Here is the email notice:

Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 20:28:42 +0800
From: Prof K. P. Shum 
Subject: ICM Satalite Conference in Algebra,HK

      I am writing to inform you that there will be an ICM Satalite
Conference in Algebra and related topics to be held in Hong Kong dated
14-17 August,2002.The registration fees will be US$150 including
meals.The conference Proceedings will be published by Springer-verlag
after the conference.( all the papers must be referred).The acomodation
will be in Hotel Riverside,nearby the Chinese Univversity of Hong
Kong.The price of the hotel will be HK$ 950 from 13-16 ( four nights)
August ( about US$120 for a twin room shared by two ) and HK$1850 for
single occupancy ( about US$ 240).The Travel agent will also help to
arrange tickets and hotels in Beijng for ICM dated 20-28 August in
Beijing.At present, about 200 people response to this conference and we
estimate that abouot 300 participants.
       If you are interested to come and give a talk, please kindly
inform me and I will send you the letters of invitation.There will be no
need for visa if visiting HK less than 14 days ( for European visitors
except Russia Region) but the organizer has to give the names to the
Immigration office in advance.The particpants of your confernece are
also welcome to Hong Kong.Thank you very much. Yours Sincerely, K P Shum
( Organizer of the ICM Satalite Conference in Algebra ( HK)).

Last modified on May 7, 2002.