/* Processing.js code for "Shift similarity diagram" of primes mod n Written by Sebastian Bozlee on 9/28/2018 Email: sebastian dot bozlee AT colorado dot edu */ // Global variables int size_o_screen = 800; int frames_mouse_held = 0; int animation_delay_frames = 5; int mouse_is_over = false; PImage img; int modulus = 3; int[] sequence; int text_ascent; int text_descent; int text_padding = 3; // Perhaps bad style, but I don't think we have enum types. Let's pretend. int ENUM_PRIME_SEQ = 0; int ENUM_FIBONACCI_SEQ = 1; int ENUM_LUCAS_SEQ = 2; int ENUM_RECAMAN_SEQ = 3; int ENUM_THUE_MORSE_SEQ = 4; int ENUM_EDS_SEQ = 5; // Hope to eventually make this variable accessible from the UI. int which_sequence = ENUM_FIBONACCI_SEQ; // --------------------- // Utility functions // --------------------- boolean isPrime(int n) { if (n <= 1) return false; for (int i = 2; i*i <= n; i++) { if (n % i == 0) return false; } return true; } // Returns the multiplicative inverse of n modulo m between 1 and m, // Assumes m is prime and n has an inverse. int inverseModulo(int n, int m) { int n_inv = 1; while ((n_inv * n) % m != 1) n_inv++; return n_inv; } // Creates a table of inverses modulo m for fast computation. // Assumes m is prime. int[] createInverseTable(int m) { int[] inv = new int[m]; inv[0] = -1; // Not using that spot. for (int i = 1; i < m; i++) inv[i] = inverseModulo(i, m); return inv; } // Draws a textbox with string s, upper left coordinate (x,y), // and background color (r,g,b). void textBox(String s, int x, int y, int r, int g, int b) { fill(0); rect(x - text_padding, y - text_ascent - text_padding, textWidth(s) + 2*text_padding, text_ascent + text_descent + 2*text_padding); fill(r, g, b); text(s, x, y); } // Some sequences need to be recomputed when the modulus changes, // while others do not. The first ones are computed during "setup" // while latter are computed during an "update." // ---------------------------------- // Code for setting up sequences. // ---------------------------------- // Sets up whatever sequence we've chosen for this run. // Responsible for knowing which sequences need setup. void setupSequence(int num_terms, int m) { sequence = new int[num_terms]; switch (which_sequence) { case ENUM_PRIME_SEQ: setupPrimes(); break; case ENUM_FIBONACCI_SEQ: updateFibonacci(m); break; case ENUM_LUCAS_SEQ: updateLucas(m); break; case ENUM_RECAMAN_SEQ: setupRecaman(); break; case ENUM_THUE_MORSE_SEQ: updateThueMorse(m); break; case ENUM_EDS_SEQ: updateEDS(m); break; } } void setupPrimes() { int insertion_point = 0; for (int n = 2; insertion_point < sequence.length; n++) { boolean n_looks_prime = true; for (int i = 0; i < insertion_point; i++) { if (n % sequence[i] == 0) { // Failed the divisibility test. Try next n. n_looks_prime = false; continue; } } if (n_looks_prime) { // Passed the divisibility test. Record n. sequence[insertion_point] = n; insertion_point++; } } } // Credit to Daniel void setupRecaman() { // 0th bit of seen[0] is i=0 // Adjusted size to accommodate triangular numbers - don't think it's necessary, // but I can't think of a better bound on the Recaman sequence. long seen[] = new long[(sequence.length*(sequence.length+1) + 127)/128]; for(int i = 0; i < sequence.length; i++) { sequence[i] = -1; seen[i] = 0; } sequence[0] = 0; seen[0] = 1; for(int i = 1; i < sequence.length; i++) { sequence[i] = sequence[i-1] - i; if(sequence[i] < 0) { sequence[i] = sequence[i-1] + i; long bit = sequence[i] & 0x3F; int pos = (int)(sequence[i] >> 6); seen[pos] |= 1 << bit; } else { long bit = sequence[i] & 0x3F;//n % 64 int pos = (int)(sequence[i] >> 6);//n / 64 if(((seen[(int)pos] >> bit) & 1) != 0) { sequence[i] = sequence[i-1] + i; bit = sequence[i] & 0x3F; pos = (int)(sequence[i] >> 6); seen[pos] |= 1 << bit; } else { seen[pos] |= 1 << bit; } } } } // -------------------------------- // Code for updating sequences. // -------------------------------- // Update sequence if necessary. void updateSequence(int m) { switch (which_sequence) { case ENUM_PRIME_SEQ: // Nothing to do. break; case ENUM_FIBONACCI_SEQ: updateFibonacci(m); break; case ENUM_LUCAS_SEQ: updateLucas(m); break; case