Mathematics 3130

Introduction to Linear Algebra

This document was last modified on: 05/06/2013 16:59:07 UTC

Homework is due in class and must be stapled, with your name on it, to receive credit.

You may find the Mathematics Help Room (MATH 175) to be useful in obtaining extra assistance with your homework.

You may find it useful to use a computer algebra system to help with matrix operations. 
The progam Mathematica is available free to students via the University of Colorado

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Date Topics covered Reading Homework Assignments
Monday January 14
Class introduction, review.
Review class notes

Wednesday January 16
Definition of a vector space, examples of vector spaces, sub-vector spaces.
Review class notes

Friday January 18
Linear maps, images, kernels. Read 2.1 HW1: Due Friday January 25
Problems A-F
Monday January 21
Wednesday January 23
Sec 2.1 Matrix multiplication.  Read 1.1
Friday January 25
Sec 1.1 Systems of linear equations. Read 1.2
HW 2: Due Friday January 31
Problems G-L
Sec 2.1: 1-12, 31, 32, 
Sec 1.1: 1-6, 11-14.
Monday January 28
Sec 1.2 Row reduction and echelon form.
Read 1.3-4

Wednesday January 30
Sec 1.3-4 Vector equations, the matrix equation Ax=b. Read 1.5

Friday January 31
Sec 1.5 Solution sets of linear systems.
Read 1.6-7 HW 3: Due Friday February 8
Sec 1.2: 2-14 even.
Sec 1.3: 2-8 even, 28, 32.
Sec 1.4: 2-20 even.
Monday February 4
Sec 1.7 Linear independence.
Read 1.8-9
Wednesday February 6
Sec 1.8-9 (Re)Introduction to linear transformations (linear maps), the matrix of a linear transformation.

Read 1.10
Friday February 8
Sec 1.10 Linear models in business, science and engineering.
Review HW 4: Due Friday February 15
Sec 1.5: 2-12 even, 18.
Sec 1.6:
1, 8, 12
Sec 1.7: 2, 6, 10, 18
Monday February 11
Homework review
Wednesday February 13
Review Review Sample Midterm I .pdf
Friday February 15

6-7 PM ECCR 200

(Extra time exams start at 5:30 PM in MATH 220)
Read 2.1-2 HW 5: Due Friday February 22
Sec 1.8: 2-24 even.
Sec 1.9:
2-22 even.
Sec 1.10:
1, 2, 8, 9, 10.
Monday February 18
Sec 2.1-2 Matrix operations, the inverse of a matrix.
Read 2.3
Wednesday February 20
Sec 2.3 Characterizations of invertible matrices.
Read 2.4-5
Friday February 22
Sec 2.4-5 Partitioned matrices and matrix factorizations.
Read 2.6
HW 6: Due Friday March 1
Sec 2.2: 2-28 even.
Sec 2.3: 2, 5, 6, 11, 12, 14, 24, 39.
Sec 2.4: 2-12 even.
Monday February 25
Sec 2.6 The Leontief input-output model.
Read 2.7

Wednesday February 27
Sec 2.7 Applications to computer graphics.
Read 2.8-9
Friday March 1
Sec 2.8-9 Subspaces of finite dimensional real vector spaces.
Read 3.1 HW 7: Due Friday March 8
Sec 2.5: 2-16 even.
Sec 2.6: 2-8 even.
Sec 2.7:
2-16 even.
Sec 2.8:
1-6, 15-20.
Monday March 4
Sec 3.1 Introduction to determinants.
Read 3.2
Wednesday March 6
Sec 3.2 Properties of determinants.
Read 3.3
Friday March 8
Sec 3.3 Cramer's Rule.
Read 4.1 HW 8: Due Friday March 15
Sec 2.9: 2, 4, 6, 14, 16, 18, 20
Sec 3.1: 2, 8, 10, 20, 26, 37, 38
Sec 3.2: 6, 10, 18, 21, 24, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35
Monday March 11
Sec 4.1 Vector spaces and sub-vector spaces.
Read 4.2
Wednesday March 13
Sec 4.2 Null spaces, column spaces and linear transformations.
Read 4.3
Friday March 15
Sec 4.3 Linearly independent sets, bases.
Review HW 9: Due Friday March 22
Sec 3.3: 6, 10, 12, 18, 22, 30
Sec 4.1: 1, 2, 6, 10, 26
Sec 4.2: 2, 4, 8, 12, 16

