Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN, May 14-18 1996

Conference Home Page

The conference was a huge success, thanks to everyone who attended and thanks especially to the many who delivered talks. We missed not having Efim Zelmanov deliver the Shanks lectures, and we missed William Trotter's plenary lecture. This web site will remain active for several months with follow-up information on the conference.

Sorry for the delay in emailing a list of the conference participants to everyone. This summer has seemed especially busy for me (Steven Tschantz) but I'm still planning on doing this soon. We will email to participants and post here the list of participants with addresses and email addresses (this information is already available from individual's web pages).

Many of the photos of the conference taken by Margarida Sequiera have been digitized and entered in the computer by Kevin Blount. Any other information anyone would like to make available is also welcome. We expect to eventually merge some of this with our algebra web site. Any corrections or additions should be sent to

Conference Participants

Preconference Schedule (as of 5/8/96)


The second announcement for the conference is still available as four web pages, as a plain text document, as a latex source file, as a dvi file, or as a postscript file.

Additional links:

Pages of the second announcement:

First announcement

Vanderbilt Math Department Home Page

Reminder: you may have to RELOAD this page to get the most current version.

8/7/96 by ST