ENUM_RECAMAN_SEQ: // Nothing to do. break; case ENUM_THUE_MORSE_SEQ: updateThueMorse(m); break; case ENUM_EDS_SEQ: updateEDS(m); break; } } void updateFibonacci(int m) { sequence[0] = 0; sequence[1] = 1; for (int i = 2; i < sequence.length; i++) { sequence[i] = (sequence[i - 1] + sequence[i - 2]) % m; } } void updateLucas(int m) { sequence[0] = 2; sequence[1] = 1; for (int i = 2; i < sequence.length; i++) { sequence[i] = (sequence[i - 1] + sequence[i - 2]) % m; } } void updateEDS(int modulus) { if (!isPrime(modulus)) { for (int i = 0; i < sequence.length; i++) sequence[i] = 0; return; } sequence[0] = 1; sequence[1] = 1; sequence[2] = -1; sequence[3] = 1; int[] inv = createInverseTable(modulus); // The general formula is // W_{n + m} W_{n - m} W_r^2 = W_{n + r} W_{n - r} W_m^2 - W_{m + r} W_{m - r} W_n^2 // where r < m < n for (int i = 5; i < sequence.length + 1; i++) { boolean found_relation = false; // Iterate over all triples (r, n, m) so that n + m = i and r < m < n until one "works." int r; int m; int n; for (r = 1; r < i - r && !found_relation; r++) { for (m = r + 1; m < i - m && !found_relation; m++) { n = i - m; int denominator = (sequence[n - m - 1] * sequence[r - 1] * sequence[r - 1]) % modulus; // Fix for non-mathy modular behavior (negative results when modding a negative number.) denominator = (denominator + modulus) % modulus; if (denominator != 0) { // Again, the formula is: // W_{n + m} W_{n - m} W_r^2 = W_{n + r} W_{n - r} W_m^2 - W_{m + r} W_{m - r} W_n^2 // Here we've solved for W_{n + m} a.k.a. sequence[i - 1]. // The reason for the -1s everywhere is that the math formulas are 1-indexed while Processing.js is 0-indexed. sequence[i - 1] = ( ( sequence[n + r - 1] * sequence[n - r - 1] * sequence[m - 1] * sequence[m - 1] - sequence[m + r - 1] * sequence[m - r - 1] * sequence[n - 1] * sequence[n - 1] ) * inv[denominator] ) % modulus; // Non-mathy mod fix. sequence[i - 1] = (sequence[i - 1] + modulus) % modulus; /* if (i < 15) { println("i : " + i + ", W : " + sequence[i - 1] + ", d : " + denominator + ", mod " + modulus + ", r: " + r + ", m: " + m + ", n: " + n); }*/ found_relation = true; } } } } } // Now is a generalized Thue-Morse, i.e. // nth term is the sum of the base-m digits of n mod m. void updateThueMorse(int m) { sequence[0] = 0; for (int i = 1; i < sequence.length; i++) { int q = i; int sum = 0; while (q != 0) { int r = q % m; q = (q - r) / m; sum += r; } sequence[i] = sum % m; } } // Setup the Processing Canvas void setup() { size( size_o_screen, size_o_screen ); frameRate( 15 ); PFont fontA = loadFont("times"); textFont(fontA, 14); text_ascent = textAscent(); text_descent = textDescent(); setupSequence(2*size_o_screen, modulus); // allocate image ahead of time - reduces lag img = createImage(size_o_screen, size_o_screen, RGB); update_img(); } void mouseOver() { mouse_is_over = true; } void mouseOut() { mouse_is_over = false; } void update_img() { updateSequence(modulus); for (int x = 0; x < size_o_screen; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < size_o_screen; y++) { if ((sequence[x + y] - sequence[x]) % modulus == 0) { img.pixels[size_o_screen*y + x] = color(255); } else { img.pixels[size_o_screen*y + x] = color(0); } } } } // Main draw loop void draw() { // Faster to draw to an image first than directly on the screen. // Logic for whether to change modulus, update the image if necessary. if (mousePressed && (mouseButton == LEFT)) { if (frames_mouse_held == 0 || frames_mouse_held >= animation_delay_frames) { modulus++; update_img(); } frames_mouse_held++; } else if (mousePressed && (mouseButton == RIGHT)) { if ((frames_mouse_held == 0 || frames_mouse_held >= animation_delay_frames) && modulus > 2) { modulus--; update_img(); } frames_mouse_held++; } else { frames_mouse_held = 0; } // Display the image image(img, 0, 0); textBox("shift similarity of sequence mod m = " + modulus, size_o_screen - 350, size_o_screen - 25, 255, 255, 255); /*if (mouse_is_over) { textBox("(" + sequence[mouseX] + ", " + sequence[mouseX + mouseY] + ") -> (" + sequence[mouseX] % modulus + ", " + sequence[mouseX + mouseY] % modulus + ")", mouseX + 8, mouseY + 8, 255, 255, 255); }*/ }