About Braids Snake Lemma Dihedral group Graph theory Siegel Plane Topology

The Purpose of this Website

This website is home to several original interactive math visualizations covering topics in number theory, graph theory, abstract algebra, and more. Being able to physically interact with graphical representations is not only pretty and satisfying, but can also lead to surprisingly deep insights on even familiar topics!

About the Visualizations

The visualizations on this website were created using Javascript, HTML, and CSS, along with a few other tools:

  • Paper JS, a light-weight Javascript library for use with the HTML canvas. This is the primary tool used in most of the visualizations on this website. Examples, tutorials, and references on its use can be found at its webpage.
  • The Desmos online calculator, a free graphing calculator which allows for animations by using variable sliders and for user interaction with click-and-drag points. Desmos' simple, powerful, and satisfying framework provided the inspiration for this website.
  • MathQuill and MathJax are Javascript libraries for math typesetting. MathQuill allows users to type math ``naturally" and then converts this into LaTeX and displays the typeset result, but is limited in the math symbols that it supports. MathJax has support for most LaTeX commands but is not as friendly for user input.

If you are interested in learning about how these visualizations were created, feel free to contact me or to check out the source code. If you are interested in learning front-end web development, I highly recommend the Mozilla Developer Network course here.

About the Author

Carly Matson received her Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Colorado at Boulder in May of 2020. In 2021 she began learning Javascript and using it to create interactive math visualizations. Check out her webpage and Github.