FROM METRIC SPACES TO EINSTEIN SPACES Gromov defined a notion of distance between isometry classes of compact metric spaces. Thus, the collection of all such isometry classes is itself, a metric space, M. Roughly speaking, two metric spaces are close in M if, ``to the naked eye'', they look the same (although when examined on a microscopic scale, they might look entirely different). Gromov showed that a certain important class of smoothly curved spaces, RIC_n, contained in M, consisting of n-dimensional Riemannian manifolds with a definite bound on diameter and lower bound on Ricci curvature, has the property that every sequence, M^n_i in RIC_n, has a subsequence which converges to some metric space Y in the closure of RIC_n. Because of the weak nature of the convergence, apriori, Y might not resemble a smoothly curved space in any reasonable way. On the other hand, knowledge of the extent to which some Y in the closure of RIC_n could fail to be smoothly curved, would provide information on the class, RIC_n, itself. How can one get such information? Starting with simple examples, we will discuss curvature and Gromov's notion of convergence of metric spaces. Then we will describe a theory (developed jointly with T. Colding) which governs the regularity and singularity structure of spaces Y in RIC_n. If we specialize further to the case of Einstein manifolds, spaces whose Ricci tensor is a constant multiple of the metric, stronger conclusions can be obtained. In this way, we get information on the manner in which Einstein metrics can degenerate. Lecture 1: Curvature and Gromov-Hausdorff convergence. Lecture 2: Spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below. Lecture 3: Degeneration of Einstein metrics.