(The following problems are recommended, but do not turn them in:  Sec 4.1 28, 32, 33 and Sec 4.2 26, 28, 30, 33, 34)
Monday March 18
Homework review
Wednesday March 20
Review Review
Sample Midterm II .pdf
Friday March 22

6-7 PM ECCR 200

(Extra time exams start at 5:30 PM in MATH 220)
Read 4.4
HW 10: Due Friday April 5
Sec 4.3: 2, 4, 10, 11, 16, 22
Sec 4.4: 2, 4, 17, 18

(The following problems are recommended, but do not turn them in:  Sec 4.3 24, 26, 31 and Sec 4.4 27)
Week of March 25-March 29
Monday April 1
Sec 4.4 Coordinate systems.
Read 4.5
Wednesday April 3
Sec 4.5 The dimension of a vector space.
Read 4.6

Friday April 5
Sec 4.6 Rank.
Read 4.7
HW 11: Due Friday April 12
Sec 4.5:
4, 6, 14, 21
Sec 4.6: 1, 4, 10, 13, 15, 17
Sec 4.7: 1, 3, 7-10 (notes and solutions to a few problems on change of basis .pdf)

(The following problems are recommended, but do not turn them in:  Sec 4.5 22, 25, 29, 30 and Sec 4.6 20, 24, 27)
Monday April 8
Sec 4.7 Change of basis.
Read 4.8-9
Wednesday April 10
Sec 4.8-9 Applications to difference equations and Markov chains.
Read 5.1

Friday April 12
Sec 5.1 Eigenvectors and eigenvalues.
Read 5.2 HW 12: Due Friday April 19
Sec 4.9: 1, 4, 10, 19
Sec 5.1:
2, 6, 12, 16, 20

(The following problems are recommended, but do not turn them in: Sec 4.8 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 19, 20, 21 and Sec 5.1 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 30)
Monday April 15
Sec 5.2 The characteristic equation.
Read 5.3

Wednesday April 17
Sec 5.3 Diagonalization.
Read 6.1

Friday April 19 Sec 6.1 Inner product, length and orthogonality.
Read 6.2-3 HW 13: Due Friday April 26
Sec 5.3: 2, 6, 14, 22
Sec 6.1: 2, 4, 16, 19, 20
Sec 6.2: 4, 6, 11, 12, 17, 18

(The following problems are recommended, but do not turn them in:  Sec 5.3 27, 31, 32, Sec 6.1 24, 28, 30 and Sec 6.2 25, 28)
Monday April 22
Sec 6.2-3 Orthogonal sets and orthogonal projections.
Read 6.4

Wednesday April 24
Further topics

Friday April 26
Further topics
Review HW 14: Due Friday May 3
Sec 6.3:
2, 6, 8, 14, 22
Monday April 29
Further topics

Wednesday May 1
Homework review

Friday May 3
Review Sample Final .pdf
Monday May 6


7:30-10:00 PM FLMG 102
(Lecture Room)

Extra time starts at 7:00 PM in MATH 220
Thursday May 9

7:30-10:00 AM MUEN E417
(Lecture Room)

Extra time starts at 7:00 AM in MATH 220

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You may find it useful to use a computer algebra system to help with matrix operations.  The progam Mathematica is available free to students via the University of Colorado.

For those of you typing up your homework, you may want to consider learning to use LaTex.  If you have a mac, one possible easy way to get started is with texshop.  If you are using linux, there are a number of other possible ways to go, using emacs, ghostview, etc.  If you are using windows, you're on your own, but I'm sure there's something online.  Here is a sample homework file to use: (the .tex file, the .bib file, and the .pdf file).  It is probably easiest to just look at the .tex file, and start to experiment.  There is also the (Not so) short introduction to latex, which will answer most of your questions (although typing your question into your favorite search engine will probably work well, too).  You may also want to try for a cloud version.