The following list of publications is in reverse chronological order. The numbers are slightly out of reverse order, since numbers are associated to publications in agreement with the numbering system I use for record keeping. If you click on Reprint available or Preprint only below you will be given the opportunity to request the reprint/preprint using email. In your email message you must (a) identify which paper you want (by name or number) and (b) include your full postal address.

Publication List

60. Keith A. Kearnes and Ágnes Szendrei, Clones of finite groups. Submitted. Preprint only.

59. Keith A. Kearnes and Ágnes Szendrei, Groups with identical subgroup lattices in all powers. J. Group Theory. Preprint only.

58. Pawel Idziak, Keith A. Kearnes, Emil W. Kiss and Matthew A. Valeriote, Definable principal congruence and solvability. Preprint only.

57. Keith A. Kearnes and Luis Sequeira, Hausdorff properties of topological algebras. Algebra Universalis 47 (2002), 343-366. Reprint available.

56. Keith A. Kearnes, Residual smallness relativized to congruence types. Preprint only.

55. Keith A. Kearnes, Congruence join semidistributivity is equivalent to a congruence identity. Algebra Universalis 46 (2001), 373-387. Reprint available.

54. Keith A. Kearnes, Emil W. Kiss, Ágnes Szendrei and Ross D. Willard, Chief factor sizes in finitely generated varieties. Canad. J. Math. 54 (2002), 736-756. Reprint available.

53. Keith A. Kearnes and Emil W. Kiss, Residual smallness and weak centrality. Internat. J. Algebra Comput. 13 (2003), 35-59. Reprint available.

52. Keith A. Kearnes, Ágnes Szendrei and Japheth Wood, Generating singular transormations. Semigroup Forum 63 (2001), 441-448. Reprint available.

51. LeAnne Conaway and Keith A. Kearnes, Minimal sets in finite rings. Algebra Universalis. Preprint only.

50. Keith A. Kearnes and Emil W. Kiss, Left and right nilpotence are independent. Contributions to General Algebra, 13 (Velké Karlovice, 1999/Dresden, 2000), 189-198, Heyn, Klagenfurt, 2001. Reprint available.

49. Keith A. Kearnes and Ágnes Szendrei, Collapsing permutation groups. Algebra Universalis 45 (2001), 35-51. Preprint only.

48. Keith A. Kearnes, Almost all minimal idempotent varieties are congruence modular. Algebra Universalis 44 (2000), 39-45. Reprint available.

47. G. Czédli, R. Halas, K. A. Kearnes, P. P. Pálfy, and Á. Szendrei, The join of two minimal clones and the meet of two maximal clones. Algebra Universalis 45 (2001), 161-178. Reprint available.

46. Keith A. Kearnes, A characterization of locally finite varieties that satisfy a nontrivial congruence identity. Algebra Universalis 42 (1999), 195-204. Reprint available.

45. Keith A. Kearnes, Congruence modular varieties with small free spectra. Algebra Universalis 42 (1999), 165-181. Reprint available.

44. Keith A. Kearnes and Ágnes Szendrei, The residual character of strictly simple term minimal algebras. Algebra Universalis 42 (1999), 269-292. Reprint available.

43. Keith A. Kearnes, Categorical quasivarieties via Morita equivalence. J. of Symbolic Logic. 65 (2000), 839-856. Reprint available.

42. Keith A. Kearnes and Matthew A. Valeriote, A modification of Polin's variety. Algebra Universalis 41 (1999), 229-231. Reprint available.

41. Keith A. Kearnes and Ágnes Szendrei, The classification of commutative minimal clones. Discuss. Math. Algebra Stochastic Methods 19 (1999), 147-178. Reprint available.

40. Keith A. Kearnes, Subdirectly irreducible modes. Discuss. Math. Algebra Stochastic Methods 19 (1999), 129-145. Reprint available.

39. Keith A. Kearnes and Ross D. Willard, Residually finite congruence meet semidistributive varieties of finite type have a finite residual bound. (The previous version of this preprint was entitled The residual character of a congruence distributive variety.) Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 127 (1999), 2841-2850. Reprint available.

38. Keith A. Kearnes and Emil W. Kiss, Finite algebras of finite complexity. (The previous version of this preprint was entitled Strongly nilpotent algebras.) Discrete Math. 207 (1999), 89-135. Reprint available.

37. Keith A. Kearnes, Emil W. Kiss and Matthew A. Valeriote, A geometric consequence of residual smallness. (The previous version of this preprint was entitled Residually small varieties generated by simple algebras.) Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 99 (1999), 137-169. Reprint available.

36. Keith A. Kearnes and Ross D. Willard, Finiteness properties of locally finite abelian varieties. Internat. J. Algebra Comput. 9 (1999), 157-168. Reprint available.

35. Keith A. Kearnes and Emil W. Kiss, Modularity prevents tails. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 127 (1999), 11--19. Reprint available.

34. Keith A. Kearnes and Ágnes Szendrei, Projectivity and isomorphism of strictly simple algebras. Algebra Universalis 39 (1998), 45-56. Reprint available.

