List of recent publications for Judith A. Packer
- "Spectral triples on noncommutative solenoids from the standard spectral triples on quantum tori" (with C. Farsi and F. Latremoliere), accepted, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
- "Simplicity of *-algebebras of non-Hausdorff Z_2 - multispinal groupoids"
(with C. Farsi, N. Larsen, and N. Thiem), accepted, Journal of Pure and Applied Functional Analysis.
- "Spectral triples for noncommutative solenoids and a Wiener's Lemma" (with C. Farsi, T.B. Landry, and N. Larsen), J. Noncommut. Geom. 18 (2024), 1415-1452.
- "Convergence of induction sequences of spectral triples for the apectral propinquity" (with C. Farsi and F. Latremoliere), Advances in Mathematics 437 (2024), paper no. 109442.
- "Cocycles on groupoids arising from N^k actions" (with C. Farsi, L. Huang, and A. Kumjian), Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 42 (2022), 3325-3356.
- "Decompositing the wavelet representation for shifts by wallpaper groups" (with L. Baggett, K. Merrill, and K. Taylor), Journal of Fourier Anal. and Appl. 27 (2021), paper no. 6.
- "Generalized gauge actions for k-graph C*-algebras" (with C. Farsi, E. Gillaspy, and N. Larsen), Indiana University Mathematics Journal 70 (2021), 669-609.
- "Spectral triples for higher-rank graph C*-algebras" (with C. Farsi, E. Gillaspy, A. Julien, and S. Kang), Math. Scand. 126 (2020), 321-338.
- "Monic representations of finite higher-rank graphs" (with C. Farsi, E. Gillaspy, P. Jorgensen, and S. Kang), Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 40 (2020), 1238-1267.
- "Yang-Mills connections on quantum Heisenberg manifolds" (with S. Kang and F. Luef), Journal
of Math. Anal. and Appl. 483 (2020), 123604.
- "Wavelets and spectral triples for higher-rank graphs" (with C. Farsi, E. Gillaspy, A. Julien, and S. Kang), Journal of Math. Anal. and Appl. 482 (2020), 123572.
- ""Noncommutative solenoids" (with F. Latremoliere), New York Journal of Mathematics, 24a (2018), 155-191.
- "Representations of higher-rank graph C*-algebras associated to Lambda-semibranching function systems" (with C. Farsi, E. Gillaspy, P. Jorgensen, and S. Kang), Journal of Math. Anal.
and Appl. 468 (2018), 766-798.
- "Purely atomic representations of higher-rank graph C*-algebras" (with C. Farsi, E. Gillaspy, P. Jorgensen, and S. Kang), Integral Equations and Operator Theory 90 (6) (2018), UNSP
- "Wavelets and spectral triples for fractal representations of Cuntz algebras" (with C. Farsi, E. Gillaspy, A. Julien, and S. Kang), Contemporary Mathematics 687, Problems and Recent
Methods in Operator Theory, (F. Botelho, R. King, and T.S.S.R.K. Rao, eds.), American
Mathematical Society, 2017, pp. 103-133.
- "Noncommutative solenoids and the Gromov-Hausdorff proprinquity" (with F. Latremoliere), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc 145 (2017), 2043-2057.
- "Wavelets and graph C*-algebras" (with C. Farsi, E. Gillaspy, and S. Kang), in Excursions in
Harmonic Analysis, Vol. 5 (R. Balan R, J.J. Benedetto, W. Czaja, M. Dellatorre, and K. Okoudjou, eds.), Birkhauser Verlag, 2017, pp. 35-86.
- "Separable representations, KMS states, and wavelets for higher-rank graphs" (with C. Farsi,
E. Gillaspy, and S. Kang), Journal of Math. Anal. and Appl. 434 (2016), 241-270.
- "Quantum Heisenberg manifolds as twisted groupoid C*-algebras" (with S. Kang and A. Kumjian),
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 425 (2015), 1039-1060.
- "Explicit construction of equivalence bimodules between noncommutative solenoids" (with F. Latremoliere), Contemporary Mathematics., v. 650 (2015), pp. 111-140.
- "Noncommutative solenoids and their projective modules" (with F. Latremoliere), Contemporary Mathematics, v. 603 (2013), pp. 35-53.
- "Probability measures on solenoids corresponding to fractal wavelets" (with L. Baggett, K. Merrill, and A. Ramsay),
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 364 (2012) 2723-2748.
- "Classification of generalized multiresolution analyses" (with L. Baggett, V. Furst, and K. Merrill),
Journal of Functional Analysis, 258 (2010), 4210-4228.
- "Direct limits, multiresolution analyses, and wavelets"
(with L. Baggett, N. Larsen, I. Raeburn, and A. Ramsay), Journal of Functional Analysis, 258 (2010), 2714-2738.
- "Generalized filters, the low-pass condition, and connections to multiresolution analyses"
(with L. Baggett, V. Furst, and K. Merrill),
Journal of Functional Analysis, 257 (2009), 2760-2779.
- "Generalized multiresolution analyses with given multiplicity
functions" (with L. Baggett, N. Larsen, K. Merrill, and I. Raeburn),
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 15 (2009), 616-633.
- "A survey of projective multi-resolution analyses, and a projective multi-resolution analysis
corresponding to the quincunx lattice", in "Representations, Wavelets, and Frames: A Celebration
of the Mathematical Work of Lawrence W. Baggett", (P.E.T. Jorgensen, K.D. Merrill, J.A. Packer,
eds.), Boston: Birkhauser, 2008, pp. 239-272.
- "Fractal wavelets of Dutkay-Jorgensen type for the Sierpinski gasket
space", (with Jonas D'Andrea and Kathy Merrill), Contemporary
Mathematics, v. 451, (2008), pp. 69-88.
- "Projective representations and the Mackey obstruction - a survey", Contemporary Mathematics, v. 449 (2008), pp. 345-378.
- "A non-MRA C^r frame wavelet with rapid decay", (with Lawrence Baggett,
Kathy Merrill, and Palle Jorgensen), Acta
Applicandae Mathematicae 89 (2006), 251-270.
- "Construction of Parseval wavelets from redundant filter systems", (with
L. Baggett, P. Jorgensen, and K. Merrill), J. Math. Physics, 46, 083502 (2005).
- "Projective multiresolution analyses for dilations in higher dimensions,"
J. Operator Theory 57 (2007), 147-172.
- "Projective multiresolution analyses for L^2(R^2)," (with M.A. Rieffel),
J. Fourier Analysis and Applications, 10 (2004), 439-464.
- "Analogs of Brattelli-Jorgensen loop group actions for GMRAs," (with
L. Baggett, P. Jorgensen, and K. Merrill), Contemporary Mathematics v. 345, (2004), p. 11-25.
- "Applications of the work of Stone and von Neumann to the theory of wavelets", Contemporary Mathematics v. 365, (2004), pp. 253-279.
- "Wavelet filter functions, the matrix completion problem,
and projective modules over C(T^n)"
(with M.A. Rieffel), J. Fourier Analysis
and Applications, 9 (2003), 101-116.
- " A direct integral decomposition of the wavelet representation",
(with L.H. Lim and K. Taylor), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 129 (2001),
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Department of Mathematics
Judith A. Packer
Last Modified: February 18, 2023