Honor Code

The Student Honor Code system has been implemented in all schools and colleges. Details can be found here. Sanctions for honor violations may include: a failing grade for a particular assignment; a failing grade for a particular course; and/or suspension for various lengths of time or permanent expulsion from the university.

The university administration has asked faculty to provide very clear, explicit and detailed instructions about what constitutes plagiarism. In this course we will adhere to the definition drafted by the CU Law School: Plagiarism is the use of any written material which is submitted in a manner which purports or suggests that it is the work and effort of the person submitting it and that it was prepared by him or her as part or all of the task of completing the assignment, but which material is in substance the work of another or is material previously prepared by the student and which was previously submitted for, and which received, academic credit of any kind and the subsequent use of such material was not, in advance, specifically authorized by the faculty member for whom the work was being done.

Last modified on Jan 17, 2012.