33. Béla Csákány and Keith A. Kearnes, Algebras whose subalgebras and reducts are trivial. Acta Sci. Math. 63 (1997), 377--379. Reprint available.

32. Keith A. Kearnes and Ágnes Szendrei, The relationship between two commutators. Internat. J. Algebra Comput. 8 (1998), 497-531. Reprint available.

31. Keith A. Kearnes and Ágnes Szendrei, Self-rectangulating varieties of type 5. Internat. J. Algebra Comput. 7 (1997), 511-540. Reprint available.

30. Keith A. Kearnes, The class of prime semilattices is not finitely axiomatizable. Semigroup Forum 55 (1997), 133-134. Preprint only.

29. Keith A. Kearnes, Critical algebras and the Frattini congruence, II. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 53 (1996), 91--100. Reprint available.

28. Keith A. Kearnes and Frank Vogt, Bialgebraic contexts from dualities. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 60 (1996), 389--404. Reprint available.

27. Keith A. Kearnes, Locally solvable factors of varieties. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 124 (1996), 3619--3625. Reprint available.

26. Keith A. Kearnes, Emil W. Kiss and Matthew A. Valeriote, Minimal sets and varieties. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. (1998), 1--41. Reprint available.

25. Keith A. Kearnes and Ágnes Szendrei, A characterization of minimal, locally finite varieties. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 349 (1997), 1749--1768. Reprint available.

24. Keith A. Kearnes, Cardinality bounds for subdirectly irreducible algebras. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 112 (1996), 293--312. Reprint available.

23. Keith A. Kearnes, A Hamiltonian property for nilpotent algebras. Algebra Universalis, 37 (1997), 403--421. Preprint only.

22. Keith A. Kearnes, Varieties with a difference term. Journal of Algebra 177 (1995), 926--960. Reprint available.

21. Keith A. Kearnes, Minimal clones with abelian representations. Acta Sci. Math. 61 (1995), 59--76. Reprint available.

20. Keith A. Kearnes, A quasi--affine representation. Internat. J. Algebra Comput. 5 (1995), 673-702. Reprint available.

18. Keith A. Kearnes, Varieties of semilattice modes, I. Algebra Universalis 34 (1995), 220--272. Reprint available.

19. Keith A. Kearnes, Varieties of semilattice modes, II. Algebra Universalis 34 (1995), 273--303. Reprint available.

17. Keith A. Kearnes, Every nearly idempotent plain algebra generates a minimal variety. Algebra Universalis 34 (1995), 322--325. Reprint available.

16. Keith A. Kearnes, Idempotent simple algebras. in Logic and Algebra, Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math. 180, 1996, 529--572. Preprint only.

15. Ralph Freese, Keith A. Kearnes and J. B. Nation, Congruence lattices of congruence semidistributive algebras. in ``Lattice Theory and its Applications'', Heldermann Verlag, 1995, 63--78. Reprint available.

14. Keith A. Kearnes and Ross D. Willard, Inherently nonfinitely based solvable algebras. Canadian Math. Bulletin 37 (1994), 514-521. Reprint available.

12. Paolo Aglianò and Keith A. Kearnes, Congruence semimodular varieties I: locally finite varieties. Algebra Universalis 32 (1994), 224--269. Reprint available.

13. Paolo Aglianò and Keith A. Kearnes, Congruence semimodular varieties II: regular varieties. Algebra Universalis 32 (1994), 270--296. Reprint available.

11. Keith A. Kearnes, Natural examples of quasivarieties with EDPM. Algebra Universalis 30 (1993), 598--600. Reprint available.

10. Keith A. Kearnes, An order--theoretic property of the commutator. Internat. J. Algebra Comput. 3 (1993), 491--533. Reprint available.

9. Keith A. Kearnes, Congruence permutable and congruence 3-permutable locally finite varieties. Journal of Algebra 156 (1993), 36--49. Reprint available.

8. Keith A. Kearnes and Ralph N. McKenzie, Commutator theory for relatively modular quasivarieties. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 331 (1992), 465--502. Reprint available.

7. Keith A. Kearnes, Type preservation in locally finite varieties with the CEP. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 43 (1991), 748--769. Reprint available.

6. Keith A. Kearnes, Finite algebras that generate an injectively complete variety. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 44 (1991), 303--324. Reprint available.

5. Keith A. Kearnes, Residual bounds for varieties of modules. Algebra Universalis 28 (1991), 448--452. Reprint available.

4. Keith A. Kearnes, Congruence lower semimodularity and 2-finiteness imply congruence modularity. Algebra Universalis 28 (1991), 1--11. Reprint available.

3. Keith A. Kearnes, Relatively congruence distributive subquasivarieties of a congruence modular variety. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 41 (1990), 87--96. Reprint available.

2. Keith A. Kearnes, Atomicity and nilpotence. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 42 (1990), 1--18. Reprint available.

1. Keith A. Kearnes, On the relationship between AP, RS and CEP. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 105 (1989), 827--839. Reprint available.

Last modified on June 20, 2003.