Eric Schechter

Associate Professor of Mathematics, Vanderbilt University
Office: (615) 322-6651
Home: (615) 662-4552 (before 9 pm please)
Fall 1996 tentative office hours: Mon 11-12, Thurs 12-1, Fri 11-12.

INTERESTS: Nonlinear functional analysis, particularly fixed points; the Axiom of Choice and its alternatives and their effects on functional analysis; initial value problems in Banach spaces. See also:Some link collections that I maintain:Brief bio:
I was born in 1950 in Washington, D.C., and grew up near there. At age 10 I read some of the books of Lillian and Hugh Lieber and Martin Gardner, and from then on I knew I wanted to be a mathematician. I obtained my Ph.D. at the University of Chicago in 1978. I taught at Duke University for two years before coming to Vanderbilt, where I am now an Associate Professor. I have done research on differential equations, fixed point theory, the Hahn-Banach Theorem, and the Axiom of Choice. My research slowed down for a few years while I worked on a large book that I considered to be important. I am married to Elvira Casal, an English teacher. We have two children, Lisa and Edgar, who insisted that I mention them here. When I am not doing mathematics, I like to read science fiction or surf the internet.
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