Math 2001 Fall 20
MATH 2001: Introduction to Discrete Mathematics (Fall 2020)
Final Exam:
Topics on the final: [pdf]
Exam problems might look something like this: review problems solutions
Last office hours:
- T 2:15-3:00 pm
- W 9:15-10:00 am
- W 1:30 - 2:15 pm
The final is a self-timed take-home exam with the following rules:
- You are allowed to use lecture notes and the textbook. Still prepare for the exam like for the closed book midterms.
- You are NOT allowed to discuss the problems with other people or search the internet.
- You can start the exam on Canvas any time between Wednesday, 12/09, 4 pm, and Saturday, 12/12, 1:30 pm.
- Once you start the exam, you have 150 minutes to solve the problems on paper, scan the solutions and upload them to Canvas.
- Before starting, read these explanations on how to take a timed take-home exam on Canvas: link
- In case you lose internet connectivity or any other problem occurs before you can upload the solutions, email me the scanned solutions as soon as possible.
Numbers refer to sections in Hammack, Book of Proof.
- 08/24: Gauss formula for 1+2+...+n, Euclid's proof for infinitely many primes
- 08/26: sets and elements, equality by Axiom of Extensionality (1.1), subsets (1.3), empty set is a subset of any set
- 08/28: set builder notation, Axiom of Specification (1.1), Russell's paradox (1.10), Axiom of Replacement, cardinality (size) of sets (1.1)
- 08/31: unordered and ordered pairs (Axiom of Pairing), Cartesian products of 2 and more sets (1.2)
- 09/02: Axiom of Power Set, size of power set of a finite set (1.4), union (Axiom of Unions), intersection, difference, (1.5) complements (1.6), Venn diagrams (1.7)
- 09/04: laws of set operations, proving inclusion between sets
- 09/09: proving equality between sets, indexed unions and intersections (1.8)
- 09/11: review of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory, logical statements, and, or, not (2.1), truth tables
- 09/14: implication, different formulations and negation (2.3), logical equivalence (2.5)
- 09/16: if and only if (2.4), truth tables and Boolean functions
- 09/18: universal and existential quantifiers and their negations (2.7)
- 09/21: introduction to LaTeX, OverLeaf, first documents [tex], [pdf]
- 09/23: logic review, worksheet on negations
- 09/25: multiple quantifiers as game with spoiler and duplicator, counting lists with and without repetition of elements (3.1, 3.2)
- 09/28: review for midterm [pdf]
- 09/30: MIDTERM 1
- 10/02: review of midterm, permutations, factorial (3.4)
- 10/05: counting k-element subsets by binomial coefficients (3.5), Poison
- 10/07: Binomial Theorem (3.6), inclusion-exclusion (3.7)
- 10/09: integer solutions of x1+x2+...+xn = k, counting k-element multisets (3.8)
- 10/12: combinatorics review, lists with/without repetition where order matters/does not matter
- 10/14: divisibility for integers (4.2), direct proof, greatest common divisor
- 10/16: Euclidean algorithm (4.2), Bezout's identity (Prop 7.1), Die Hard
- 10/19: least common multiple, division algorithm, proof by contradiction
- 10/21: primes, Euclid's lemma, contrapositive proof, weighing coins
- 10/23: proof strategies (direct, contrapositive, contradiction, see handout `Proof strategies'), irrationality of the square root of 2 (6.1)
- 10/26: integers modulo n, Diffie-Hellman key exchange (Section 7 of handout `Integers')
- 10/28: induction proofs: sum 1+3+...+(2n-1), Binomial Theorem, Bernoulli's inequality (10.1)
- 10/30: strong induction, minimal counterexample: prime factorization of integers (10.1 and Section 8 of handout `Integers')
- 11/02: gcd and lcm via prime factorization (10, Section 8 of handout `Integers'), review for midterm [pdf]
- 11/04: MIDTERM 2
- 11/06: discussion of midterm, strong induction, unstacking boxes
- 11/09: relations: functions, reflexive, symmetric, antisymmetric, transitive relations, partial orders, equivalence relations (11.1, 11.2, 11.5 and Section 1 of handout `Relations')[pdf]
- 11/11: equivalence classes and partitions (11.3 and Section 2 of handout `Relations') [pdf]
- 11/13: integers modulo n, addition, multiplication well-defined (11.4) [pdf]
- 11/16: functions, domain, codomain, range (12.1), image, preimage of a set (12.6), injective, surjective, bijective functions (12.2, Section 1 of handout `Functions') [pdf]
- 11/18: pigeonhole principle (12.3) (Section 2 of handout `Functions') [pdf]
- 11/20: counting all/injective/surjective functions on finite sets, composition (12.4) (Sections 3 of handout `Functions') [pdf]
- 11/23: inverse relations and functions (12.5) (Section 4 of handout `Functions') [pdf]
- 11/25: inverse functions
- 11/30: cardinality of sets via bijections, |N| = |Z| (14.1), |R| = |[0,1]|, countably and uncountably infinite, Cantor's diagonal argument, |N| = |Q| (14.2), Continuum Hypothesis (14.4) [pdf]
- 12/02: Review: Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory, Axiom of Choice [pdf], worksheet on sets
- 12/04: Review: proving and disproving quantified statements [pdf]
- 12/07: Review: Integers mod n, invertible elements [pdf], worksheet on equivalences
- due 08/26 [pdf] [tex]
- due 09/04 [pdf] [tex], solutions [pdf]
- due 09/11 [pdf] [tex], solutions [pdf]
- due 09/18 [pdf] [tex], solutions [pdf]
- due 09/25 [pdf] [tex], solutions [pdf]
- due 10/02 [pdf] [tex] part preparation for midterm 1, solutions [pdf]
- due 10/09 [pdf] [tex], solutions [pdf]
- due 10/16 [pdf] [tex], solutions [pdf]
- due 10/23 [pdf] [tex], solutions [pdf]
- due 10/30 [pdf] [tex], solutions [pdf]
- due 11/06 [pdf] [tex] part preparation for midterm 2, solutions [pdf]
- due 11/13 [pdf] [tex], solutions [pdf]
- due 11/20 [pdf] [tex], solutions [pdf]
- due 12/04 [pdf] [tex], solutions [pdf]
Writing assignments
- due Monday 09/28, upload source code *.tex and compiled file *.pdf to Canvas [pdf]
- first draft due 10/12 [pdf] [tex], final draft due 10/19, see comments [pdf]
- first draft due 10/28 [pdf] [tex],
final draft due 11/02, see comments [pdf]
- first draft due 11/13 [pdf] [tex], final draft due 11/18
- first draft due 11/30 [pdf] [tex], final draft due 12/04, see comments [pdf]
Richard Hammack. The Book of Proof. Creative Commons, 3rd edition, 2018.
Available for free
Additional reading:
- Axioms of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory [pdf] [tex]
- How to show two sets are equal [pdf] [tex]
- Sets vs Logic [pdf] [tex]
- Combinatorics [pdf] [tex]
- Integers [pdf]
- Proof strategies [pdf] [tex]
- Relations [pdf] [tex]
- Functions [pdf] [tex]
Scientific writing
There is a variety of word-processing software for writing Mathematics.
LaTeX is the most widespread. You can use it with many text editors or
via some cloud-based service, like