Math 2135 Fall 24

MATH 2135: Linear Algebra for Math Majors (Fall 2024)

MWF 9:05-9:55 am, RAMY N1B75

Peter Mayr

Schedule and assignments

Office hours

Math 310
M 11:15-12:15 pm
W 12:00-1:00 pm or by appointment

Course description

Linear algebra is not only about solving systems of linear equations and calculating with vectors. Its applications are everywhere in math, physics, computer science, and engineering. For example, it provides tools for computer graphics, fitting a line through a cloud of points, analyzing mappings in space, and the development of dynamical systems. We will cover the following topics:


There are many good linear algebra books. We will mainly follow this one but you are not required to buy it.


Homework problems are posted every Friday on the course website. Please submit your solutions as pdf on Canvas before class on the following Friday. I expect clearly organized and worded solutions (if you are able to type even better). Anything not legible will be marked as wrong. You are allowed and encouraged to discuss your assignments with others. However I ask you to follow this approach: First try to solve your problem on your own. If you get seriously stuck, discuss it with your colleagues, me, etc. In any case write up the solutions that you hand in alone.



Your final grade will be determined by the scores of your assignments, quizzes, midterms, and final exam. They are combined using the following weights: There is no make-up for late homework or missed quizzes. Instead the 3 lowest homework scores and the 3 lowest quiz scores will be dropped and not count towards the final grade.

Scientific writing

There is a variety of word-processing software for writing Mathematics. LaTeX is the most widespread. You can use it with many text editors or via some cloud-based service, like OverLeaf.

How to succeed in this class

  1. Go to class! It seems obvious, but learning the material in small portions 3 times a week is easier than reading up on it in some book by yourself. Always keep up with the topics. You may also get nerdy Math jokes.
  2. Ask questions early and often! If you are not sure about something, ask about it immediately -- no matter whether in class, in office hours, or by mail. Do not assume that you can skip or figure out things later that you do not understand now. If you are missing the basics, you may fall behind and struggle with more complicated concepts later in class.
  3. Do the work! The only way to learn stuff is to try it yourself. Strive to do all the homework assignments. Some will be more challenging than others. If you are stuck on the hard ones, discuss them with colleagues or ask for possible hints in office hours or by mail.
  4. Learn from mistakes! Look at all feedback you get on graded homework, quizzes, exams, etc. Make sure you understand where you went wrong and how to get the correct solution. In particular revise all relevant graded work before exams.
  5. Organize in study groups! Meet with classmates a couple of times a week to discuss lectures and homework. Still write up your solutions to assignments when you are alone, never in a group.
  6. Take advantage of office hours! If you cannot make it to the official hours, ask to meet at some other time. Office hours are an additional resource for you to discuss stuff for which there is no time during class. Come prepared! Try to solve homework problems alone before you ask for help and be ready to explain your thoughts and where you are stuck.

University regulations

I am happy to accommodate disabilities or religious observances, or to address you with a different name or pronoun than my roster indicates. Please contact me as soon as possible. For details on accomodations and university policies please see the official statements of the Division of Academic Affairs