Kempner Colloquium


Unless otherwise stated, Kempner Colloquium talks will take place on Mondays at 4:15pm in BESC 180. Talks at nonstandard times or places will be indicated below by a red date, and the nonstandard time or place will be posted with the abstract to the talk. The room BESC 180 is the auditorium on the first floor of the Benson Earth Sciences building, which is immediately to the west of the Math Building. Talks will be preceded by coffee and cookies in the Commons Room (Math 350) at 3:45. Math 350 is on the third floor (Northeast corner) of the Mathematics Building.

Spring 2003 Schedule




February 17

Yang Wang,
Georgia Tech.
Wavelets, Tiling and Spectral Sets  [Abstract]
March 3
Ágnes Szendrei,
University of Szeged
Local Methods in General Algebra  [Abstract]
April 21
David Morrison,
Duke University
Algebraic Geometry and Duality in String Theory

Blank space
If you have any questions concerning this series, please contact the Colloquium Coordinator, Keith A. Kearnes, at

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