finished discussing Page 1 of this handout (the part that involves Dimension and Kernel and Center).
Nov 17
We worked through these slides up to, but not including, the determination of $\chi_{U^*}$ from $\chi_U$.
Nov 19
We completed the last two pages of these slides and then completed these slides.
Nov 29
(Orthogonality relations) We continued the discussion of this handout following these slides.
Dec 1
We completed the orthogonality slides, as well as most of the integrality slides.
Dec 3
André Davis gve a lecture about formal group laws. This included
(1) The definition.
(2) Many examples of formal group laws.
(3) A description of the functor that assigns to a commutative ring its set of formal group laws.
(4) The statement that the functor is representable by the Lazard Ring $L$.

We finished the integrality slides, and thereby completed this handout.

At the end of the lecture, we noted that (i) if $\rho\colon G\to \textrm{GL}(m,\mathbb C)$ is an irreducible representation of $G$ and $\varepsilon\colon G\to G$ is an automorphism, then $\rho\circ \varepsilon$ is an irreducible representation of $G$, and (ii) if $\varphi\colon \textrm{GL}(m,\mathbb C)\to \textrm{GL}(n,\mathbb C)$ is a surjective homomorphism, then $\varphi\circ \rho$ is an irreducible representation. (Most important special cases of (ii): $\varphi = \det$ or $\varphi$ is induced by an automorphism of $\mathbb C$.)

Dec 6
We discussed examples and applications of character tables following these slides. This included
(1) Character tables of abelian groups.
(2) Character tables of product groups.
(3) Character tables of $Q_8$ and $D_4$.
(4) Burnside's $p^aq^b$ Theorem.
Dec 8
We completed these slides. This included
(1) Character table of $A_5$.
(2) Proof that if a character $\psi$ satisfies $\psi(1)=p^k$ and $P\in \textrm{Syl}_p(G)$, then $\psi$ vanishes on $Z(P)-\{1\}$.
(3) Proof that if a character vanishes on $H-\{1\}$, then it is an integer multiple of the regular character on $H$.
(4) Proof that if $G$ is a nonabelian simple group and some character $\psi$ satisfies $\psi(1)=p$, then the Sylow $p$-subgroups of $G$ are cyclic of order $p$.