
The lectures will take place in the Fleming Building, in lecture rooms 154, 155, 156, 157, and 104.
The break room and the book exhibit will be in an adjacent building called Kittredge Central.
The reception on Monday evening will be held in the Koenig Alumni Center.
These buildings are marked on a map provided among the Quick Links.


Registration will start at 8:00 a.m. on Monday morning in Kittredge Central.


Follow the Quick Link to lunch options to get a map that indicates areas on and near campus with a variety of restaurants/cafes that are open for lunch.

Campus wireless internet access

Free wireless internet access is available to all visitors to CU. Search for available networks on your device and choose UCB Guest. After accepting the Terms and Conditions you will be granted access for 18 hours. (This process may be repeated.) For more information, follow the Quick Link to the UCB Guest Wireless web page.

Copying and Mailing Services

There is a UPS store at the northwest corner of Kittredge Central (up the stairs).