Updated 11/8/2010

Please send comments, questions, and ideas to me here.

Forms package

This is a Maple package for doing computations involving differential forms.  It was written by Yunliang Yu of Duke University and maintained by him through Maple V, Release 4.  It has been revised for Maple V, Release 5 by myself, and for Maple 6 and higher by myself and Tom Ivey.

Changes and improvements as of 10/6/2004 include:
This package is posted here with Yunliang Yu's permission; installation instructions are included with each version.

Cartan package (formerly Cartan_Kahler)

This is a Maple package that I wrote for doing computations for the Cartan-Kahler analysis of linear Pfaffian systems.  It can compute structure equations, absorb the torsion whenever possible (and compute unabsorbable torsion when it is not possible), compute Cartan characters and test for involutivity, and compute prolongations. 

Changes and improvements as of 10/6/2004 include:

Changes as of 1/22/2008 (only for Maple 6-14) include:

Changes as of 11/8/2010 include:

The Forms package is used here with Yunliang Yu's permission; installation instructions are included with each version. WARNING: there appears to be an esoteric bug in the "solve" command in Maple 7 and 7.01 which sometimes prevents the package from working.  I don't know what to do about this except to use a different version of Maple.

The development of the Cartan package was partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMS-0908456.  Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).