This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMS-1758849 and DMS-1725563. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. This material was also funded by a Faculty Conference Award from CU Boulder's Research & Innovation Office.
SpeakerTitle (Click to view video)Comment
Mike Hill, UCLAMU and Formal Group Laws
Dylan Wilson, UChicagoBP, Landweber exactness and other examples
Mike Hill, UCLABousfield Localization and the Hasse Square
Dylan Wilson, UChicagoMorava E-thy and Morava K-thy and the stabilizer group
Agnès Beaudry, CU BoulderSome K(1)-local computations
Doug Ravenel, RochesterThe great conjectures
Mark Behrens, Notre DameComputational Chromatic Homotopy Theory
Paul Goerss, NorthwesternChromatic Splitting
Vesna Stojanoska, UIUCPicard Groups and Duality
SpeakerTitle (Click to view video)Comment
Jeremy Hahn, MITToward the C_p-fixed points of Morava E-theory
Nat Stapleton, KentuckyChromatic homotopy theory is asymptotically algebraic
Irina Bobkova, IASSpanier-Whitehead dual of TMF at p=2
Zhouli Xu, MITThe slice spectral sequence of a height 4 theory
Tomer SchlankAnabelian Bousfield lattice and presentable modesVideo not available
Eva Belmont, NorthwesternChromatic localization in an algebraic category
Takeshi ToriiA model for the K(n)-local stable homotopy categoryVideo not available
Tobias BarthelBlueshift and the equivariant thick subcategory theoremVideo not available
Prasit Bhattacharya, VirginiaOn beyond Zebra
Tyler Lawson, MinnesotaThe Adams-Novikov spectral sequence as a Goodwillie tower