Logic Seminar Abstracts

Title: Clones on infinite sets.
Speaker:  Agnes Szendrei
Affiliation:  CU
Time:  4pm, Wednesday, October 5
Location:  Math 350

I will present results of Michael Pinsker on the possible sizes of intervals in the lattice of clones on an infinite set.

Title: Clones on infinite sets.
Speaker:  Szendrei
Affiliation:  CU
Time:  4pm, Wednesday, October 12
Location:  Math 220

A continuation of the previous talk.

Title: Fubini's Theorem and the axiom of determinacy.
Speaker:  Dale Myers
Affiliation:  University of Hawaii
Time:  4pm, Wednesday, October 26
Location:  Math 220


Title: An Introduction to IF Logic.
Speaker:  Allen Mann
Affiliation:  CU
Time:  4pm, Wednesday, November 2
Location:  Math 350

In The Principles of Mathematics Revisited, (1996), Jaakko Hintikka argues that the received first-order logic is not the correct logic for the foundations of mathematics. He proposes independence-friendly (IF) logic as an alternative. In this talk, I will present IF logic and discuss some of its advantages and disadvantages.

Title: An Introduction to IF Logic.
Speaker:  Allen Mann
Affiliation:  CU
Time:  4pm, Wednesday, November 9
Location:  Math 220

A continuation of the previous talk.

Title: An Introduction to IF Logic.
Speaker:  Allen Mann
Affiliation:  CU
Time:  4pm, Wednesday, November 16
Location:  Math 350

A continuation of the previous talk.

Title: Overcoming Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems.
Speaker:  Everett Piper
Affiliation:  CU
Time:  4pm, Wednesday, November 30
Location:  Math 350

We are going to add the (uniform) reflection principle for PA to PA a transfinite number of times, and, using Feferman's construction, obtain the set of ALL true sentences of arithmetic in this manner.

Title:  Overcoming Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems.
Speaker:  Everett Piper
Affiliation:  CU
Time:  4pm, Wednesday, December 7
Location:  Room TBA

A continuation of the previous talk.

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